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Regenesys Business School has developed into a truly global, modern, and dynamic academic hub renowned for our collaborative and interconnected culture – a blend of academic diligence, collaboration, holistic growth, international diversity, and excellence. We believe that education is not a privilege, but a right — a right that should be available to all students,
You have been in your current role for a few years now. You like the organisation, and you work well with your colleagues. But you now have bigger career aspirations, looking for greater challenges and promising career opportunities. A bit of extra money will come in useful too. But you are caught between the comfort
Advanced technologies have been creeping into our lives. They have become an indispensable part of the way we live. They have made our lives easier, more efficient and safer. And nowhere is this more apparent than in healthcare. Medical and healthcare technologies have been advancing at a rapid rate and it has been accelerated by
It is all too easy to forget about the things that can go wrong in the course of running a business, until we need risk management. All of a sudden, a crisis hits us, and we are knocked off our feet. The Covid-19 pandemic is a good example, but there are other smaller, but no
We live in a world where sitting is the norm. We sit at our desks at work. We sit on the couch to watch video content. We sit and scroll through our mobile phone to catch up on news. We sit in the car, train or bus going to and from work. The Covid-19 pandemic
The issue of diet is constantly with us. We are bombarded by announcements about diets that promise miraculous weight loss, supplements that will make us superhuman, and superfoods that will transform us. This deluge of information is bewildering and often contradictory. As a consequence, we eat what is convenient rather than what will bring us
We all enjoy a good meal. Tasty food is one of life’s great pleasures, and it’s even better when enjoyed in the company of good friends (All Covid protocols observed!). Warm, generous food, and laughter and friendship, is a delight to us all. The challenge is to balance what we eat with how we live.