What is Wellness? - RegInsights - Getting a balance

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Wellness is a broad concept because it plays out in so many dimensions. Some of these dimensions include the emotional, physical, occupational, intellectual, financial, social, environmental, and spiritual parts. These dimensions are interconnected, with one dimension building on another.

At Regenesys, we live in a multicultural world. Wellness can take on different nuances for different people. But we can agree that trauma is a universal human experience and that our culture and spiritual beliefs impact our perceptions and everything we do. Wellness is about how we live our lives and the joy and fulfilment and health we experience.


When we worry about money we may experience anxiety. We may be in debt or unable to afford the things we need, or we are not able to main the standard of living we think we should have. This emotional state of anxiety can lead to medical problems and trouble at work. When this happens, we may even question our own sense of meaning and purpose.

If we are not working, or we are laid off because of Covid, we may lose opportunities to interact with others, and may not be able to afford the food and medical care we need to stay well. We may even have to downgrade our home to an area that is less safe and secure.


Creating an appropriate balance in our lives is an important part of wellness. Overall, a balanced life can mean many things, because it depends on our culture, social and finical circumstances, resources, and other factors. Balance means having the time and opportunity to do the things that give us happiness and fulfilment. This includes working, spending time with family and friends, learning new skills, having fun, participating in the community, being physically and sexually active, praying, and relaxing and sleeping.

The balance will be different for each of us because we each have individual needs, preferences, and capabilities. One size does definitely does not fit all. This is why it’s important for us to rebalance from time to time, to adjust to what is going on in our lives. And at no time has this been more necessary than during the time of Covid

Difficult times

When we’re trying to get through a tough time—whether it is stress, an epidemic, an illness, trauma, or an emotional challenge—balance is especially important. In times like this, our habits and routines can help us to once again assert control over who we are and our lives. These habits provide a sense of familiarity. To do this, we have to focus on ourselves as well as the roles we play in the lives of others—students, friends, parents, spouses, co-workers, congregants, hobbyists, community members, and citizens.

What is Wellness?

Our Role in Society

Our roles and relationships help define who we are, they give us a sense of purpose, and a rationale for how our lives are interdependent on other people, animals, and the environment. Being engaged in life and relationships provides us with a measure of balance and overall wellness. We require a safe and clean living environment that helps us feel organised and in control. Having time to relax can greatly assist in finding balance in our lives. Chill time can provide the space we need to think through a situation or work through our feelings, or just let us rest and restore.

Getting that balance

There are some simple actions we can take to help us to get our lives back into balance.

  • Be active in activities that have a purpose. If our daily activities lack meaning, we can feel distressed or powerless.
  • Participate in activities that contribute to your wellness. Talking to a friend at the start of the day sets a good state of mind for the rest of the day.
  • Get a good night’s rest. Poor sleep can impact social relationships, produce physical and emotional reactions, productivity, and affect our ability to concentrate and accomplish tasks.
  • Be aware of the right amount of social interaction you need. Not too much and not too little. It’s important to know our limits.
  • Create a routine that works for you. Calendars help us remember when or how often we want to get things done, such as get a car service, clean the refrigerator, celebrate an accomplishment, call a friend or family member, check our financial records, and schedule an annual physical.
  • Repeat a behaviour until it becomes automatic. Routine brings predictability, and predictability improves our mood. Checklists help us remember important tasks.

Creating a wellness lifestyle can be challenging, but finding the right information, supports, and resources and tracking our progress can help us get there.

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