Matric Certificate Replacement - Complete Process Details

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The matric is an important event in any person’s life in the South African education system. Passing the matric proves that an individual completed grade 12 and signifies that they have achieved a National Qualification Framework or NQF level 4. The matric certificate is an important document that should be stored carefully. It is required when applying for higher education, learnerships, and entry-level jobs. It serves as a requirement for admission to the majority of degree, certificate, and diploma programs. It is also required for vocational training programmes at Technical and Vocational Educational Training (TVET) colleges. 

If these individuals decide to pursue a technical training programme a few years down the line, the matric certificate might be required. Therefore, if there is any instance where you might need a new certificate, steps should be taken to replace it as soon as possible.

This article helps readers understand what steps to take if they need a matric certificate replacement, how to apply for replacement and fees.

Why Would You Need a Matric Certificate Replacement?

There are plenty of reasons why someone might need a matric replacement certificate. And because it is such a crucial document, the South African government has made it easy for individuals to apply for a matric certificate replacement.

The most common reason someone might need a replacement is that they have lost or damaged the certificate over the years. However, other provisions are available if individuals wish to seek a replacement. These are some of the most common reasons why people seek to replace their matric certificate:

  • Lostdamaged, or stolen: Anyone would want their matric certificate replaced if it was lost during a move, damaged during a natural calamity, or stolen.
  • Incorrect details: This relates to an administrative error on the certificate, which could be incorrect scores or a mistake in the student’s name.
  • Combining scores: Students can re-sit for the matric if they are unsatisfied with their scores. This option allows them to combine the matric certificate to indicate their best scores from the exams.

Know what steps to take for a lost matric certificate.

What Are the Types of Matric Certificate Replacements?

When students or professionals seek a replacement matric certificate, it can be a re-issue of the original or a replacement with changes. For both instances, applicants need to submit documents and pay a fee for the matric replacement certificate.

  • Re-issue: This is sought when the original matric certificate is lost, damaged, or stolen. No changes are made to the original details when applying for a reissue.
  • Replacement: When individuals apply for a replacement with amendments, changes are made to the original details, such as the applicant’s name and scores.

However, the old certificate is cancelled and deemed unusable in both instances. 

How to Apply for a Matric Certificate Replacement?

Individuals can apply for a matric certificate replacement in person at any Department of Basic Education (DBE) office in South Africa or the Provincial Education Department (PDE), irrespective of where they appeared for the exam. Additionally, individuals can download the application form and send it with all the required documents via post.

However, if the matric exam was conducted by the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) or the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), only they can re-issue lost certificates.

It is also possible to conveniently apply for the matric certificate replacement online. Umalusi has been responsible for reissues since 1992. Alternatively, you can apply for the reissue at the South African e-Services Portal.

Matric Certificate Replacement – Required Documents

The required documents vary depending on the type of matric replacement certificate an individual applies for. It is essential to include all the required documents as they help verify the claims and identify a person. Missing or incorrect documents may result in the replacement process being cancelled or delayed. In case of a cancellation, a new application will need to be submitted, making the entire process much longer.

Lost or Damaged

  • Affidavit: This is a legal document that can be prepared in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths at any police station in South Africa
  • Certified identification documents with the original: The identification documents must be certified by an attorney or a Commissioner of Oaths. 
  • National Senior Certificate (in case of damage): The original matric certificate in case of damage to the document. 

Update in Particulars

  • Affidavit: A detailed sworn statement that lists the reasons for the change. This could be a name, gender, or ID number update. It should be done in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths.
  • Original National Senior Certificate: The original matric certificate needs to be handed over and is cancelled.
  • Certified copies of the old and new ID: The copies of both the old and new ID need to be certified by an attorney or a Commissioner of Oaths.
  • Letter from the Department of Home Affairs: The official letter confirms that the department has updated the gender description and/or the name of the person as per the Births and Death Registrations Act. In case of an ID number error, the letter must state the mistake that occurred from the department and should include the new number.
  • Birth Certificate: The original birth certificate or a clinic card that states the individual’s name and birth date.
  • Application Form: A correct and filled application form.

Combining Results

  • Results of all the exams: Scores of all the matric exams the candidate has appeared for.
  • Certified identification documents with the original: The old and new ID copies need to be certified by an attorney or a Commissioner of Oaths.

Administrative Errors

This is only considered when applied within a year of the issue of the original certificate.

  • Original National Senior Certificate: The original matric certificate needs to be handed over and is cancelled.
  • Certified identification documents with the original: The old and new ID copies need to be certified by an attorney or a Commissioner of Oaths.
  • Affidavit: A detailed sworn statement that lists the reasons for the change. This could be a name, gender, or ID number update. It should be done in the presence of a Commissioner of Oaths.

What Are the Costs for Replacing a Matric Certificate?

Requesting a replacement for the matric certificate in South Africa is easy. Applicants can apply online or at their nearest DBE or PED office in case of loss or damage to the certificate. They can only apply in person if they need the particulars such as name etc updated on the certificate.

Applying for a replacement certificate costs R170. The current fee is valid until 31 March 2025. If applicants wish to have the updated certificate couriered home, an additional fee is charged depending on the service. Alternatively, people can choose to self-pick up at no additional cost. 

How Long Does It Take to Get a Matric Certificate Replacement?

On average, receiving a replacement certificate takes 4 to 6 weeks from when the application is submitted. It can take longer if the records are not available in the system and must be retrieved from the archives.

The DBE and PED cannot issue a matric replacement certificate on the same day, even if the application is submitted in person. 

Applicants should ensure they fill in the correct details, pay the fee, and attach all the required documents. Failure to do so could result in cancellation or delay in the application process. 

Since the certificate replacement process can take time, individuals should immediately apply for a new certificate in case of loss or damage. Since this is an important document, people should apply for a copy when they realise the original might have been lost or misplaced.

All applicants are allotted a reference number that they can use to check the status of their application.

What to Do If You Need Urgent Proof of Your Matric Results?

Since replacing the matric certificate takes a few weeks, students and working professionals should apply for a replacement as soon as possible. However, an applicant can request a Statement of Results in the meantime. This can be used as temporary proof that the applicant appeared for and passed the matric exams.

The Statement of Results can be received immediately from any DBE or PED office. Individuals can apply for it at the same time as their replacement certificate. Requesting a Statement of Results costs R60, and this fee is valid until 31 March 2025.

Can You Replace a Matric Certificate from Many Years Ago?

It is possible to replace the matric certificate even if a person appeared for the exam decades ago. However, if the records are not part of the system, the replacement might take longer. This just means that they need to be retrieved from the archives, which could take longer than 4 to 6 weeks. 

The matric certificate is required if a person opts for higher education after years of working or caring for their children. The replacement fee is R170 and is valid until 31 March 2025.


The matric certificate is a significant achievement for any South African student and is the first step in seeking higher education. However, people might sometimes lose it or need particulars updated to match other official documents. Since it is such an important document, seeking a matric certificate replacement is possible. It is easy and convenient to request a replacement online or from any DBE or PED office, irrespective of where one appeared for the exam.

Visit Regenesys to explore the various programmes available at higher certificate, undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Matric Certificate Replacement – FAQs

Where to get a replacement matric certificate?

Applicants can receive a replacement by applying online at Umalusi or South African e-Services Portal, in person at the DBE or PDE office, or by post.

Is a matric certificate replacement form pdf version available?

A form is available on the DBE website and can be filled to apply for a lost/damaged certificate replacement by post or at the nearest DBE or PED office.

What documents are required to replace a lost matric certificate?

Applicants need an affidavit and a certified copy of the ID when seeking a replacement in case the certificate is lost.

What steps can be taken for replacing lost matric certificate?

The applicant must complete the form, pay the fees, and submit all the required documents either in person or online.

What documents are required to update particulars on a matric certificate?

Applicants need an affidavit, a certified copy of the new and old ID, a letter from the Department of Home Affairs, and the original certificate.

What steps can be taken for replacing particulars on a matric certificate?

Applicant details, such as gender, ID number, etc., can only be changed by applying at a DBE or PDE office. This cannot be done online.

What is the fee charged when applying for a matric certificate replacement?

Applicants are charged a fee of R170, valid until 31 March 2025.

Can I use any document while the replacement of the matric certificate is being processed?

Applicants can request their Statement of Results, which can be available immediately. This can be used as proof that the individual passed their matric. The fee for this is R60.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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