Types of Bursaries: Easy Guide on them - Regenesys

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Bursaries significantly impact the lives of receiver learners who wish to pursue their future without the financial burden of student loans. By providing non-repayable funds, bursaries can lift the pressure of student loans and allow recipients to focus on their studies. 

Moreover, bursaries open doors that may otherwise have remained closed, creating opportunities for qualified students to access top institutions and programmes. The positive effects extend beyond the individual, as a more educated population yields societal benefits like higher employment rates, increased productivity, and economic growth. This article will discuss the types of bursaries and know which ones suit your career goals.

Table Of Contents

  • Explain Bursaries
  • Types of Bursaries in South Africa
  • Which Bursaries Suit your financial aid?
  • Conclusion 
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Explain Bursaries

A bursary is a financial help given to students to help pay for their education costs. It doesn’t need to be paid back like a student loan. Bursaries are usually awarded to students who have financial needs and have trouble affording tuition, books, housing, and food while pursuing studies. 

Many organisations offer bursaries, including education institutions, governments, charities, and private companies. To get a bursary, you have to apply by filling out an application form. The people giving out the bursary will examine your financial situation, grades, extracurricular activities, and why you need the financial aid. If you get picked, the bursary money will pay your education costs.

Types of Bursaries in South Africa

There are different bursaries available in South Africa. You can learn about different bursaries and their characteristics from the following list below:

  • University or College Bursaries

Many universities and colleges offer bursary programmes to assist students financially. These bursaries may be awarded based on academic merit or financial need. The individual institution sets the application and selection criteria.

  • Government Based Bursaries

The South African government provides bursaries to students from low-income households through different entities, like the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). These bursaries also target critical skills areas that are priorities for the country. Eligibility requirements relate to family income levels and field of study.

  • Private or Corporate Bursaries

Numerous companies in South Africa fund bursary programmes to assist students while securing talent pipelines. Recipients are often required to work for the sponsor company for a period after graduation. Corporate bursary criteria can include academic performance, skills needs, and demographics.

  • Subject/Field-Specific Bursaries

Bursaries are available specifically for students pursuing qualifications in specific subject areas or fields of study. These are funded by organisations, companies, or government bodies interested in developing skills in those disciplines. Funding areas like engineering, science, and education are common.

  • Sport Bursaries

Students who compete in sports at a high level may be eligible for sports bursaries. These assist in covering education costs for student-athletes with substantial sporting commitments. Sports bursaries can come from universities, governing bodies, or corporate sponsors.

  • Non-Profit Bursaries 

Various non-profit organisations in South Africa offer bursary programmes to support needy students. These may be community-based, religious, or cause-related non-profits. Application requirements typically involve demonstrating financial need and sometimes scholastic merit. The bursaries aim to make education accessible to underprivileged students and uplift communities.

Which Bursaries Suit your financial aid?

Different types of bursaries are suitable for students based on different purposes. Government-based bursaries such as the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) could make pursuing a degree much more feasible. You can also find deep interest in environmental science, engineering, IT, etc., so you can look for field-based bursaries.

Demonstrating your passion, relevant experience, and committed career path within sustainability initiatives would make you an appealing candidate for such bursaries. A combined approach of need-based and field-aligned bursary opportunities would give me the best chance of financing my tertiary education ambitions. You can look for bursaries for 2024 and find the relevant bursaries that can work for your education.

Types of bursaries


To conclude this article, accessing bursary funding can be simple if you correctly understand the types of bursaries in South Africa. You can use different types of bursaries from the above reference. With numerous bursary options available in South Africa, prospective students should carefully evaluate which types best align with their circumstances and goals. 

By taking the time to research thoroughly and then apply for appropriate need-based, field-specific, province/institution or other relevant bursary programmes, students can increase their chances of receiving monetary awards that make achieving a tertiary qualification possible. 

As we know about the types of bursaries, to get a bursary, you must have information about the programmes, too. You can get complete information about different programmes at Regenesys. The career counselling department at Regenesys can provide you with all the details regarding the programme.

Frequently Asked Questions –  Different Types of Bursaries

  • What is the primary purpose of bursaries?

Bursaries aim to increase access to tertiary education by providing financial assistance to students who may be unable to afford higher education due to economic disadvantages or low-income backgrounds.

  • What are the major types of bursaries available in South Africa?

Some significant types include government bursaries (like NSFAS), university/college bursaries, corporate bursaries, provincial bursaries, subject/field-specific bursaries, sports bursaries, disability bursaries, and non-profit organisation bursaries.

  • How do you qualify for a need-based bursary?

To qualify for need-based bursaries, students must demonstrate financial need or economic disadvantage through means-testing, providing proof of low household income, getting recommendations from welfare officers, etc.

  • Can I receive multiple bursaries at once?

In some cases, yes, it may be possible for a student to receive and utilise multiple bursaries concurrently if the combined funds are within their total study costs. However, bursary providers often have different policies around this.

  • What kinds of bursaries are suitable for environmental Science Students?

Students studying environmental science or other field-focused education can choose field-based or subject-specific bursaries funded by environmental organisations, green companies, or relevant government bodies.


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A BSc IT graduate with a strong foundation in technology, blending technical knowledge with creative writing skills to produce high-quality SEO content, Zaid Khan has been creating compelling written content for innovative Edtech platforms to enhance learning experiences.

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