Stress of Being in Matric: Signs and Coping Strategies

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Matric is often considered the most important year in a South African student’s academic journey. It marks the shift from school to the next stage in life. Therefore, for students, it is packed with intense studying, stress, and sleepless nights, leading to the anxious wait for final results. However, as a student, it is essential to remember that you are not alone; countless learners share your experience.

In this article, we will help you handle the stress of being in Matric by exploring its cause, signs, and impact. We will also discuss how to manage stress and explain the top support systems available for students in South Africa. 

What Causes Stress for Matric Students in South Africa?

To manage the stress of being in Matric, students must know its root causes. Understanding the causes of their anxiety can help them develop better coping strategies. Therefore, here, we have listed down the top causes of stress most students in South Africa face during their Matric education:

Academic Pressure

Matric students often experience academic pressure due to the heavy workload, constant assessments, and final exams. Their expectation to achieve high marks can create an overwhelming fear of failure. 

Future Uncertainty

Many students in matric face uncertainty about their future. They ask themselves, ‘Will I qualify for university admission?’ or ‘What if my career path doesn’t pan out as planned?’ These uncertainties can lead to anxiety, pressurising them to make important decisions about their next steps

Peer and Family Pressure

Expectations from family and comparisons with peers can increase the stress of being in Matric. Families often have high hopes for their children, while peers set competitive standards. This can make students feel inadequate, especially if they think they are not measuring up.

Financial Concerns

Financial instability can add to the matric stress for students, especially if they are unsure whether they can afford further education. Students from low-income households often feel extra pressure to succeed academically, seeing their education as a way to improve their family’s financial situation.

Social Media and External Comparisons

Social media can intensify stress, as students often see peers’ achievements and seemingly perfect lives. This constant comparison can foster self-doubt and unhealthy competition, increasing anxiety for those who feel they are falling behind.

Balancing Life and Studies

Finding a balance between studies, family responsibilities, and social life is a common struggle for matric students. This imbalance can lead to overwhelming feelings and contribute to burnout, making it difficult to relax.

Explore our article on how to prepare for matric

What are the Signs of Stress in Matric Students?

The stress of being in Matric can appear in various ways, affecting both mental and physical health. Recognising these signs of stress is crucial for matric students to handle the intense pressures of their final year and identify when they need to step back or seek support. Here are the key signs of stress students may experience during Matric:

  • Physical Symptoms: Students experiencing stress may show physical signs such as headaches, stomach problems, fatigue, or trouble sleeping. Constantly feeling tired or frequently falling ill are common indicators of chronic stress.
  • Emotional Symptoms: The stress of being in Matric often leads to feelings of anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Some students may experience low self-esteem, while others may feel overwhelmed and tearful more frequently.
  • Cognitive Symptoms: Cognitive effects include difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and trouble making decisions. Matric students may find it harder to retain information, which can further heighten anxiety when preparing for exams.
  • Behavioural Symptoms: Behavioural changes such as procrastination, withdrawal from social activities or changes in eating habits are also common among stressed students.

Impact of Stress on Academic Performance

When pressure from exams, assignments, and future uncertainties increases, students may struggle to concentrate and stay motivated. That means the stress of being in Matric can greatly impact students’ academic performance. Let’s take a look at the impact of stress on a student’s academic performance:

  • Decreased Concentration and Focus: High stress levels can make it hard for students to concentrate, leading to poorer academic performance. They may become easily distracted, struggle to focus for long periods or zone out during study sessions.
  • Performance Anxiety: The pressure to succeed can cause performance anxiety, where students become so anxious about doing well that it affects their ability to perform. This anxiety might show up as blanking out during exams or underachieving, even with good preparation.
  • Burnout: When students push themselves too hard without taking breaks, they risk burnout. This can lead to exhaustion, a lack of motivation, and declining academic performance, leaving them feeling drained and uninterested.

How to Manage the Stress of Being in Matric?

Managing the stress of being in Matric helps students to stay healthy and focused during this challenging year. With the right strategies, students can reduce their anxiety, improve their well-being, and perform better academically. Below, we have outlined the essential tips to help you understand how to deal with matric stress:

  • Create a Structured Study Plan: A well-organised study plan helps students manage their time effectively, reducing last-minute cramming and stress. Breaking the workload into manageable chunks with clear goals for each session can make studying feel less overwhelming and more productive.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Setting goals that are achievable is important to avoid unnecessary pressure. Instead of aiming for perfection, focus on making steady progress. This helps keep motivation high without feeling discouraged by impossible standards.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or taking a short walk can lower stress. These activities help clear the mind and improve focus, allowing students to return to their studies feeling calm and refreshed.
  • Stay Connected with Friends and Family: Talking to supportive friends and family can help ease stress. Sharing concerns or spending time with loved ones can make students feel more relaxed and less alone during this busy time.
  • Seek Professional Support: If stress becomes too much, talking to a school counsellor or mental health professional can really help. They can offer useful advice and coping strategies to better manage the stress of being in Matric.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices:  Eating well, staying active, and getting enough sleep are key to managing stress. A healthy body supports a healthy mind, helping students stay focused and energised to handle the stress of being in Matric.

Learn how to make a study timetable for matric

Support Systems Available for Matric Students in South Africa

Matric students in South Africa have access to various support systems to help them cope with the pressures of their final year. These resources are designed to provide emotional, academic, and mental health support, ensuring students don’t face the challenges of Matric alone. 

Here, we have outlined the key support systems available to students to handle the stress of being in matric:

  • School Counseling Services: Most schools in South Africa offer counselling services to help students handle stress and other emotional stress in their matric year. These professionals can provide personalised advice and support.
  • Online Resources: Various online platforms offer study tips, mental health resources, and exam preparation tools. These include educational websites, video tutorials, and forums where students can seek help.
  • Family and Community Support: Families and communities play a crucial role in supporting matric students. Creating a positive and encouraging home environment can ease stress, while community initiatives can provide additional resources or study spaces.
  • Mental Health Helplines and Organisations: Organisations like SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) provide mental health helplines and resources for students dealing with anxiety, depression, or stress. These services are invaluable for students who need immediate emotional support.


The stress of being in Matric is a shared experience for many students, but it’s important to remember that it can be managed. By understanding the causes, recognising the signs, and using effective strategies to cope with stress, students can better handle this challenging year. However, they must create a balanced study plan and maintain a healthy lifestyle to stay focused and reduce anxiety. Moreover, it is important to reach out for support when needed—whether from family, friends, school counsellors, or mental health organisations.

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How to Handle the Stress of Being in Matric – FAQs

What causes stress for matric students in South Africa?

Matric stress is caused by academic pressure, future uncertainty, family and peer expectations, financial concerns, and balancing studies with personal life. Social media comparisons can also heighten anxiety and stress.

How can I manage the stress of being in Matric?

Manage Matric stress by creating a study plan, setting realistic goals, practising relaxation techniques, staying connected with loved ones, seeking professional support, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest.

How to deal with matric results stress?

Prepare for various outcomes, focus on your efforts, and have a backup plan. Talking to loved ones or a counsellor can also help manage the anxiety of waiting for results.

What are some signs of stress in Matric students?

Physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and trouble sleeping; emotional signs like anxiety and irritability; cognitive issues like difficulty focusing; and behavioural changes such as procrastination or social withdrawal are common signs of Matric stress.

What is matric stress management?

Matric stress management includes making a study plan, setting achievable goals, relaxing, seeking emotional support, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to manage anxiety and stay focused.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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