Teaching Bursaries for 2024: List & how to apply for it

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Teachers play an important role in our society. They are referred to as the building blocks for our future generations. Students gain knowledge and get proper consultation through teachers. Teachers are often required in various sectors of life, whether it’s science, technology, business or any other subject in any other subject.

To get into teaching, you must take a professional programme and get a diploma or degree. Both have different qualifications and various levels of study. If you want to be a teacher but can’t afford the fee, you can check out the teaching bursaries available as a candidate.Some of the general requirement of bursaries you can know from here

The following article will explain teaching bursaries for 2024 and the different types of teaching bursaries available.

Table Of Contents

  • Overview of Teaching Bursaries for 2024 – (What’s New for 2024)
  • Types of Teaching Bursaries Available
  • How to Apply for a Teaching Bursary?
  • Top Teaching Bursaries in South Africa 
  • Motivational Letter for Teaching Bursary
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching Bursaries for 2024 Overview 

The South African government remains committed to supporting students pursuing teaching careers through various bursary programmes in 2024. Other private bodies or organisations are helping or introducing new initiatives for teaching bursaries in South Africa

It provides comprehensive financial assistance covering tuition, accommodation, meals, and even a small allowance to students enrolled in approved teaching programmes at public universities.

In addition to private bursaries, several provincial education departments have their bursary initiatives for 2024. For example, the Gauteng Department of Education offers a teacher bursary programme for students specialising in different subjects. Many other universities have partnered with the private sector to create teaching bursaries targeted at specific subjects or demographic groups underrepresented in the teaching field. Applicants exploring teaching bursaries or other field-based bursaries can also explore different options online.

Available Types of Teaching Bursaries 

There are different types of teaching bursaries available in South Africa. These bursaries are divided based on the provider, which are as follows:

Government-Based Bursaries

These types of bursaries provide financial aid from government agencies or departments. They are typically awarded based on financial need, academic merit, or a combination of these criteria. You can search for different government-based teaching bursaries and apply for bursaries which are still open.

Private-Based Bursaries

Private individuals, NGOs, or organisations offer these bursaries. They may be established through endowments or charitable foundations. Private teaching bursaries can be based on various criteria, such as academic performance, field of study, community involvement, or personal circumstances.

Organisation- Funded Bursaries

Companies, corporations, and professional associations provide these bursaries. They are often designed to support candidates/students pursuing specific fields of study or careers that align with the organisation’s interests or to promote diversity and inclusion within their industry or sector.

In all cases, bursaries are typically non-repayable financial aid awards that can help the applicant cover educational expenses such as textbooks, living costs, and tuition fees. Each type of teaching bursary has a different selection process, which you need to look into before applying for it.

How to Apply for a Teaching Bursary?

You must first understand the eligibility criteria to apply for a teaching bursary. These criteria can vary based on the different teaching bursaries available 

  • Applicant must be an SA citizen
  • Must have a passion for teaching.
  • Candidates must be in their final year of school (Matric) or have completed Matric.
  • Applicants must have an excellent academic record.
  • The applicant must have applied or been accepted to study at a recognised tertiary institute in the country.

After having the above eligibility, you can simply follow the below steps for applying for teaching bursaries:

  • Research for Teaching bursaries: You can look for teacher bursaries that are offered by government bodies, educational institutes, private organisations, etc. Make sure to make a list of the bursaries you are eligible for and their application deadlines.
  1. Collect all Documents: Commonly required documents include a letter of recommendation, a personal statement or essay, proof of financial need (e.g., tax returns), and any other documents requested by the bursary provider.
  2. Fill out the form: Follow the instructions carefully and accurately complete the teaching bursary online/ offline application form(s). Double-check for any errors or omissions.
  3. Submit the application: Ensure you have all the required documents and submit your application before the deadline. Some bursaries may require online submission, while others may accept hard copies by mail or in person.
  4. Wait for Approval: Wait for the bursary provider to review your application and notify you of their decision.

Top Teaching Bursaries in South Africa

Here, you can find a list of bursaries available in South Africa. You can do your thorough research before selecting any teaching bursaries.

  • SASMT Teacher Bursary South Africa
  • Cecil Renaud Overseas Scholarship South Africa
  • Funza Lushaka Bursary 2024
  • About The South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)
  • IDB Education Trust Bursary Loan
  • Jakes Gerwel Fellowship Bursary
  • JB Marks Education Trust Fund Bursary
  • North West Provincial Government Bursaries
  • Northern Cape Provincial Government Bursary
  • NUMSA Bursary

These are some of the bursaries available in South Africa. Before applying for a teacher’s bursary, you should look at the process and eligibility for each bursary.

Motivational Letter for Teaching Bursary

A motivation letter is essential for getting a teaching bursary. Learn how to write a motivational letter for a teaching bursary. You can look at some common tips for writing a motivation letter for a bursary.

    1. Start with a Greeting: First, you need to begin your motivational letter for teacher bursaries with a polite greeting. For example, you can use Dear “Name”,
  • Proper Introduction: You need to add your introduction to your motivational letter, including your name, the school you attend or attended, and the purpose of your teacher bursary motivation letter.
  • Mention your Qualification: You can show your last qualification and grades.
  • Need for Bursary: You should also explain the need for bursaries and how to utilise them for your future.
  • Closing Part: Always end with thanks and be polite. Closing your statement with “ sincerely” or “ Regards to whom you are writing the letter always reflects a positive to the receiver.

The above mentioned are some of the tips to write a motivational letter, you can also explore in-depth information about motivational letter from here.

Teaching bursaries for 2024


Aspiring teachers can lessen the cost of pursuing a teaching degree by applying for teaching bursaries for 2024, which will increase the field’s availability for people from a variety of backgrounds.

In addition to inspiring gifted and driven students to pursue careers in teaching, the availability of teaching bursaries contributes to solving the region’s critical teacher shortage. These bursaries are an investment in the coming generations of education, guaranteeing that committed, skilled educators who can make significant improvements in the lives of their students work in South African classrooms. Additionally, many of the teaching bursaries provided in South Africa have service requirements obligating applicants to teach for a predetermined amount of time in rural communities.You can also know about other bursarires such as accounting bursaries which are based on the profession.

However, now that you know the teaching bursaries are still open, you can also contact the career counsellor department at Regenesys. They can help you learn more details about higher education programmes in South Africa.

Frequently Asked Questions – Teaching Bursaries for 2024: Check the list & its Types

1)  Do I need to repay the teaching bursary if I complete my teaching service obligation?

No, bursaries like teaching bursaries do not need to be repaid if you honour the teaching service requirement after graduating.  

2) Can I get other funding in addition to a teaching bursary?

Many bursaries allow students to apply for additional NSFAS funding for expenses not covered. However, obtaining multiple full bursaries for the same costs is generally not allowed.

3) What if I need to complete my programme?

You may sometimes be required to repay some of the bursary funding and interest. The terms vary, and penalties may apply.

4) Can I get other funding on top of a teaching bursary?

Many bursaries allow students to request extra NSFAS funding for expenses not covered. However, getting multiple full bursaries for the exact costs is usually not allowed.

5) Where to study towards a Higher Qualification programme in South Africa?

You can pursue higher qualification programmes from Regenesys. Several programmes are available for higher studies, which you can research and pursue according to your career goal.

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A BSc IT graduate with a strong foundation in technology, blending technical knowledge with creative writing skills to produce high-quality SEO content, Zaid Khan has been creating compelling written content for innovative Edtech platforms to enhance learning experiences.

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