Bursary Application Letter: Essential Tips and Examples

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When it comes to obtaining financial assistance for college, one of the most important steps you can take is applying for a bursary. However, applying for a bursary is not enough. You must take further action to enhance your possibility of securing a bursary by writing a well-crafted and structured bursary application letter. This will not only make your application stand out from others but also help you get your desired bursary programme.

But how do you write a compelling application letter for the bursary? Well, in our article, we will walk you through the key ways to write an effective application letter. We will also explore the key tips, examples and insights to increase your chances of success. So, continue reading!

Table of Contents

  • What is a Bursary Application Letter?
  • Importance of Well-Written Bursary Application Letter
  • How to Customise Your Application Letter Template?
  • Keys Tips for Bursary Application Letter
  • Format and Structure of a Bursary Application Email
  • Tips for Writing a Professional and Polite Email
  • Sample Bursary Application Letters and Email
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Bursary Application Letter?

A bursary application letter is a formal document written by a student requesting financial support for education from an organisation, institution, or funding body. It is often accompanied by a bursary application form and typically includes information about the learner’s financial needs, academic achievements, and reasons for seeking a bursary.

The funding organisation or institution uses bursary application forms and letters to identify suitable candidates for financial aid. These authorities often choose the applicants based on academic merit, monetary need, or both. Therefore, the candidates must write application letters depending on the requirements of the bursary.

Importance of Well-Written Bursary Application Letter

As we know, a well-written application letter for a bursary can help you get your desired bursary for your education. Do you want to know how an application letter impresses the selection committee and increases your chances of securing financial aid? Here are the key reasons that outline the importance of an application letter for a bursary:

  • Serves As Your First Impression:

Since the application letter is the first thing the bursary committee sees, you can make a first impression on them through your bursary application letter. You can showcase your professionalism and stand out among many applicants.

  • Demonstrates Your Financial Needs:

An application letter is a means to clearly convey your financial needs and how a bursary will help you achieve your academic goals. Hence, being genuine and specific about your circumstances will enhance your chances of getting support.

  • Highlights Your Academic Achievements and Potential:

You can use a bursary application letter to showcase your academic achievements, extracurricular activities and career goals. Besides, this will give the selection committee a picture of your potential, making you a suitable candidate.

  • Makes Personal Connections:

With the help of an application letter, you can make a personal connection with the bursary committee. In other words, it is an opportunity for you to make a compelling case for why you deserve the bursary by sharing your story, goals, and passion.

How to Customise Your Application Letter Template for Bursary?

When you are applying for multiple bursary programmes, you must make sure you write customised application letters tailored to the requirements set by the bursary provider. Typically, an application letter must include the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • Personal Information
  • Educational Background and Academic Achievements
  • Financial Need
  • Purpose of the Letter
  • Relevant Experiences
  • Future Goals
  • Conclusion

You can follow the same elements and structure in your application letter. However, when you are writing the letter for each bursary programme, you must make it unique and distinctive. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Research and Explore Bursary Programmes:

The first step you must take to customise your bursary application letter templates is to thoroughly research the requirements of the bursary programme. You can also look for information on their website to understand their criteria, goals, and values.

Know all the best bursaries available in South Africa.

  • Personalise the Greeting:

You must always make sure to personalise the greeting section by addressing the letter to a specific bursary selection committee or person responsible for selecting your application. Doing this will show your commitment and effort in determining how much you need the bursary for your education.

  • Include Specific Achievements and Examples:

While writing a bursary application letter for a specific programme, highlight achievements, skills and examples that you feel match the criteria. For example, if a bursary programme values community service, provide specific volunteer work that you have been involved in.

  • Mention Distinct Aspects of the Bursary Programme:

When you are showing your genuine interest and objective in applying for a bursary programme, mention the aspects of the programme that you find appealing and inspiring. For example, it can be their mentorship opportunities, community initiatives or networking opportunities.

  • Follow Formatting Guidelines By Bursary Provider:

Remember to adhere to the formatting guidelines provided by the bursary provider. The format can include font type, size, line spacing, and alignment. As a result, by doing this, you can make your letter look professional and easy to read.

Keys Tips for Bursary Application Letter

Here are some of the essential tips you can follow while writing your application letter for bursary:

  • Read the Guidelines of Bursary Carefully:

The first and foremost step is to read and familiarise yourself with the guidelines set by the bursary provider. These guidelines can include bursary requirements, eligibility criteria, deadlines, and more.

  • Personalise and Tailor Your Letter:

Always bear in mind that you should tailor your bursary application letter to the specific bursary. You can do this by understanding the values, objectives, and selection criteria put forward by the bursary committee.

  • Be Selective With Your Activities and Awards:

Choose relevant academic achievements and extracurricular activities that add value to your application. Therefore, remember only to highlight those that demonstrate your strengths and best attributes.

  • Demonstrating Financial Need With Examples:

Explaining your financial need is an important section of your application letter. Hence, while demonstrating your financial necessity, clearly state your situation and why you need the bursary with specific examples.

  • Keep it Brief and Clear:

You can use a direct writing style in your letter and cover your details as much as you can in a few words. This way, you can keep your bursary application letter clear and to the point and grab the attention of the selection committee.

  • Proofread and Make Necessary Edits:

Proofread your application letter before submitting it to eliminate all spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. You can consider taking the help of others to review your letter to catch overlooked errors. As a result, you can have a well-written and error-free application letter.

Format and Structure of a Bursary Application Email

You can send your bursary application letter to the bursary provider by email as well. However, there is a format you should follow to make your email professional and polite. Here is the ideal format and structure of a bursary application email that you can use while writing an email for your bursary application:

Subject Line:

The subject line of the email indicates the purpose of your email. Therefore, make sure to write the subject line concisely and clearly. For example, you can write this as:

  • Bursary Application: [Your Name] or
  • Application for [Bursary Name: Your Name]


Start your email by addressing the recipient by their name and title. For example, add,

  • Dear [Bursary Committee’s Name]
  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr. Recipient Name]


The body of the email should be informative and detail-oriented. Therefore, you must follow the structure as given below:

  • Paragraph 1: Personal introduction
  • Paragraph 2: Purpose of the bursary application
  • Paragraph 3: Educational achievements and future aspirations
  • Paragraph 4: Conclusion


After the email body, you can conclude your email using a polite closing phrase. For example, you can write phrases like ‘Yours Sincerely/ Regards and Thanks/ Best Regards’. You can also include your full name and contact information.

Tips for Writing a Professional and Polite Email

By following the format and structure as explained above, you can make your bursary application email professional and unique. However, just like the tips you should follow for the bursary application letter, you must also adhere to tips for writing polite emails. Here are the essential strategies:

  • Keep the email personal, not generic.
  • Maintain a formal, polite and professional tone throughout the email.
  • Explain your financial conditions and needs genuinely.
  • Describe your academic goals, achievements and future aspirations concisely.
  • Attach all required documents to the email, including academic records, proof of financial need, and other records.
  • Look out for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Make the email content brief and crisp to the point
  • Proofread meticulously to avoid typos

Sample Bursary Application Letters and Email

Have a look at the email and bursary application letter samples to help you attract the attention of the selection committee:

Example of Bursary application letter: 


[Your Name]

[Your Address]




[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Address]


Subject: Application For Bursary

Dear [Mr/Ms. Recipient’s Name]

I wish to inform you of my interest in receiving bursary funds to support my educational pursuits.

I have recently been accepted to study in the [ Programme/Course] at [YourUniversity Name]. I am enthusiastic about advancing my academic aspirations, but I face financial constraints that hinder my progress.

I kindly request your consideration of my candidacy for bursary assistance. Throughout my high school and college years, I have [ Mention your experiences, activities in school, community involvement and volunteer work]. I have learnt [ state what you’ve learned from these experiences]. I did [Emphasize your responsibilities, skills and awards].

Unfortunately, [Describe your financial situation and needs]. Hence, being granted acceptance into the bursary program would immensely contribute to my academic journey and professional ambitions.

I hope to receive a positive response from you.


Yours Sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Details]

Bursary Application Email Sample:

Subject Line: Application For Bursary

Dear [Recipient’s Name]


I am writing to express my intention to apply for bursary aid to support my educational development.

I am currently enroled in [Programme/Course] at [Your University Name]. However, my financial resources are limiting my educational opportunities.

Therefore, I am seeking a bursary to assist me in pursuing my education. If granted the opportunity to receive your bursary, I am grateful and committed to exceeding your expectations.

I am a diligent student, and I have [Describe your academic achievements, extracurricular activities and personal attributes]. I am confident that I meet the merit requirement of the bursary programme.

I hope my request receives your favourable consideration. Thank you.


Yours Truly,

[Your Name]

[Contact Details]

Also, find out the format and structure of a motivational letter for a bursary with samples.

Example of Bursary Email Letter


Crafting a well-structured and thoughtful bursary application letter can make a first impression on the selection committee. Therefore, while writing your application letter, you must research the bursary programme and personalise your letter to increase your chances of getting the right bursary for your education. Besides, you should always remember to follow the guidelines and tips to make your letter stand out from others.

In our article, we have provided a step-by-step guide, walking you through the essential strategies and examples for creating an engaging application letter and email for a bursary. We hope you gained the insights to write an impressive application letter for the bursary.

Contact Regenesys career counsellors today for a course quotation, and begin your journey by taking the first step towards securing a bursary for your education!

Frequently Asked Questions: Example of Bursary Application Letter

Q1)What should I include in an application letter for a bursary?

You should include an introduction, personal information, educational background, financial need, future goals and relevant experiences in your application letter for bursary.

Q2)What is the ideal length of a bursary application letter?

The ideal length of the application letter for a bursary is typically one page. Therefore, make sure you cover all the necessary information concisely and straight to the point.

Q3) How do I demonstrate financial need in my application letter for a bursary?

In the application letter, you can demonstrate your financial need by clearly stating your financial situation and providing specific, genuine examples of why you need the bursary.

Q4) How can I customise my application letter for different bursary programmes?

You can customise your application letter for a bursary by researching the specific requirements and values of each bursary programme. Then, personalise the greeting, highlight achievements that match the criteria, and follow the formatting guidelines.

Q5)Why is a well-written bursary application letter important?

A well-written application letter for a bursary is important since it serves as the first impression on the selection committee. Besides, it clearly conveys your financial needs and highlights your academic achievements, impressing the committee.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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