Natural Remedies for Lowering Blood Pressure - Do They Work? - RegInsights

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There is a large percentage of the population that prefer to address their health ailments by way of natural means. In this article, we will discuss the multitude of natural hypertension cures we have at our disposal. It is worth noting that not all treatments affect people the same way, one treatment may be more effective than another depending on a wide variety of factors – please consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before undertaking any treatment.  

By recognising the main causes of hypertension or high blood pressure, we can greatly increase the effectiveness of our treatment programme and take control of ‘root causes.’ 

high blood pressure

The Main Causes of High Blood Pressure Include

A high-salt or sodium diet: The main culprit here is ‘table salt’ – one of the most effective ways to lower your blood pressure. The American heart association recommends no more than 1500mg or about one teaspoon of salt per day, most individuals consume at least twice this amount daily. 

Emotional & chronic stress: This is one of the biggest factors that will contribute to a raised blood pressure, we cannot emphasise enough how your environment and lifestyle will affect your blood pressure. Many cases have alleviated the symptoms of hypertension by creating a more positive environment and daily interactions. 

Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption will negatively affect your blood pressure and will also contribute to weight gain. Limit alcohol intake to one serving per day maximum. 

Genetic factors: Genetic factors play a role in the earlier onset of hypertension if you have hypertension in your family this does not automatically mean that you will irrevocably suffer from the same. Hypertension is still greatly within your own control! 

Caffeine: Stimulants cause vaso-constriction or arterial pressure which in turn raises your blood pressure, moderation of stimulants is key in the regulation of blood pressure. 

Smoking: Did you know that the haemoglobin (oxygen carriers) has a greater affinity to bind with nicotine than oxygen? So, if you smoke, you are virtually guaranteed lower blood oxygen levels. 

Obesity & poor nutrition: Excess fatty tissue within the body cause undue pressure on arteries, therefore inhibiting adequate blood flow, and in doing so raises your blood pressure. 

Inactivity: The positive effect that the simple act of exercising can have on hypertension, cannot be understated. If you suffer from high blood pressure, one of the very first recommendations your doctor will give is to move your body! 


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The Natural Treatment of Hypertension – Amanda James Wilburn PharmD,  1 Deborah S. King PharmD,  1 2 3 James Glisson MD, PharmD,  3 Robin W. Rockhold PhD,  4 Marion R. Wofford MD, MPH 3 

Causes of High Blood Pressure – Risk Factors: Weight, Diet, Age, Lifestyle ( 

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