What is a Diploma Pass? Second Highest Pass Level South Africa

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A diploma pass on the matric certificate is the second highest pass level available and qualifies students to apply for higher education programmes in South Africa. It is one of the four pass levels possible on the matric exam, which also helps to determine the higher education programmes that students can apply for. 

Students with a diploma pass also choose to explore employment opportunities and apply for entry-level jobs in South Africa.

This article will cover what is a diploma pass in South Africa, minimum pass requirements, and work and study options available.

What is a Diploma Pass in South Africa?

A diploma pass is a qualification level on the matric exam that reveals that a student has passed the matric exam with the minimum scores required for a diploma. It allows students to apply to higher education programmes where they meet the requirements. 

A diploma pass can be used to apply for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, where experts practically train students.

Another option for students who score the minimum marks required for a diploma pass is to apply for the National Accredited Technical Education Diploma (NATED) and scare skills courses. These courses earn students an NQF qualification with each level. 

Now that you understand what is a diploma pass in South Africa, it is time to look at the requirements and courses you can study.

What are Some Diploma Pass Requirements?

Students who appear for the matric exams appear for a mix of mandatory and elective subjects. The mandatory subjects are not course-specific but are general subjects that help measure competence and aptitude. These include:

  • Two languages
  • A mathematics option
  • Life orientation. 

In addition to these, students are allowed to choose 3 elective subjects. These subjects should be selected based on an individual’s interests and the requirements of their future programme of study.

We have covered what is a diploma pass in matric, let us now look at the diploma pass requirements.

  • Home Language: Candidates should achieve 40% or higher 
  • 4 high credit subjects: In these subjects also, they should get at least 40% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: For these subjects, candidates need to achieve 30% or higher 

What Courses Can You Study with a Diploma Pass?

It wouldn’t be correct to assume that the only way to higher education and well-paying and stable jobs is with a bachelor’s pass on the matric exam. Since we have learned what is a diploma pass, we know that it allows students to apply for diploma level courses. Students can enrol in diploma or higher certificate courses offered by some universities in South Africa. Regenesys offers higher certificate courses in business management and public management, which require a diploma pass for admission.

Students who receive a diploma pass can also enrol for NATED courses. The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) devised this curriculum to help meet the demand for certain required skills. Some of the available NATED courses are business management, financial management, and marketing management.

Additionally, students can enrol in the scare skills programme administered by the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB). It offers business, marketing, and financial management courses, among others. 

Once we understand what is a diploma pass, we can understand its benefits. After completing the diploma, students can apply for undergraduate programmes or an advanced diploma. They can also use it to enter the workforce or apply for a learnership.

Difference Between Diploma Pass and Other Pass Levels

The matric is divided into four different pass levels depending on the scores that are assigned to various subjects. The bachelor pass is the highest level and offers provisional university acceptance, while the NSC pass is the lowest qualification.

We have covered what is a diploma pass in matric, let us see how it compares to the other pass levels in the matric exam.

Bachelor Pass Requirements:

  • Home Language: 40% or higher
  • 4 high credit subjects: 50% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: 30% or higher

Know what is Bachelor Pass Requirement in detail here!

Higher Certificate Pass Requirements:

  • Home Language: 40% or higher 
  • 2 high credit subjects: 40% or higher
  • 3 other subjects: 30% or higher 

Know what is Higher Certificate Pass Requirement in detail here!

NSC Pass Requirements

  • Home Language: 40% or higher 
  • 2 subjects: 40% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: 30% or higher 

Students are allowed to fail one subject for an NSC pass as long as they score 30% or higher for the remaining subjects.

Know what is NSC Pass Requirement in detail here!

What If You Don’t Meet the Diploma Pass Requirements?

If a student does not meet the diploma pass requirements, it means that they have either achieved another level or failed the matric exam. 

A certificate pass is the next level students can achieve, and it allows them to enrol in higher certificate programmes. The NSC pass is the lowest pass available on the matric. However, applying for diploma or higher certificate courses with an NSC pass is not possible. 

Let’s explore the available possibilities for those who have missed qualifying for the diploma pass:

  • Rewrite Matric Exams: This is the fastest way to improve your matric score and qualify for a diploma pass. Students can register online with the Department of Basic Education (DBE). The only requirement is that students should be under 21 years of age and can re-write a maximum of four exams that they originally appeared for. 
  • Other Study Pathways: Another option is to enrol in a diploma programme related to the field of study you wish to pursue. The NQF qualification you receive can be used to apply for an undergraduate programme.

How is a Diploma Pass Useful?

A diploma pass in the matric exam can be used to enter a diploma programme or the workforce. It is especially beneficial for those who do not wish to pursue the traditional university route. These students can enter the workforce as apprentices or enrol in a vocational programme that will train them in specific job skills. They can also apply for entry-level jobs and pursue a diploma programme online.

However, for those who have always dreamed of attending university, a diploma programme can be used as a qualification for admission to an undergraduate programme. An NQF level 5 qualification allows students to gain admission to undergraduate courses such as business administration and computer science.

How to Apply for Diploma Courses in South Africa?

Many universities offer courses that require students to hold a diploma pass in their matric exams. While exploring their options, they can also contact these institutes to understand if the diploma or higher certificate programme can be used to apply for a degree programme later. Students should also seek clarifications regarding particular subject requirements and the scores required before they begin the application process.

Students should prepare a shortlist of institutes and programmes they wish to apply to, along with application deadlines. Missing the deadlines will delay the admission process by at least six months. 

These are the basic steps students can follow when applying for programmes with a diploma pass:

  1. Search institutes or universities offering diploma or higher certificate programmes
  2. Contact them to ask for any additional criteria
  3. Fill out the application form correctly
  4. Add all the required documents
  5. Pay any applicable admission fee


A diploma pass sits at the crossroads of education and employment. It offers students a chance to apply for diploma and higher certificate programmes. Alternatively, it can also be used to apply for entry-level jobs in various industries. 

Once we understand what is a diploma pass, we can see how it is beneficial in the education sector and the workplace. It allows students the option to work while enroled in online courses. Alternatively, they can enrol in a full time programme.

Visit the Regenesys website today to learn more about the various programmes we offer. 

What is a Diploma Pass? – FAQs

What is a diploma pass in matric?

This is the second highest pass level that can be achieved in the matric exams. It allows students to apply for diploma and higher certificate programmes in South Africa.

Can I apply for undergraduate programmes with a diploma pass?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply for undergraduate programmes with a diploma pass.

How many subjects do I need to pass to receive a diploma pass?

All students need to pass a minimum of 6 subjects to receive a diploma pass.

What can I do with a diploma pass?

Students can choose to join the workforce, apply for an apprenticeship, or enrol in a diploma programme.

Can I improve my diploma pass score?

Students can opt to rewrite the matric for a chance to improve their diploma pass score.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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