MPM Degree: Understanding the Impact of Accreditation

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Accreditation is a process in which an educational institution or programme undergoes evaluation to ensure that it meets specific standards set by accrediting bodies. This evaluation validates the quality and credibility of the institution or programme in the visions of students, employers, and other stakeholders. 

Accreditation status can impact transfer credits, financial aid eligibility, and professional licensing requirements. Thus, it is essential for students to attend accredited institutions to ensure the value and recognition of their educational achievements. Accreditation is crucial in how MPM (Master of Public Management) degrees are recognised and valued. 

In this article, let us explore the significance of accreditation and its impact on the recognition and perception of an MPM degree.

What is an MPM Degree?

An MPM (Master of Public Management) is a post-graduate-level academic programme focused on developing the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for effective management and leadership in public sector organisations. 

The MPM degree is designed for professionals seeking to advance their careers in public administration, government agencies, non-profit organisations, and related sectors where public policy, governance, and management intersect. Graduates of the MPM programme have gone on to hold positions such as:

  • Executive Director of a non-profit organisation, 
  • Director of Public Policy at a government agency,
  • Senior Manager at a public administration firm and more.

An MPM programme typically offers a multidisciplinary curriculum that comprises modules such as public policy analysis, public finance, organisational management, strategic planning, public sector economics, ethics in public administration, project management, and leadership in the public sector.

Thus, a Master of Public Management degree equips students with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to navigate the complexities of public management, address societal challenges, promote effective governance, and make meaningful contributions to public service and social impact.

Accreditation: An Overview and its Importance

Accreditation is a voluntary process by which educational institutions demonstrate that they meet specific standards of quality and excellence set by accrediting bodies. These standards encompass various aspects of the institution, including curriculum quality, faculty qualifications, student support services, resources, governance, and continuous improvement efforts. Accreditation is typically conducted by independent agencies or organisations recognised for their expertise in evaluating educational institutions.

Importance of Accreditation: 

Quality Assurance: 

Accreditation serves as a quality assurance mark, indicating that an educational institution meets or exceeds established standards of excellence. It assures students, parents, employers, and other stakeholders that the institution is committed to delivering a high-quality educational experience.

Credibility and Reputation: 

Accreditation enhances the credibility and reputation of educational institutions. Due to the rigorous evaluation and validation of their educational programmes, faculty, and resources, accredited institutions are viewed more favourably by students, employers, policymakers, and the public.

Transferability of Credits: 

Credits earned from accredited institutions are more likely to be recognised and accepted by other institutions for transfer, advanced degrees, professional certifications, and licensure. Accreditation facilitates credit transferability and mobility for students pursuing further education or seeking to transfer to other institutions.

Employer Confidence: 

Employers often prefer candidates with degrees or credentials from accredited institutions. Accreditation assures employers that graduates have received a quality education, possess relevant knowledge and skills, and are well-prepared for the demands of their chosen fields or professions.

Access to Financial Aid and Funding: 

Accredited institutions can participate in federal and state financial aid programmes, scholarships, grants, and research funding opportunities. Accreditation provides financial support for students, faculty, research initiatives, and institutional development.

Professional Recognition: 

Many professional associations, licensing boards, and certification bodies require candidates to have graduated from accredited programmes to qualify for professional credentials, licenses, or memberships. Accreditation enhances the professional recognition and credibility of graduates in their respective fields.

Continuous Improvement:

Accreditation contributes to continuous improvement within educational institutions. Through self-assessment, peer review, feedback mechanisms, and data-driven decision-making, institutions identify areas for enhancement and implement strategies to improve educational outcomes, student experiences, and institutional effectiveness.

Global Recognition: 

Accreditation enhances the global recognition and acceptance of educational credentials. Graduates from accredited institutions are better positioned to pursue international opportunities, collaborations, and mobility because institutions, employers, and organisations worldwide recognise their qualifications.

Therefore, accreditation is vital for ensuring educational quality, enhancing institutional credibility, supporting student mobility and transferability, fostering employer confidence, facilitating access to financial aid, promoting continuous improvement, and achieving global recognition and professional standing. It plays a crucial role in maintaining standards of excellence and accountability in education across various disciplines and institutions.

How Accreditation Affects the Recognition?

Accreditation plays a crucial role in determining the recognition and value of your MPM (Master of Public Management) degree in several ways:

Credibility and Quality Assurance:

Accreditation ensures that the MPM programme meets specific standards of quality and excellence set by accrediting bodies. This credibility is essential for employers, policymakers, and stakeholders who rely on accredited programmes to deliver a high-quality education that prepares graduates for success in public management roles.

Employer Confidence: 

Employers often have greater confidence in candidates with degrees from accredited programmes. Accreditation signals that graduates possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to excel in public management positions, making them more competitive in the job market.

Recognition by Professional Organisations: 

Many professional organisations and associations in the field of public management recognise and value degrees from accredited programmes. Graduates of accredited MPM programmes may find it easier to gain professional certifications, memberships, and endorsements from relevant organisations, further enhancing their credibility and career prospects.

Transferability of Credits: 

Accreditation can impact the transferability of credits earned in an MPM programme. Credits from accredited programmes are more likely to be recognised and accepted by other institutions for advanced degrees, certifications, or professional development programmes, facilitating lifelong learning and career advancement opportunities.

International Recognition: 

Accredited MPM degrees are often more widely recognised and accepted internationally. Employers, organisations, and academic institutions worldwide are more likely to acknowledge and value degrees from accredited programmes, enhancing global mobility and opportunities for graduates seeking international careers or collaborations.

Consumer Protection: 

Accreditation provides a level of consumer protection by ensuring that MPM programmes meet established standards of transparency, accountability, and educational quality. Students and prospective students can make informed decisions about their education, knowing that accredited programmes have undergone rigorous evaluation and meet industry-recognised benchmarks.

Therefore, accreditation significantly affects the recognition of your MPM degree by enhancing its credibility, employer confidence, professional recognition, transferability of credits, international acceptance, and consumer protection. Choosing an accredited MPM programme ensures that your degree is valued and respected in the field of public management, opening doors to diverse career opportunities and professional growth.

Also Read: The Importance of Accreditation for Higher Certificate Programmes.

MPM Programme


Accreditation plays a pivotal role in shaping the recognition and perception of your MPM degree. Through accreditation, institutions demonstrate their commitment to meeting rigorous standards of quality, relevance, and excellence in public management education. 

A degree from an accredited programme carries greater credibility, enhances career prospects, and instils confidence in employers, policymakers, and stakeholders regarding graduates’ knowledge, skills, and capabilities. 

As you pursue your MPM degree, choosing an accredited programme ensures your educational investment is recognised and respected in public management.

Regenesys School of Public Management is one of the top institutes for public management programmes in South Africa. It’s programmes are CHE accredited.

Regenesys School of Public Management provides internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the disciplines of Public Management, which include:



For more details about the Regenesys School of Public Management’s programme, accreditation, admission process, and fee structure, visit our website at

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions: How Accreditation Affects the Recognition of Your MPM Degree

1) What is accreditation?

Accreditation is a process by which educational institutions are evaluated externally to ensure they meet established standards of quality and excellence.

2) Why is accreditation important for the MPM programme?

Accreditation plays a crucial role in determining the recognition and value of an MPM (Master of Public Management) degree. Accreditation for an MPM degree signifies that the curriculum, faculty, resources, and overall educational experience meet industry-recognised standards, enhancing the credibility and recognition of the degree.

3) How does accreditation impact employers’ recognition of an MPM degree?

Employers often value degrees from accredited programmes because accreditation assures them that graduates have received a quality education and possess the necessary knowledge and skills for roles in public management. Accredited MPM degrees may carry more weight during job applications, promotions, and career advancements.

4) What is the accreditation of Regeneysys’s MPM programme?

Regeneysys’s MPM programme is CHE-accredited.

5) Does accreditation affect the transferability of credits earned in an MPM programme?

Yes. Accreditation can impact the transferability of credits earned in an MPM programme. Many accredited institutions have agreements with other accredited schools or universities, making it easier for students to transfer credits between programmes. Non-accredited programmes may face challenges in credit transferability.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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