Difference Between Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree

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In the South African education system, the journey towards higher education often begins with obtaining an undergraduate degree, followed by the option of pursuing a postgraduate degree. This progression is crucial, as each level of education serves distinct purposes and prepares students for different career paths.

Undergraduate degrees provide foundational knowledge and skills necessary for entering the workforce, while postgraduate degrees offer opportunities for specialisation and advanced study. 

Read this article to explore the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate courses and how they can help you excel in your career.

What is an undergraduate degree?

An undergraduate degree is typically the first level of higher education that students pursue after completing their secondary education. In South Africa, undergraduate degrees can be offered as Bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, or certificates. Some universities may require students to appear for the National Benchmark Test (NBT) to gain entry. The NBT measures academic, quantitative, and mathematics proficiency and judgment. Each institute has a different cutoff for the NBT score.

Most undergraduate programmes last between three to four years and provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in a specific field of study. Common undergraduate qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Bachelor of Science (BSc)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

During their studies, students engage with a broad range of subjects, allowing them to develop critical thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills. This foundational education prepares graduates for entry-level positions in various industries or for further studies.

How many years is an undergraduate degree?

The length of an undergraduate degree varies depending on the programme that an individual chooses to study. If a student is enroled for full-time study, this degree can be completed within 3-4 years, depending on the course. Part-time study usually takes 5-6 years to complete. Both public and private universities in South Africa offer these programmes. In South Africa, undergraduate degrees in arts can be completed in three years, while engineering takes four years of full-time studies. Additionally, honour programmes are also available at the undergraduate level. 

Typically, students choose to enrol in a short internship before they begin the final year of undergraduate. This allows students to gain experience and apply the theories they have learned in class. This can also help students when they begin their job search after completing their undergraduate degree.

What is a postgraduate degree?

A postgraduate degree offers a more specialised field of study and can only be pursued after completing an undergraduate degree. Postgraduate qualifications include Honours degrees, Master’s degrees, and Doctorates. 

It can begin immediately after the undergraduate programme is completed, or students can work for a few years before starting their postgraduate studies. Students in South Africa reach NQF level 9 after they complete their postgraduate degree. This can allow students to gain employment opportunities in technical or specialised fields and can also be the starting point for a research career.

There are three types of postgraduate programmes available in South Africa. Students can choose between three types of postgraduate programmes:

  • Master’s by dissertation: This involves a mix of coursework and a dissertation topic that students must defend.
  • Master’s by coursework: This programme is completed by lectures, similar to an undergraduate degree.
  • Master’s by dissertation only: This is an advanced research programme in which students work on a research topic for the entirety of the programme. 

To gain entry into a postgraduate programme in South Africa, students should have achieved either a three-year bachelor’s honours degree or a four-year bachelor’s degree. 

How many years is a postgraduate degree?

Depending on the programme selected, a postgraduate degree can be completed in 1 to 2 years for full-time graduate school students. These programmes offer a structured and intensive academic experience.

However, the timeline can vary for those who enrol in part-time or weekend graduate programmes. These programmes are designed to accommodate the schedules of working professionals, allowing them to continue working while completing an advanced degree. They also allow students to bring their professional perspectives into the classroom.

Many students join a postgraduate degree programme after gaining a few years of work experience. This allows them to put into practice the theoretical knowledge they learned during their undergraduate degree and better understand what field they would like to specialise in. 

What is the difference between an undergraduate and a postgraduate degree? 

An undergraduate degree is the first step to higher education and offers a foundational understanding of the subject matter. Postgraduate courses, on the other hand, offer a more profound and specialised level of teaching and qualification. Entry into postgraduate programmes require students to complete their undergraduate, and some postgraduate programmes might also require work experience.

Let us examine the basic differences between undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to make it easier for students to decide on their higher education goals.

Entry RequirementsMatric Pass NQF Level 4 or higherNQF Level 7 or 8 Some courses might require work experience
Duration3-4 yearsTypically 2 years
CourseworkBroad overview of the subject matter.

Group work, assignments
Specialised degree programmes

Focused course matter

It might include a dissertation
Teaching MethodsMore hands-on teaching approach
Some independent learning
Learning through projects, case studies, and research.

Higher focus on independent learning
Degree AwardedBachelor’s such as Bachelor of Science or Bachelor or EngineeringMaster’s such as Master of Business Administration
Career Entry level jobs Advanced roles which demand expertise

Undergraduate Vs Postgraduate – Course Structure

The course structure of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees varies significantly. The undergraduate curriculum requires students to study several general education courses and courses related to their major. This offers a well-rounded approach to gaining foundational knowledge about the chosen field of study.

The postgraduate curriculum, on the other hand, includes advanced courses and specialised courses that transform students into experts in their chosen field. Most postgraduate courses include a dissertation that forms a majority of the credit.

Let us now break down the course structure better to understand what’s the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

Course StructureUndergraduatePostgraduate
Course Credit 120 credits per academic year. A total of 360 or 480 credits.180 credits per academic year. Total of 360 credits.
Depth of StudyBroader approach to the subjectIn-depth knowledge of a specialised subject
Duration3-4 years2 years
Required coursesVariety of required coursesRequired courses are relevant to the subject. 
Degree AwardedBachelor’sMaster’s
AssessmentAssignments, group projects, examsCase studies, presentations, thesis
CareerEntry-level positions or postgraduateProfessional roles, research positions, or Doctorate

Undergraduate Vs Postgraduate Degree – Career prospects

To join the workforce, students need both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. If undergraduate and postgraduate degrees both offer theoretical knowledge, what is the difference between them with regard to your career? 

When considering career prospects, undergraduate degrees help students secure entry-level positions. A marketing major could find a position in an advertising firm, or an economics major could be hired as a junior analyst with a consulting firm. Since competition is fierce at this level, some part-time work experience or internships can help attain better positions. 

On the other hand, a Postgraduate degree can lead to specialised and professional roles. Getting an advanced degree helps students gain entry into specialised jobs such as oil trading or investment banking. Individuals with a postgraduate degree are usually team leaders and managers. Those with relevant work experience can even join companies at VP levels. Postgraduates also have a higher starting salary and faster promotions.

Is an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degree Right for me?

Are you still debating between undergraduate vs postgraduate and which of these is the right path for you? Before you make up your mind, you should:

  • Do independent research
  • Schedule a tour at a nearby university
  • Interact with current students and understand their experiences
  • Speak with a guidance counsellor to learn which degree programmes best align with your grades and interests
  • Work part-time or volunteer in a field that interests you while still in school 

Remember, employers seek to hire individuals with theoretical and practical knowledge of the subject matter and the industry. Therefore, it is easier for an individual with an undergraduate degree to find a well-paying placement than one who has a matric pass. 

Earning a postgraduate degree leads to higher salaries and senior workplace positions. Those with previous work experience can join consulting and banking firms at the VP level. 

While it is possible to begin a postgraduate degree immediately after completing the undergraduate programme, spending a couple of years working in your field might be beneficial. This can help you find the expertise you can choose to focus on for your postgraduate degree. 


Pursuing a higher education degree is a monumental decision in a student’s life. There are many factors to consider when deciding between undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Research online and speak with a guidance counsellor to help determine the right course for you. 

Regenesys offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in multiple disciplines for a successful future. Students can check our website for detailed programme information and choose one that aligns with their future career goals.

Difference between Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degree – FAQs

What is an undergraduate degree?

An undergraduate degree is sometimes also referred to as a bachelor’s degree and can be started after completing matric. An undergraduate degree is the first step on the way to a higher education. This degree allows students to enter the skilled workforce and hold jobs in finance, consulting, and public relations.

How long is an undergraduate degree?

The length of an undergraduate degree varies depending on the programme that a student selects.

Can I do a postgraduate degree after secondary school?

No, a bachelor’s degree is required to enrol for any postgraduate degree. Some courses might require students to show work experience.

How long is a postgraduate degree?

A postgraduate course is usually 2 years long and, in most instances, includes a dissertation.

What is the difference between undergraduate and postgraduate?

The difference between undergraduate and postgraduate studies lies in the scope of study, admission criteria, duration, and future job prospects.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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