HCBM Programme: Importance of Soft Skills | Regenesys

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Summary: Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, are increasingly crucial in the workplace. Research shows that 85% of job success depends on these interpersonal skills. The Higher Certificate in Business Management (HCBM) program at Regenesys Business School focuses on developing these essential attributes, ensuring graduates are well-equipped for professional success. The program offers a comprehensive curriculum, practical exposure, personalized mentorship, and continuous professional development, making it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance their soft skills and advance their careers.


Research from Stanford, Harvard, and Carnegie Foundation shows that 85% of job success relies on soft and interpersonal skills, with only 15% attributed to technical proficiency. OECD’s analysis indicates a correlation between work hours and soft skills, revealing that Americans work significantly more hours than their counterparts in Britain, Japan, and Germany. Despite a growing demand for strong soft skills (91% of organizations), 81% find it challenging to hire talent with these attributes, emphasizing the need to cultivate and identify such skills in the workforce.  

The HCBM program at Regenesys Business School places a strong focus on the significance of soft skills in attaining professional success. Tailored to equip learners with crucial interpersonal and communication abilities essential for effective collaboration in diverse workplaces, the program underscores that sustained career growth requires more than just technical expertise. The curriculum emphasizes the need for a well-rounded skill set, acknowledging that a reliance solely on technical skills is insufficient for long-term career development. 

The Rising Importance of Soft Skills: 

Soft skills, often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, encompass a range of attributes such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. According to recent studies, employers are increasingly prioritizing soft skills when hiring and promoting employees. The World Economic Forum’s “Future of Jobs Report” identifies complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence as the top skills needed for the workforce by 2025. In addition, a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) found that communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are among the most sought-after qualities by employers. These statistics underscore the pivotal role soft skills play in determining an individual’s professional success and overall employability. 

The HCBM Advantage at Regenesys Business School: 

Recognizing the significance of soft skills in the contemporary business landscape, Regenesys Business School has crafted the Higher Certificate in Business Management program to holistically develop students’ abilities, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges of the modern workplace. 

Comprehensive Curriculum

The HCBM program at Regenesys Business School is designed to provide a well-rounded education, incorporating not only the technical aspects of business management but also focusing on developing critical soft skills. The modules under this programme form integral components of the curriculum, allowing learners to cultivate essential interpersonal competencies. 

Industry-Relevant Practical Exposure

Regenesys Business School goes beyond theoretical education by providing practical exposure and industry-relevant experiences. The HCBM program integrates engaging activities during the session and guest lectures from seasoned professionals, allowing learners to apply their soft skills in real-world situations. This hands-on experience not only strengthens their proficiency but also builds confidence in their ability to navigate professional challenges effectively. 

Personalized Mentorship

Recognizing the unique strengths and areas of improvement for each student, the HCBM program at Regenesys Business School offers personalized mentorship. Facilitators work closely with learners to identify and nurture their soft skills, providing constructive feedback and guidance for continuous improvement. This tailored approach ensures that students receive the support needed to excel in their interpersonal and communication skills. 

Continuous Professional Development: 

The commitment to soft skills development doesn’t end with graduation. Regenesys Business School places a strong emphasis on continuous professional development, offering alumni access to workshops, seminars, and networking events. This ongoing support helps graduates stay current with industry trends and further hones their soft skills as they progress in their careers. 

HCBM Programme - Regenesys


In an era where effective connection, collaboration, and communication are increasingly vital, possessing soft skills has become an indispensable asset for those aiming to thrive in their professional endeavors. At Regenesys Business School, the HCBM program stands as a guiding light for individuals seeking to enhance their soft skills. Through its all-encompassing curriculum, interactive learning setting, practical exposure aligned with industry needs, personalized mentorship, and a commitment to continuous professional development, this program equips learners to excel in the dynamic and competitive business landscape. As the significance of soft skills continues to be underscored by statistics, the HCBM program remains a strategic investment in shaping the future success of individuals in the ever-evolving business world. 

FAQ Section:

Q1: What are soft skills?

A1: Soft skills are interpersonal or people skills that include communication, teamwork, adaptability, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.

Q2: Why are soft skills important in the workplace?

A2: Soft skills are vital for effective communication, collaboration, and leadership. They contribute to an individual’s overall employability and professional success.

Q3: How does the HCBM program at Regenesys Business School enhance soft skills?

A3: The HCBM program provides a comprehensive curriculum, practical exposure, personalized mentorship, and continuous professional development to cultivate essential soft skills.

Q4: What are the benefits of continuous professional development in soft skills?

A4: Continuous professional development helps individuals stay updated with industry trends, further hone their soft skills, and remain competitive in the job market.

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Renu Jahagirdar BCom, MBA (HR), MPM, PhD candidate Senior Facilitator | Regenesys Business School

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