How Do You Know If You Failed Matric? Options Explained

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In South Africa, the matriculation year marks a critical milestone in a student’s educational journey. Often seen as the gateway to higher education and career opportunities, the results of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams can significantly impact one’s future. However, not every student achieves the desired results on their first attempt. Understanding how matric results are determined, what constitutes a pass, and the options available if you fail matric, are crucial for navigating this pivotal phase. In this article, we explore how do you know if you failed matric, the requirements to pass matric and more. 

How Are Matric Results Determined in South Africa?

Matric results in South Africa are determined by the National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams, which are administered by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). The exams usually take place at the end of Grade 12 and include various subjects that students have learned during their time in high school.

The NSC exams are divided into two components: the internal assessment (known as the school-based assessment or SBA) and the final external examination. 

The overall score combines these two components, and the final results are published in January of the following year. The results are assessed against specific criteria established by the DBE to determine whether a student has passed. How do you know if you failed matric? Let’s understand the requirements for passing the matric exam before that. 

What Are the Requirements to Pass Matric? 

To pass matric, students must meet certain requirements outlined by the DBE. Here is a general breakdown of these requirements:

  1. Pass Level: Students must achieve a minimum of 40% in each of their home language and first additional language subjects. For other subjects, a minimum of 30% is required.
  2. Overall Score: Students need to achieve at least 40% overall to pass the NSC exams.
  3. Subject Requirements: Students must pass a minimum of six subjects, including at least one language at the Home Language level and one other language at the First Additional Language level.
  4. Promotion Requirements: To be promoted to a higher level, such as a university or college, students must achieve higher marks and meet additional criteria specific to the institutions they are applying to.

How Do You Know If You Failed Matric?

Determining whether you have failed matric involves checking your results against the pass criteria set by the Department of Basic Education. Here’s how to know if you have failed matric:

  1. Check the Results: Compare your marks to the minimum pass levels. If you scored below the required 40% in two or more subjects or did not meet the overall percentage criteria, you may have failed.
  2. Review the Official Report: The official results report will indicate whether you have passed, failed, or if you need to rewrite certain exams.
  3. Consult School Officials: Your school can provide additional guidance and support in understanding your results and the next steps if you have failed matric.

What Are the Different Pass Levels?

South Africa uses different pass levels to categorise matric results. Here’s a summary of the levels:

  1. Bachelor PassBachelor pass requirements include obtaining at least 50% in four subjects, 30% in two other languages, and 40% in the home language. This level qualifies students for university admission.
  2. Diploma Pass: The diploma pass requirement includes achieving at least 40% in four subjects, including home language and 30% in two other languages. This pass level qualifies students for admission to higher education institutions that offer diplomas and certificates.
  3. Higher Certificate PassHigher certificate passrequirements include obtaining a minimum of 40% in three subjects, including home language and 30% in three other subjects. This pass level allows entry into certain vocational training and certificate programmes.

What Happens If You Fail Matric?

If you fail matric, it’s important to understand your options for moving forward. Here are the main avenues available:

  1. Matric Rewrite: Students who have failed matric can opt for matric rewrite option. This can be done through supplementary exams offered in the following year or by re-registering for a full-year programme to retake the exams.
  2. Supplementary Exams: These exams are available for students who did not meet the pass requirements in a few subjects. They allow you to improve your marks without repeating the entire year.
  3. Adult Matric: For those who are older and need to obtain their matric qualification, the Adult Matric programme is available. This is a part-time option that allows individuals to complete their matric through evening classes or distance learning.
  4. Upgrade Marks: Students who passed but wish to improve their grades can opt to upgrade their marks in specific subjects. This is done through a re-examination process.

Can You Still Succeed After Failing Matric?

Absolutely, a failed matric result does not mean the end. Many successful individuals have faced setbacks and found alternative paths to success. Here are some ways to succeed after failing matric:

  1. Vocational Training: Enrolling in vocational courses can provide practical skills and lead to employment opportunities.
  2. Further Education: Pursuing alternative educational pathways, such as certificates or diplomas, can offer valuable qualifications and open doors to various careers.
  3. Entrepreneurship: Starting a business or pursuing entrepreneurial ventures can be a viable option for those with a passion for their field.
  4. Work Experience: Gaining work experience and developing skills on the job can lead to career advancement and personal growth.

Know how to check matric supplementary results online here! 


Not passing matric can be difficult, but it does not determine what will happen in your future. By grasping the process of determining matric results and investigating the choices at hand, you can plan a way ahead and attain success. Whether it’s retaking exams, enrolling in adult education programmes, or undergoing vocational training, there are many chances to bounce back and excel.

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How Do You Know If You Failed Matric? – FAQs

How do I know if I failed the matric?

Check your results against the pass criteria. If you scored below the required levels in multiple subjects, you may have failed matric.

What happens when you fail a matric?

If you are thinking, failed matric; what now? Then, consider options like rewriting exams, taking supplementary exams, or pursuing adult matric to achieve your qualification.

What is the adult matric programme?

The adult matric programme is a part-time education option for older individuals who need to complete their matric qualification.

What to do after failing matric?

If you fail your matric, don’t lose hope. Consider applying for supplementary exams or other options.

What are the pass levels for matric?

Pass levels include Bachelor Pass, Diploma Pass, and Higher Certificate Pass, each with different requirements.

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MA in English Literature, B.A (Hons) in English Literature Alankrati has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms and other niches. Before joining Regenesys, Ms Verma wrote articles and blogs for various Edtech websites.

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