Who Qualifies for a Postgraduate Diploma | Regenesys

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The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm S Forb

In a number of international accords the right to education is acknowledged as a human right. Most of us were taught the value of education as children. 


  • Why is education so crucial? 
  • What business management studies expose you to
  • Common reasons for pursuing postgraduate studies 
  • A postgraduate diploma will help differentiate you 
  • Who should consider enrolling for a postgraduate diploma?

Why is education so crucial? 

The truth is that education encompasses much more than simply being equipped for employment. Psychologist Jean Piaget asserted that each individual develops their own understanding through education, making meaning of the world.

While age has an impact on how we understand the world, process information, organise knowledge and experience, and act on them, instead of selecting an educational path on the basis of your age, you should take into account your mental, emotional, and social development. Your choice of education should be based on your ability and interests, not simply your previous academic achievement.

What business management studies expose you to

The reading a postgraduate business management studies requires will expose you to new ideas and practices, upgrading how you think and renewing your perspective.

In business, those with competence and experience make more profitable decisions than people who go by gut feel, intuition, and imagination. Formal education in management is important for ambitious professionals, especially in light of the difficult socioeconomic and business climate around the world. 

Common reasons for pursuing postgraduate studies 

These include:

  • Investing in career growth
  • Wanting to stand out in the job market
  • Developing a professional network 
  • Contributing to global knowledge 
  • Deepening your knowledge in a specialised area 
  • Improving your financial situation
  • Obtaining a recognised credential

A postgraduate diploma will help differentiate you 

Since the market value of a generic undergraduate degree has declined progressively in recent years, a postgraduate diploma will help you to stand out from the crowd. 

Besides the entry requirements for postgraduate studies like holding a bachelor’s degree and academic results depending upon the entry criteria set by the institution you want to study with, a more important consideration is the significance of the postgraduate qualification for you. Review the individual learning objectives and outcomes of suitable courses at a number of institutions to decide which offers the best fit for you.

postgraduate diploma

Who should consider enrolling for a postgraduate diploma?

Currently employed individuals 

It’s said that “if you’re not growing, you’re dying”. If you have an undergraduate degree or equivalent NQF level 7 qualification, and aspire to a managerial position, consider a postgraduate diploma as a stepping stone for your career growth. While experience counts in your favour, experience coupled with a formal educational qualification can accelerate your career growth. 

And while we are on the subject of experience, that may count in your favour for if you have an NQF level 6 qualification, in which case you may be able to apply to your chosen institution for recognition of prior learning (RPL) to skip level 7 and to go straight into the NQF level 8 postgraduate programme. 

If you apply to skip a level through recognition of prior learning at Regenesys, you will be required to take the R-mat test to assess whether you will be able to cope academically at NQF level 8.


Entrepreneurs are those with the ability to translate innovative ideas into commercial activities. Entrepreneurs with a formal qualification can benefit from the additional insight provided by a postgraduate qualification. 

Postgraduate programmes consist of a wide range of interactive events, including classroom discussions, debates, seminars, guest lectures, role plays, conversations, techniques and skills to be implemented straight away by an entrepreneur.

Business people

Business people who wish to enhance their organisational skills, problem-solving and communication ability, and team management should also consider a postgraduate diploma.

Homemakers and retirees

Homemakers and retired people can also consider updating their knowledge in preparation for starting new careers.

So what are you waiting for? Take the plunge and grab the opportunity to upgrade yourself for a promising future.

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Renu Jahagirdar BCom, MBA (HR), MPM, PhD candidate Senior Facilitator | Regenesys Business School

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