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Online Share Trading and an Invitation to our Next Investment Club Meeting

MyWealth Investment’s vision is to support Regenesys students by changing their perceptions about savings and investments; and learning more about the various financial solutions available to achieve financial freedom.

As part of your journey to financial freedom, it’s important to develop the correct mindset that will allow you to build a strong financial foundation of investments.

The most recent, exciting addition to MyWealth Investments’ product offerings, is online share trading, through our partnership with ThinkMarkets. 

What is “online share trading”?

We’ve all heard and watched commentary about the stock market, we have observed the organised chaos of brokers shouting on trading floors in our favourite movies.  But so often, we had the misconception that building wealth through investment in shares was only reserved for a select few.

Online share trading platforms have opened unique investment opportunities to anyone with a computer!

Markets are part of our everyday lives, we encounter market pricing at our local markets, supermarkets and even petrol stations.  Markets match buyers and sellers. The stock market works much like an auction house where buyers and sellers meet to negotiate the bid price and make trades.

The good news is that the stock market is magnificently regulated and has strict rules governing the conduct of market participants.

A share in a company may be defined as a piece of the earnings and assets of that company.  An investment in shares, forms part of a diversified portfolio and the reason investors take the risk of investing in shares, is share prices over the long-term tend to outperform other asset classes, and investors expect share prices of the companies they invested in to appreciate over time.

It is our obligation, as investors, to empower ourselves by truly understanding the rules of the stock market.  It’s recommended to do 1 000 hours of reading before investing in a specific product.

An opportunity for you!

If this seems overwhelming to you, we have very good news!

MyWealth Investments would like to invite you to come and learn more about investing in shares by registering for our next Investment Club meeting taking place on 16 September 2021.

Our guest speaker for the evening will be the CEO of MyWealth Investments, Annatjie van Rooyen, who will introduce us to ThinkMarkets, our partner for online share trading.

They will provide us with more insights, share their knowledge and answer any questions you may have about shares and how to open an online share trading account.

But please, come prepared to get the most out of this event!  Visit How to Start Trading | ThinkMarkets, and read up on Online Share Trading 101.  We are looking forward to seeing you at our event!

Make your money work for you!

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