How Long Is A Bachelor of Accounting Science Programme ?

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Accounting Science is a domain that is in demand and offers a range of career opportunities. If you’re interested in becoming an accountant, you may wonder how long it takes to earn a Bachelor of Accounting Science. 

The answer to this question depends on several factors, including the university you choose, the programme you select, and your schedule. 

In this article, let’s explore the path to becoming an accountant and the course duration it typically takes to earn a bachelor’s degree. Whether you’re just starting to explore accounting as a career or looking to continue your education, this article will provide valuable information to help you navigate your path towards success.

In This Article:

  • What is a Bachelor of Accounting Science?
  • How Long is a Bachelor of Accounting Science?
  • Factors Affecting the Length of a Bachelor of Accounting Science.

What is a Bachelor of Accounting Science?

A Bachelor of Accounting Science is an extensive programme designed to provide students with a solid foundation in accounting principles and practices. 

Bachelor of Accounting Science courses are carefully curated to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in accounting. 

While the specific course curriculum may vary from one educational institution to another, the core subjects are typically included in most accounting disciplines, such as auditing, taxation, economics, statistics, business law, managerial accounting, professional ethics, financial accounting, information systems and more. 

How Long is a Bachelor of Accounting Science?

Understanding accounting science’s course duration and curriculum is essential for aspiring accountants to make informed decisions about their academic journey. The duration of a Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT) degree can vary depending on several factors. 

  • Generally, a BCOMPT programme takes approximately three years to complete for full-time students. However, it is essential to note that various factors can influence this timeline, such as the institution offering the programme, the student’s course load, and any breaks or interruptions in their studies.
  • Some universities may offer accelerated or intensive programmes that allow students to complete their accounting science degree in a shorter timeframe, typically around three years. 
  • On the other hand, part-time students or those balancing work or other commitments may take longer to finish their degree, often extending their studies to five or six years.
  • In addition to the standard coursework, accounting science programmes often require students to complete internships or practical training, which can further extend the programme’s duration. These hands-on experiences are invaluable for students to gain real-world exposure and apply their theoretical knowledge in professional settings.

Thus, It is essential for aspiring accountants to carefully consider their personal circumstances and goals when planning their accounting science degree timeline. 

Factors Affecting the Length of a Bachelor of Accounting Science

Several factors can affect the length of a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree programme. These factors include:

Programme Structure: 

  • The specific structure and requirements of the programme can affect its length.
  • Some programmes may have a more comprehensive curriculum with more credit hours, resulting in a longer duration.

Credit Transfer: 

  • Students who have completed prior coursework or have transferred from another institution may receive credit for specific courses.
  • This can reduce the number of credits required to complete the programme and shorten its length.

Co-op or Internship Programmes: 

  • Some accounting programmes may offer co-op or internship opportunities.
  • While these programmes provide students with valuable work experience, they can extend the length of the degree programme due to the additional time spent in the workplace.

Full-time or Part-time Study: 

  • The length of a Bachelor’s degree can vary depending on whether a student is studying full-time or part-time. 
  • Full-time students usually complete their degrees in a shorter period. Part-time students may take longer to finish the programme due to fewer courses per semester.

Prerequisite Course Requirements: 

  • Some accounting programmes may have specific prerequisite courses that students must complete before starting upper-level accounting courses.
  • If a student needs to complete these requirements, it can lengthen the overall duration of the degree programme.

Academic Performance: 

  • Academic performance can also impact the length of the degree programme. 
  • Students who struggle with specific courses or need to retake courses may need additional time to complete the programme.

It’s important to note that a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree programme typically lasts three to four years for full-time students. However, variations can occur based on the factors mentioned above.

Bachelor of accounting science (bcompt)

The Bottom Line

Undertaking the pursuit of an accounting science degree is a challenging feat. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a solid commitment to learning and understanding the intricacies of the financial world. 

While the duration of a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree can vary depending on the institution and programme structure, it typically takes around three to four years to complete. This time frame allows for a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and provides ample opportunity for practical application through internships, co-op experiences, or other hands-on learning opportunities.

Discover the length of a Regenesys Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT) course by visiting our website @

Enrol now at Regenesys’ Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT) and develop your professional knowledge, skills, and applied competencies in accounting, auditing, management accounting and taxation. Click here to learn more in detail about the bachelor of accounting science course details, accounting science requirements, accounting science job opportunities and more in detail about the accounting science Regenesys modules.

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

What is CPA?


CPA – Certified Public Accountant is a highly esteemed professional certification that plays a significant role in accounting and can significantly impact your career path. 

Is CPA essential to become an accountant?


Yes. A Bachelor of Accounting Science degree is essential for aspiring accountants; obtaining a professional certification can enhance your expertise and open up new opportunities. Most people who earn CPAs practice as accountants. 

What are the roles or responsibilities of an Accountant?


An Accountant plays a vital role in businesses of all sizes, providing essential financial insights, ensuring compliance with regulations, and contributing to overall financial stability. 

With the Regenesys Bachelor of Accounting Science degree, you open doors to diverse career paths, including consulting, corporate accounting, government accounting, public accounting, and more.

Is there a Demand for Accountants?


The demand for qualified accountants continues to grow. As businesses navigate complex financial landscapes, the need for skilled professionals who can navigate tax regulations, financial reporting standards, and strategic financial planning becomes increasingly crucial. By obtaining a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree, individuals position themselves as a valuable asset in the job market, with a skill set that is highly sought after and in demand.

Why study Bachelor of Accounting Science degree?


The potential rewards of earning a Bachelor of Accounting Science degree are vast. From the knowledge and skills gained throughout your education to the numerous career opportunities and competitive salaries, embarking on this path can lead to a fulfilling and prosperous future in accounting. 

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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