Smart Hacks to Save Money on Your Next Holiday - RegInsights

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After enduring a long period of travel restrictions and uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic, the excitement of planning a trip post-COVID is exhilarating. Although the excitement is justified, travelling remains an expensive experience and is perhaps even more expensive in our post-COVID world. In this article, we will share some practical hacks to save money on your next holiday, ensuring you have an unforgettable experience without the financial stress.

Early Booking and Flexibility

saving for a holiday

Start your money-saving journey by booking your holiday well in advance. Early bookings often come with significant discounts on flights, accommodation, and tour packages. Additionally, consider being flexible with your travel dates, as flying on weekdays or during the shoulder season can lead to more budget-friendly options.

Set a Realistic Budget

Before embarking on your holiday, set a realistic budget for all expenses, including transportation, accommodation, meals, activities, and souvenirs. Stick to your budget to avoid overspending and unnecessary stress. It is inevitable that there will also be costs that you might not have planned for, so build some fat into your budget. Also decide beforehand to not get carried away in the moment and let emotions drive your spending beyond what you planned or budgeted for.

Travel Off-Season

If it is possible, opt for off-season travel as it can offer substantial savings. Not only will you find cheaper flights and accommodations, but popular tourist spots will also be less crowded, allowing you to explore at your leisure. Travel agents might also have some specials available for off-peak seasons so make sure to investigate all your options.

Embrace the Sharing Economy

embrace sharing economy

The sharing economy has revolutionised the way we travel. Consider using platforms like Airbnb for affordable accommodation options that often offer more space and amenities than traditional hotels. Additionally, rideshare services and bike rentals can be more cost-effective than taxis or car rentals.

If you are planning an international trip, especially if it is to a developed country, ensure you familiarise yourself with how their public transport systems operate. Public transport in other parts of the world is widely available and much more affordable than what we are used to in South Africa.

Plan Your Meals

Eating out can quickly consume a significant portion of your travel budget. Plan your meals strategically by trying local street food, packing your snacks for day trips, and opting for self-catering options when possible. Explore local markets for fresh produce and regional delicacies that won’t break the bank, it is also a fantastic way to interact with the locals. If you do want to eat at restaurants try to avoid eating near tourist hotspots and try to find restaurants where the locals will eat. In most cases, these restaurants have better food than the tourist spots in anyway so definitely try to not get caught up in the tourist traps.

Use Travel Rewards and Points

saving tips for a holiday

Make the most of travel rewards and loyalty programmes offered by airlines, hotels, and credit card companies. Accumulated points can lead to free flights, discounted stays, or even upgrades, allowing you to enjoy the luxuries of travel without the hefty price tag.

Free and Low-Cost Activities

Research and explore free or low-cost activities and attractions at your destination. Many cities offer free walking tours, museums with complimentary entry on certain days, and stunning natural wonders that won’t cost a cent.

Travel with a Group

If possible, plan your holiday with a group of friends or family members. Group travel often leads to bulk discounts on accommodation, transportation, and activities, significantly reducing individual expenses.

Avoid Overpriced Souvenirs

saving tips for a holiday

Souvenirs are lovely reminders of your holiday, but they can be expensive. Avoid buying souvenirs from touristy areas and opt for local markets, where you can find unique and reasonably priced gifts.

Saving money on your holiday doesn’t mean sacrificing the quality of your experience. By following these smart hacks, you can enjoy a fulfilling and budget-friendly vacation. From early bookings and off-season travel to embracing the sharing economy and being strategic with your expenses, these money-saving tips will ensure that your next holiday, is not only memorable but also financially responsible. Happy travels!


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Charne Olivier - Articles provider for My Wealth Investment

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