What is a Higher Certificate Pass in Matric?

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The matric exams in South Africa help define high school students’ lives. Passing the exams is a major achievement and is necessary to complete grade 12 and progress towards higher education. Those who receive a higher certificate pass in matric have many educational and work opportunities.

A higher certificate allows students to attend universities or private institutes for higher certificate programmes. They can use the qualification they earn to enrol for an undergraduate degree. Alternatively, students can choose to enter the workforce.

This article will cover what is a higher certificate pass in matric, educational paths students can pursue, and how they can improve their scores.

What is a Higher Certificate Pass in Matric?

A higher certificate pass is the third pass level in the matric that comes after the diploma pass and bachelor pass requirements. The South African education system offers attractive options for higher education, even with a certificate pass. 

Students can enrol in accredited professional courses that award National Qualifications Framework (NQF) levels. These professional courses help train students in well-paying scarce skills. Alternatively, they can opt for a higher certificate programme and use it as a qualification for an undergraduate programme in the future.

Students who receive a certificate pass can also choose to retake the exam to improve their chances of enroling in a degree programme. Once we understand what is a higher certificate pass in matric, we can see the potential it offers.

Higher Certificate Pass Requirements

The matric exam is divided into four levels to understand better the aptitude and knowledge a student has gained to pursue higher education. Students are required to register for a total of 7 subjects for their matric. Out of these, 4 are mandatory subjects: two languages, mathematics option, and life orientation. 

Students can choose an additional 3 elective subjects based on interest and preference. However, they should choose electives based on their future course of study requirements.

Students must pass all subjects and meet the following requirements to be awarded a certificate pass for the matric. Having clarified what is a higher certificate pass in matric, let us now learn about the minimum higher certificate pass requirements to achieve this pass level.

  • Home Language: 40% or higher 
  • 2 high credit subjects: 40% or higher
  • 3 other subjects: 30% or higher 

What Can You Study with a Higher Certificate Pass?

The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) has designed higher education to provide equal learning opportunities for all. However, these are dependent on a person’s skill and competence level.

Students with a certificate pass can work in prestigious sectors such as business management and accounting. They can enrol in short one-year programmes that progress with each level and award NQF level 6 qualifications. 

Some of the fields of study available to higher certificate pass holders include:

  • Office Administration
  • Bookkeeping
  • Financial Accounting
  • Marketing Management
  • Business Management
  • Legal Secretary

These are some of the higher education paths available for students with a certificate pass that can enable them to find placements in the above mentioned fields.

Higher Certificate Programmes:

  • National Accredited Technical Education (NATED): Once students complete all four levels, they receive an NQF level 6 diploma. These courses are designed to combine theory with practical experience and train students for future employment.
  • Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) Professional Courses: These accredited courses train students in well-paying scarce skills such as accounting. 
  • Higher Certificate Programmes: These are available at many universities and institutions in South Africa, including Regenesys. After graduating, students can choose to apply for an undergraduate programme in the same field to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.

What is the Difference Between a Higher Certificate Pass and Other Passes?

We have covered what a higher certificate pass in matric is and the various options available to students with that pass level. Students need to understand that a higher certificate pass can lead to qualifications and job opportunities that come with a bachelor’s pass.

Let us examine the minimum pass requirements of all the other levels in the matric exam.

Minimum Requirements for Bachelor’s Pass:

  • Home Language: 40% or higher
  • 4 high credit subjects: 50% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: 30% or higher

Minimum Requirements for Diploma Pass:

  • Home Language: 40% or higher 
  • 4 high credit subjects: 40% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: 30% or higher 

Know what is Diploma Pass Requirement in detail here!

Minimum Requirements for NSC Pass:

  • Home Language: 40% or higher 
  • 2 subjects: 40% or higher
  • 2 other subjects: 30% or higher 

Know what is NSC Pass Requirement in detail here!

What are the Career Opportunities with a Higher Certificate Pass?

Students who pass the matric exam with a certificate pass can apply for entry-level jobs if they wish to enter the workforce. These jobs offer beginner salaries with little scope for promotion or raise. Higher-paying jobs prefer to hire employees who are skilled in their trade or possess a strong skill set. 

A much better alternative would be to join a paid apprenticeship programme. These training programmes offer a mix of theory and practical experience, but most of the programme length is spent on the job. Companies that hire apprentices usually sign them for full-time employment after the programme’s completion.

Upgrading Your Higher Certificate Pass

We know what is a higher certificate pass in matric and understand that it can lead to higher education and job opportunities. However, if you are still unsatisfied with your matric score and believe that you missed the diploma pass by just a few points, you can choose to rewrite the matric. 

When students rewrite the matric, they can combine the scores of both exams to reflect the best scores for each subject. A matric rewrite allows students to register for four subjects they wish to improve. However, there is no option to switch the original subjects during the matric rewrite. This can only be done when students choose a matric upgrade.

Learn more about the difference between matric rewrite and upgrade.

What is the Importance of a Higher Certificate Pass?

A higher certificate pass indicates that a student has the knowledge and aptitude to advance to higher education. They can also be trained in high-demand vocational skills that will lead to stable employment opportunities. Students who achieve a certificate pass are presented with several paths to pursue. 

They are no longer limited to the traditional route of obtaining a higher education. Let us look at some possibilities available to students who receive a certificate pass in matric.

  • Access to Vocational Training: Students can enrol in vocational training programmes, such as apprenticeships, that teach them to be skilled in a collar trade. 
  • Alternative to Degree Courses: Students can also opt to study for NATED or ICB-accredited courses that can lead to jobs in finance and marketing. An NQF level 5 can allow students to apply for university programmes.
  • Pathway to Further Qualifications: Certificate pass students can enrol in an accredited higher certificate programme and, upon completion, use the NQF level to apply for an undergraduate programme in a similar field. 


Students who complete the matric with a higher certificate pass have multiple options available to them. Individuals can use the certificate pass to enrol in accredited courses that award diplomas and train students in prestigious fields such as finance and marketing. This article has helped clear all doubts regarding what a higher certificate pass is in matric and how students should view it for the various options it presents. 

When you are deciding on the path to higher education, remember to check Regenesys. It offers students various higher certificate and undergraduate level programmes to fulfil their goals.

What is a Higher Certificate Pass – FAQs

What is a higher certificate pass in matric?

This is the third pass-level that students can achieve in the matric exams in South Africa. With this, students can apply for higher certificate programmes.

What are the minimum requirements for a certificate pass?

Students need to earn a minimum of 40% in their home language, 40% or higher in two high-credit subjects, and 30% or higher in 3 other subjects.

What other pass levels are there in the matric exams?

The other pass levels are bachelor pass, diploma pass, and NSC pass.

Can I apply for jobs with a certificate pass?

With a certificate pass, students can apply for entry-level jobs or an apprenticeship.

What courses can I do with a certificate pass?

Students can enrol for NATED and accredited ICB courses in marketing, finance, and business management. They could also choose to enrol in higher certificate programmes.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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