What is a Distinction in Matric? | Learn How to Get One

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Matric is an essential phase in a student’s academic path, particularly in South Africa, as it paves the way for higher education and potential career prospects. Achieving distinctions in matric can distinguish you from your peers, improving your odds of gaining admission to competitive college programmes and receiving financial assistance.

This article will help you understand what is a distinction in matric is, why it matters, and how you can earn multiple distinctions to improve your academic and career prospects.

What is a Distinction in Matric?

In simple terms, what is a distinction in matric? A distinction is awarded when a student achieves 80% or higher in a specific subject. It signifies a high level of academic excellence and is a clear indicator that a student has thoroughly understood the subject.

Distinctions are important because they reflect a student’s dedication, intelligence, and ability to perform well under academic pressure. Earning multiple distinctions increases a student’s chances of being accepted into competitive degree programmes such as medicine, law, and engineering, which often have limited slots.

Distinctions improve academic qualifications and bring recognition. Many schools and educational institutions acknowledge students who have earned distinctions in matric by awarding certificates, medals, or scholarships. Distinctions also enhance a student’s CV, making them more appealing to future employers or academic institutions.

How Many Distinctions Can You Achieve in Matric?

Students in South Africa typically take up to seven subjects for their matric exams. A distinction can be earned in each of these subjects, meaning it’s possible to achieve 7 distinctions in matric.

Students who achieve multiple distinctions improve their access to competitive university programmes and often have better chances of receiving financial aid, including scholarships and bursaries. Universities are known to favour candidates with strong academic records, and distinctions play a key role in this.

What Percentage is a Distinction in Matric?

To achieve a distinction, a student must score 80% or higher in any subject. This percentage is calculated from internal assessments, coursework, and final exam marks. These elements are weighted, with final exams typically more significant in determining the final grade.

Many students wonder what percentage is a distinctionin matric. To secure that distinction, it is crucial to aim for consistent performance throughout the year in both assignments and tests.

Difference Between a Distinction and a Bachelor’s Pass

To understand what is a distinction in matric, let us also look at some distinctions between a distinction and a bachelor pass

Bachelor’s Pass

A Bachelor’s pass is a requirement for students wishing to apply to university. However, it doesn’t require any distinctions. To earn a Bachelor’s pass, students need to achieve at least 40% in their home language, 50% in four other subjects, and 30% in two other subjects.


While a Bachelor’s pass grants access to university, what is a distinction pass in matric? A distinction reflects academic excellence in a specific subject. For students aiming for competitive fields, distinctions are often necessary to secure placement in degree programmes that have high entry requirements.

How to Achieve Distinctions in Matric?

People who understand what is a distinction in matric, know that earning distinctions requires dedication and strategic preparation. Here are some key tips on how to get distinctions in matric:

  • Effective Study Habits: Developing effective study habits is essential for mastering content. This includes setting aside regular study time, taking clear notes, and revisiting topics frequently.
  • Focus on Difficult Subjects: Many students shy away from their weaker subjects. However, it’s essential to devote more time to subjects where you might struggle. This increases your chances of performing well across all subjects and earning multiple distinctions.
  • Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, tutors, or peers. Group study sessions or tutoring can help you grasp challenging topics.
  • Time Management: Balancing time between subjects is crucial. Allocate more time to subjects that require additional focus but ensure consistency across all subjects.
  • Stress Management: Managing stress is key to success. Regular breaks, healthy eating, physical activity, and relaxation techniques can help maintain mental and physical well-being during this demanding period.

Benefits of Earning Distinctions

Knowing what is a distinction in matric and earning a distinction comes along with several benefits for the students. Let’s look at some of them below:

  • University Admissions: Distinctions significantly boost your university application. Programmes in fields like medicine, engineering, and law often require higher grades, and distinctions help demonstrate academic capability.
  • Scholarships and Bursaries: Many scholarships and bursaries are awarded to students who achieve multiple distinctions. Earning 7 distinctions in matric could potentially secure full or partial funding for university.
  • Career Opportunities: Even after completing university, having a strong matric result can benefit your career. Employers often value academic excellence as it reflects an individual’s work ethic and intelligence.


Achieving distinctions in matric is a clear indicator of academic success and opens up numerous opportunities, from university admissions to scholarships and career prospects. By developing strong study habits, managing time efficiently, and seeking support when needed, you can maximise your chances of earning distinctions. Remember, it’s not just about passing – it’s about excelling. We hope our article was able to help you understand what is a distinction in matric. 

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How to Achieve Distinctions in Matric – FAQs

What is a distinction in matric?

A distinction is when a student achieves 80% or more in a subject.

How many distinctions can I get in matric?

You can earn distinctions in all your subjects, up to 7 distinctions in matric.

What percentage is a distinction in matric?

A distinction requires a score of 80% or higher.

What is a distinction pass in matric?

It refers to achieving a distinction in one or more subjects, signifying excellence in those subjects.

How to pass with distinctions in matric?

Focus on time management, develop strong study habits, and seek help for difficult subjects.

How to get distinctions in matric?

Focus on consistent performance, effective study habits, and stress management.

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MA in English Literature, B.A (Hons) in English Literature Alankrati has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms and other niches. Before joining Regenesys, Ms Verma wrote articles and blogs for various Edtech websites.

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