What Is The APS Score For Accounting Science?

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Are you passionate about numbers, finance, and making informed business decisions? 

Do you dream of a career in accounting science, where you can play a pivotal role in a company’s financial success? If so, you may wonder what it takes to pursue a degree in this field. 

When pursuing a career in accounting science, one crucial factor that often comes into play is the APS score. But what exactly is an APS score, and why is it so crucial for those aspiring to enter the field of accounting science? 

In this article, let’s delve into the details of the APS score and explore its significance in shaping your future in this field.

This Article Includes:

  • What is the APS Score?
  • What is the APS Score Required for Accounting Science?
  • How to Achieve the APS Score Required for Accounting Science?

What is the APS Score?

APS stands for Admission Point Score, a scoring system, and it is a numerical measure used by many South African universities to determine the eligibility of applicants for various degree programmes.

The APS score is calculated based on your performance in specific subjects during your final year of high school or Grade 12 results. The APS score indicates your academic ability and readiness for tertiary education and determines eligibility for admission into various undergraduate programmes. Each university has its own APS requirements, which can vary depending on the competitiveness of the course and the institution itself.

What is the APS Score Required for Accounting Science?

The APS score requirements may vary depending on the university and the specific programme you want to pursue. Generally, the Accounting Science domain is highly competitive, and higher APS scores are often required for admission into top-tier institutions. 

Accounting Science is a demanding and challenging domain that requires a solid foundation in mathematics, business, and finance. Thus, universities offering accounting science programmes often have high APS requirements to ensure students admitted into these programmes have the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed.

When it comes to accounting science, the APS score holds particular importance. Thus, you must check with the universities you are interested in to determine their specific APS score requirements for Accounting Science.

So, what is the APS score required for accounting science? 

Aiming for an APS score between 32 and 37 is generally recommended to have a competitive advantage. At the same time, the specific requirements may differ from one institution to another.

However, it is essential to note that meeting the minimum APS requirements does not guarantee admission, as other factors also come into play.

How to Achieve the APS Score Required for Accounting Science?

The APS Score for Accounting Science: A Key to Unlocking Your Future

To achieve a desirable APS score for accounting science, focusing on your Grade 12 performance is essential. This means putting in the effort to excel in Mathematics, Accounting, Economics, and Business Studies. By obtaining high marks in these subjects, you demonstrate your aptitude for the core concepts of accounting science, improving your chances of securing a place in a reputable university programme.

In addition to academic performance, universities may consider other factors when evaluating applicants for accounting science programmes. These include extracurricular activities, leadership roles, community involvement, and personal statements. While the APS score is essential, it is not the sole determining factor in the admission process. Therefore, developing a well-rounded profile that showcases your abilities beyond your academic achievements is essential.

Once you successfully gain admission into an accounting science programme, your APS score remains significant throughout your academic journey. Many universities use the APS score as a criterion for awarding scholarships and bursaries. A high APS score can open doors to financial assistance, easing the burden of tuition fees and allowing you to focus on your studies and personal growth.

Furthermore, your APS score can also influence future career opportunities. Accounting firms and employers often consider candidates’ academic performance when hiring. A strong APS score can demonstrate your commitment to excellence and serve as a testament to your potential as an accounting professional.

To give you an idea, let’s take a look at some of the APS score requirements for Accounting Science at a few well-known South African universities:


The University of Johannesburg

APS score: 33

University of Pretoria (UP)

APS score: 34

North-West University

APS score: 36

University of Cape Town (UCT)

APS score: 38

University of the Witwatersrand (Wits)

APS score: 39


Please note that these scores are subject to change, and it is always advisable to visit the official websites of these institutions for the most up-to-date information.

 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your APS Score:

 Now that you know the APS score requirements, you might wonder how to achieve a competitive score. Here are a few tips to help you prepare:

  • Choose the suitable subjects: 

To pursue a degree in Accounting Science, taking subjects such as Mathematics, Accounting, and Business Studies during your final year of high school is essential. These subjects will help you build a strong foundation and contribute to a higher APS score.

  • Study consistently: 

Consistent studying and revision are crucial to performing well in your final exams. Develop a study schedule and stick to it, focusing on understanding concepts and practising problem-solving.

  • Seek additional support: 

If you find certain subjects challenging, don’t hesitate to seek extra help. Consider joining study groups, hiring tutors, or attending revision classes to reinforce your understanding and improve your performance.

  • Practice past exam papers: 

Familiarise yourself with the format and style of past exam papers. This will help you become more comfortable with the questions asked and improve your time management skills.

  • Stay motivated: 

Pursuing a degree in Accounting Science requires dedication and perseverance. Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, reminding yourself of your passion for the field, and visualising the rewarding career opportunities.

Thus, the APS score is just one aspect of the admission process. Universities also consider other factors such as personal statements, extracurricular activities, and interviews. So, while a good APS score is essential, showcasing your strengths and qualities beyond academics is equally crucial.

bachelor of accounting science

 The Bottom Line

The APS score is vital in pursuing a career in accounting science. It is a criterion for university admission, scholarships, and future career prospects. By aiming for a competitive APS score and showcasing your abilities beyond academics, you can position yourself for success in the dynamic and rewarding field of accounting science. 

It’s important to note that the APS score is not the sole factor determining your admission to an accounting science programme. Universities also consider other aspects of your application, such as personal statements, extracurricular activities, and recommendation letters. However, achieving a high APS score can significantly increase your chances of securing a spot in your desired programme.

So, start preparing, put in the effort, and unlock the doors to a bright future in accounting science!

Stay tuned with Regenesys Business School to unlock the benefits of Accounting Science with an APS Score. Signup now @ Regenesys Business School to learn more about the accounting science Regenesys modules, accounting science requirements, accounting science job opportunities and more.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

 Why is an APS (Admission Point Score) important during admission?


An APS – Admission Point Score is a method universities use to decide whether students can get admission. Students are required to have a specific APS Score to study at the university. 

How is APS Score calculated?


APS – Admission Point Scores are calculated based on the students’ class 12 final examination results. 

What Is The Highest APS Score?


The highest APS score you can receive is 42 points.

Why the APS score is essential for accounting science specifically?


Accounting science is a highly competitive field that requires a strong foundation in mathematics, business, and analytical skills. 

Universities want to ensure their students are well-prepared for the programme’s rigorous coursework and demanding nature. As a result, they often set higher APS score requirements for accounting science compared to other fields of study.

What is the APS score for Accounting Science at Regenesys Business School, South Africa?


An APS (Admission Point Score) is a method universities use to decide whether students can get admission. These APS scores vary with the universities and the programmes. Thus, Regenesys Business School is a private institution that does not check for the APS score. 

Regenesys Business School, South Africa, has its own eligibility criteria for admissions into our trending management courses and business administration courses. Click here to learn the admission requirements for Regenesys’ Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT) programme.

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