Regenesys Black Friday 2023 Save 30% on All Programmes

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In the spirit of knowledge empowerment and personal growth, Regenesys is thrilled to announce its Black Friday event, extending throughout the entire month of November. This isn’t your typical shopping spree; it’s an opportunity to invest in your future with a Flat 30% discount on all our transformative programmes.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Black Friday Frenzy
  • Regenesys Educational Black Friday
  • Unlocking Opportunities: The Regenesys Advantage
  • Seizing the Opportunity: Why Invest in Education
  • Regenesys Bumper Black Friday 
  • Conclusion 
  • FAQS

Understanding the Black Friday Frenzy

Black Friday has evolved from a single-day shopping frenzy to an entire month of incredible discounts and savings. This annual event, falling on the 24th of November this year, is a global phenomenon that has now become a month-long celebration of unmatched deals and offers.

Regenesys ‘s Educational Black Friday

At Regenesys, we’re rewriting the Black Friday narrative. Rather than focusing on material possessions, we’re inviting you to invest in something that lasts a lifetime – your education. Our Black Friday deals encompass a Flat 30% discount on all programmes, from undergraduate to postgraduate levels, catering to diverse fields such as business, public management, finance, and law.

Unlocking Opportunities: The Regenesys Advantage

  1. Quality Education with a Global Perspective

Regenesys is known for providing a transformative education experience. Our programmes are crafted to instil not just knowledge but a global perspective, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of an interconnected world.

  1. Diverse Range of Programmes

Whether you’re looking to advance your career in business, public management, finance, or law, Regenesys has a programme tailored to your ambitions. Our comprehensive offerings ensure that you find a pathway that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

  1. Ethical Leadership Development

In addition to academic excellence, Regenesys places a strong emphasis on developing ethical and socially responsible leaders. Our programmes integrate principles of ethical leadership, preparing you for the complexities of the modern professional landscape.

  1. Flexibility for Working Professionals

We understand the demands of a busy life. Many of our programmes offer flexible study options, allowing working professionals to balance their educational pursuits with their existing commitments.

Seizing the Opportunity: Why Invest in Education

  1. Long-Term Investment

While material possessions may depreciate, education appreciates over time. Investing in your education is an investment in your future employability, career advancement, and personal growth.

  1. Career Opportunities Abound

Upon completing a programme at Regenesys, you open doors to a myriad of career opportunities. Our alumni have excelled in various industries globally, showcasing the versatility and depth of Regenesys education.

  1. Networking for Success

Regenesys provides ample opportunities for networking with industry leaders, fellow students, and professionals. These connections often translate into valuable insights, mentorship, and career opportunities.

Regenesys Bumper Black Friday 

As you navigate the world of Black Friday deals, remember that the best investment you can make is in yourself. Regenesys stands as a beacon of educational excellence, and this Black Friday, we invite you to unlock your potential with a Flat 30% discount on all our programmes.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to shape your future. Explore our programmes, seize the savings, and embark on a transformative educational journey with Regenesys, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of programmes designed to shape future leaders across various disciplines. Our commitment to academic excellence, ethical leadership, and global perspectives sets us apart. Explore our diverse offerings across postgraduate and undergraduate levels.

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA):

Our MBA programme is a transformative experience, blending theory and practical application to equip you with the skills needed for leadership roles in dynamic business environments.

  • Doctor of Business Management:

For those seeking the highest level of academic and professional achievement, our DBM programme is tailored to foster advanced research, strategic thinking, and innovation.

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management:

Ideal for professionals looking to enhance their managerial skills, our PDBM programme covers key aspects of business management, preparing you for leadership roles.

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA):

This flagship programme provides a strong foundation in business fundamentals, preparing students for diverse roles in the corporate world.

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Retail:

Tailored for those with a keen interest in retail management, this programme combines business principles with specialised knowledge in retail operations.

  • Higher Certificate in Business Management:

Perfect for those starting their academic journey, this programme covers foundational business concepts, laying the groundwork for further studies.

  • Higher Certificate in Business Management: Retail Management:

Focused on the retail sector, this certificate programme equips students with essential skills for success in retail management.

  • Master of Public Management:

Our MPM programme is designed for those aspiring to leadership roles in the public sector, offering insights into public policy, governance, and administration.

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management:

Ideal for public sector professionals, this diploma programme covers crucial aspects of public administration, policy development, and strategic management.

  • Bachelor of Public Management (BPM):

This undergraduate programme provides a solid understanding of public administration, preparing students for impactful roles in governmental organisations.

  • Higher Certificate in Public Management:

This certificate programme offers foundational knowledge in public management, making it an excellent starting point for a career in the public sector.

  • National Diploma in Public Administration:

For those seeking in-depth knowledge and skills in public administration, this diploma programme provides a comprehensive curriculum.

  • School of Finance:

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Financial Services: Tailored for those interested in the finance sector, this programme covers banking, financial management, and economic principles.

  • Higher Certificate in Business Management: Credit Banking:

Focused on credit banking, this certificate programme equips students with specialised skills in credit risk management and financial analysis.

  • Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT):

Designed for aspiring accountants, our BCOMPT programme provides a strong foundation in accounting principles and financial management.

  • Law School:

Our LLB programme is designed to develop legal acumen, critical thinking, and ethical reasoning, preparing students for a dynamic legal career.

Join Regenesys and embark on a transformative educational journey that aligns with your aspirations and career goals. Our diverse programmes are crafted to shape ethical leaders with a global perspective. Visit Regenesys to explore our programmes and unlock the savings.


At Regenesys, Black Friday isn’t just a day; it’s a month-long opportunity to unlock your potential, broaden your horizons, and set the stage for a transformative educational journey. Join us in shaping a future where education knows no bounds and aspirations become achievements.

Explore the possibilities, secure your future, and embrace the spirit of Black Friday with Regenesys – where excellence meets affordability, and education is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities.


1. When does Regenesys Black Friday start and end?

Regenesys Black Friday kicks off on November 1st and lasts throughout the entire month.

2. What discounts are available during Regenesys Black Friday?

Enjoy an exclusive Flat 30% discount on all programmes, whether online or in contact, throughout November.

3. Can I apply the Black Friday discount to any programme?

Yes, the 30% discount is applicable to all programmes offered by Regenesys.

4. Is the Black Friday discount applicable to both online and contact programmes?

Absolutely! Whether you choose to study online or on campus, the 30% discount applies to all programmes.

5. How can I take advantage of the Black Friday deals at Regenesys?

Simply visit our website and explore the range of programmes. Apply the promo code at checkout to avail the 30% discount.

6. Can I combine the Black Friday discount with other offers?

The Black Friday discount cannot be combined with other offers. It’s a standalone promotion.

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Bachelor of Mass Media Vaibhav has been writing Social Media & SEO-based content on various platforms for niches.

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