How to Deal with Challenges During Performance Reviews - RegInsights

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As we’re nearing the end of the year, many companies are conducting performance reviews, making it the most stressful time for both employees and managers. Some may expect salary increases and promotions, while others may feel stressed about delivering difficult news to their teams. Overall, it’s a highly stressful period for the working class.

How can you manage stress during this daunting time? In this article, we’re going to explore ways how you can navigate the challenges of performance reviews and create a more positive, growth-oriented experience for yourself and your team.

Challenges of Performance Reviews

performance review

Let’s look at the common challenges that usually arises this time: for employees and managers

  • Delivering Difficult Feedback

Providing constructive feedback and addressing performance issues can be uncomfortable for employers and managers alike. It requires effective communication skills to convey the message without demoralising the employee.

Solution: To best communicate your message, ensure your tone is informal and even, and try to avoid judgemental language. Be clear and give specific examples about the issues at hand. This will provide more guidance to your employees so they will understand what to improve upon going forward.

  • Overcoming Bias

Unconscious bias can creep into performance evaluations, affecting one’s ability to provide a fair and equitable review.

Solution: According to Quantum Workplace, a powerful method to counteract bias is to rely on data that contradicts your initial intuitions. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) across various aspects of collaboration, teamwork, engagement, and productivity for your team. Prioritise data-driven decision-making over relying on biases or heuristics

  • Time Management

performance review

Conducting comprehensive performance reviews for multiple team members can indeed be a time-consuming task. Managers must find a way to allocate sufficient time to each review while still effectively managing their day-to-day responsibilities.

Solution: When dealing with a large team, it’s essential to streamline the process. One effective approach is to divide the team into their respective shared responsibilities. For instance, in a marketing department, you can structure your review process by first assessing the production team, followed by the graphic designers, the content team, social media, events team, and so on. This segmented approach allows for focused and efficient reviews, making the best use of your time while ensuring that every team member receives the attention they deserve.

  • Limited Self-Expression

Some employees may feel hesitant to express their own opinions or concerns during performance reviews, especially if they fear negative repercussions.

Solution: To overcome this challenge, employees can focus on staying composed, actively listening, and taking ownership of their mistakes when they arise. For managers, it is crucial to create a supportive atmosphere where employees feel safe to raise concerns without the fear of facing negative consequences.

  • Overemphasis on Weaknesses

Employees may feel that the focus is primarily on their weaknesses or areas for improvement, rather than recognising and building on their strengths.

Solution: It’s crucial for both employees and managers to shift the focus towards recognising strengths, including achievements accomplished since the last review. By doing so, they can identify areas of focus that will benefit both the organisation’s goals and the employee’s personal development.

These challenges are just a few examples of potential issues that can arise during performance reviews. It’s crucial to find solutions that benefit both employees and leaders, ensuring an inclusive and constructive process.


As you prepare for your upcoming performance reviews, remember that these challenges, much like hurdles in a race, are opportunities for you and your team to shine. With the right approach, they can become stepping stones to personal and professional growth. Embrace the chance to break free from the routine and welcome change with an open mind. It’s in these challenges that you’ll find the foundation for a brighter, more successful future.


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Dip Media Practices Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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