How Many Years To Study Law In South Africa: Explained

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Legal education in South Africa is known for its strong curriculum and high standards. It aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed for a successful legal career. Hence, whether you want to become an advocate, attorney, or legal scholar, studying law offers a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. 

Moreover, in South Africa, you can access a range of legal education programmes, such as undergraduate LLB degrees and postgraduate studies. Each programme is carefully designed to meet high academic standards and prepare students for the challenges of the legal profession. However, understanding how many years to study law in South Africa is crucial for you to prepare for your education. 

In this article, we will explain the duration and structure of both undergraduate and postgraduate law degrees, helping you make informed decisions.

Undergraduate Law Degrees in South Africa

Having an LLB degree is necessary for those who wish to pursue a legal career in South Africa. This programme provides students with an in-depth understanding of the South African legal system and its fundamental principles. As a result, pursuing an LLB degree can provide several important benefits and skills, including:

  • Deep knowledge of criminal, constitutional, and commercial law
  • Ability to think critically and analyse legal issues to find solutions
  • Practical skills like legal writing, advocacy, and negotiation through moot courts and internships
  • A strong sense of ethics and responsibility in the legal profession. 

Typically, the duration of studying lawtakes four years on a full-time basis in South Africa. Studying part-time might take five or six years, depending on the course load and schedule flexibility.

If you choose to study at institutions like Regenesys Law School, you can pursue a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) within four years. You will get a well-rounded legal education with a curriculum like the following:

Core Modules:

  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Contract Law
  • Property Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Legal Ethics and Practice
  • Introduction to Tax Law

Elective Courses:

  • Business Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Accounting for Legal Practice 
  • Cyber law 
  • International Business Law 
  • Medical Law 

Postgraduate Law Degrees in South Africa

Enroling in postgraduate law programmes in South Africa enables students to enhance their legal knowledge and progress in their professional paths. It also allows students to specialise in specific areas of law, providing unique opportunities for further education and professional development. Here are the postgraduate law degrees you can pursue in South Africa and knowhow many years to study law in South Africa:

  • Master of Laws (LLM) Degree:

Master of Laws (LLM) Degree is a specialised postgraduate qualification pursued by those either holding an undergraduate law degree, a professional law degree, or an undergraduate degree in a related subject. This degree opens doors to higher-level positions in legal practice, academia, and other sectors requiring specialised legal knowledge. 

  • Duration: 1-2 years 
  • Curriculum: The LLM curriculum varies depending on the area of specialisation chosen by the student. Common specialisations include international law, human rights law, commercial law, environmental law, and tax law. 
  • Doctor of Laws (LLD) Degree:

The Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree is the highest academic qualification in law, focusing on extensive research and contribution to legal scholarship. It is designed for those who wish to pursue academic, research, or high-level professional careers in law.

  • Duration: 3-5 years 
  • Curriculum: The LLD programme is primarily research-based, requiring students to produce a substantial and original thesis that contributes to the field of law.

Common Specialisations in Law 

Focusing on a particular field of law improves lawyers’ skills and job opportunities. In South Africa, you will get access to a range of specialised fields to meet a variety of legal interests and industry needs. Here are the common specialisations you will find in Law and understand how many years to study law in South Africa:

  • Constitutional Law:

Learners pursuing a specialisation in constitutional law interpret the new legal framework, protect human rights, and ensure the rule of law. They often work in government, advocacy groups, and academia, examining the relationship between individuals and state institutions, fundamental rights, and constitutional amendments. Besides, this specialisation typically involves advanced coursework and research over one to two years.

  • Labour Law:

Students specialising in labour law will understand new legal requirements and assist both employers and employees with conflicts while following updated regulations. To the question of ‘how many years to study law in South Africa?’ this specialisation generally spans one to two years of focused study, encompassing detailed coursework and practical applications.

  • Corporate and Commercial Law:

Corporate and Commercial Law covers corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, and commercial transactions. Hence, the specialists provide legal counsel to businesses, financial institutions, and multinational corporations.

  • Cyber Law and Data Protection: 

With the digital transformation, cyber law and data protection are increasingly important. Hence, specialists in this field advise businesses, governments, and individuals on data protection strategies and compliance with cybersecurity laws.

Flexible Study Options for Law in South Africa

In South Africa, individuals interested in pursuing a career in law can choose from different ways to study law that fit their lifestyles and career goals. Whether it be full-time, part-time, distance learning, or online programme, each option has its own benefits and challenges, allowing you to fit your studies to your personal preferences and commitments. 

Let’s explore the different modes of legal education you can get 

  • Full Time Law Degree South Africa:

Full-time law programmes in South Africa offer thorough, immersive learning experiences designed to accelerate students’ legal education within a structured academic environment. 

Duration: Full-time law degrees typically span four years, offering a focused curriculum that allows students to engage deeply in legal studies

Advantages of full-time law degree:

  • Full immersion in studies without distractions
  • Structured learning environment with regular classes and professor interaction
  • Quicker completion of degree compared to part-time programmes
  • Access to university resources like libraries and faculty support
  • Networking opportunities with peers and professionals
  • Part Time Law Degree South Africa

Part time law programmes are for students who need to balance their studies with work or other commitments. These programmes often provide evening or weekend classes to accommodate working professionals.

Duration:Part time law degrees typically extend over five to six years, allowing students to spread out their coursework and maintain employment while studying.

Advantages of part time law degree:

  • Allows students to balance work and study commitments
  • Flexible schedules of classes 
  • Opportunity to gain practical experience while studying
  • Longer duration allows for a deeper understanding of legal concepts
  • Ideal for those unable to commit to full-time study
  • Distance Learning Law Degree

Distance learning programmes in law utilise online platforms and virtual classrooms to deliver course materials and facilitate interactions between students and instructors.

Duration:Distance learning law programmes offer flexibility in scheduling and typically take four to six years to complete, depending on the student’s pace and programme structure.

Advantages of distance learning law programme:

  • Flexibility to study from any location with internet access
  • Allows students to maintain personal and professional commitments
  • Self-paced learning suited to individual schedules
  • Access to online resources and materials
  • Online Law Degree South Africa

Online law degrees in South Africa combine the convenience of distance learning with interactive online tools and resources tailored for legal education.

Duration: Online law programmes vary in duration, typically ranging from four to six years, depending on the programme structure and student’s study pace.

Advantages of Online Law Degree:

  • Lower overall cost compared to traditional programmes
  • Accessibility to study from anywhere
  • Ability to continue working while studying
  • Access to a diverse range of specialised programmes
  • Opportunity to learn at own pace


Whether you want to become an advocate, attorney, or legal scholar, studying law in South Africa provides a strong foundation for a successful career in the legal field. The curriculum combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills, and there are various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to suit your interests and career goals. 

As discussed in the article, you can choose to study full-time, part-time, through distance learning, or online. Each option has its own benefits, such as flexibility, accessibility, and the ability to balance your studies with work or other commitments. However, before you choose to pursue this education, you must know how many years to study law in South Africa. 

With Regenesys Law School’s Bachelor of Laws programme, you will gain access to legal education that prepares you for a successful career in law. You will develop key legal skills and practical knowledge with guidance from highly experienced instructors and industry experts. Enrol now!

How Many Years To Study Law In South Africa FAQs

How long does it take to complete an LLB degree in South Africa?

A full-time LLB degree typically takes four years to complete, while part-time study can extend to five or six years, depending on the course load and schedule flexibility.

What are the key benefits of pursuing an LLB degree?

An LLB degree provides deep knowledge of various legal fields, critical thinking and analytical skills, practical legal skills like writing and advocacy, and a strong sense of ethics and responsibility in the legal profession.

Can I work while studying for a law degree in South Africa?

Yes, many institutions offer part-time, distance learning, and online law degrees that allow students to balance their studies with work commitments.

What are the benefits of pursuing an online law degree?

Online law degrees offer lower costs, accessibility from anywhere, the ability to work while studying, a diverse range of specialised programmes, and the opportunity to learn at your own pace.

Why is it important to know the duration of law studies in South Africa?

Understanding the duration helps students plan their education and career paths, ensuring they are prepared for the time commitment and requirements of their chosen programme.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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