Stress Awareness Month – Powerful Solutions for Stress Relief  - RegInsights

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In previous articles related to stress we have covered topics on how to recognise the different types of stress, in this article we will discuss the most effective and powerful coping mechanisms backed by scientific studies. For ease we will discuss a wide variety of methods that will be effective for everyone! 

National Stress Awareness Month – Powerful Solutions for Stress Relief 

1. Spend time with quality people that influence your life in a positive way

Positive social connections and support are proven by research to reduce stress and improve health in other areas also. Starting to invest your time in people and environments that enrich our lives instead of effecting it a negative way is one of the foundational investments and changes we have to make. 

2. Consistent physical activity and exercise

This certainly does not need to be intense. Something as simple as a meditation class or relaxing hike is all It takes to benefit! Exercise also helps to release the ‘feel good’ hormones such as serotonin and dopamine which have a direct effect on your mood! 

3. Breathing exercises and meditation

Breathing exercises and meditationhave been proven to help individuals in relieving stress, anxiety, depression, and worry. One of the most common things that happen when we are stressed is a ‘sunken chest’ or slouched posture, which inhibits lung capacity and function, which in turn obviously lowers oxygen delivery to the brain and body. Maintaining an upright, raised chest and posture when stressed is an absolute must! 

4. Therapy

Therapy can be a powerful tool. Being the recipient of correct guidance in stressful situations we do not understand fully has the potential to smooth out an incredibly complex process. Therapy, speaking to others, and seeking help has been proven to lower your stress levels. 

5. Cognitive re-framing

This is an effective method used by therapists but is also very effective outside of therapy sessions. With this method we recognise harmful, negative, damaging thoughts, that lead to stress, and we replace them with more positive, enlightening, and realistic thoughts.  

6. Time spent outdoors and in nature

Research has indicated that even a small amount of time spent in nature can relieve stress! Nature serves as a ‘healing balm’ and has remarkable calming effects on the mind, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of nature and take a break.

7. Journaling

Journaling has the ability to offer clarity on how you feel, to self-reflect on your situation and how to problem solve. This is also a healthy way of venting; many studies have proven that journaling can impact your well-being positively. 

8. Express your Creativity

Art and other stimulating hobbies are good for your health in many ways, it has been proven that especially creative hobbies promote stress relief. Other proven effective hobbies are – listening to music, spending time with animals, gardening, reading and social activities.  



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