NSC Pass Requirements: A Guide to NSC Pass Levels

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The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is an important qualification for South African students who finish their Grade 12 high school education. It is a significant accomplishment that provides students with the opportunity to either start working or continue their education. The NSC, provided by the Department of Basic Education, assesses a student’s accomplishments in different subjects, leading to varying levels of passes, each offering unique prospects in further education or vocational careers.

In this article, we will learn about the NSC pass requirements, the types of NSC pass, and more. 

Overview of the National Senior Certificate (NSC)

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is awarded after completing Grade 12, following 12 years of schooling. To meet the NSC pass requirements and achieve the certificate, learners must:

  • Pass a minimum of (3) three subjects with a score of at least 40%. An official Home Language must be among the subjects offered.
  • Pass with a minimum of 30% in a minimum of two subjects. One of the subjects must be either a First Additional Language or the student’s Home Language. Achieve a 40% pass rate in two additional subjects for the National Senior Certificate.
  • You can fail one subject if you need to. The lowest possible grade you can receive for this course is 20%. For the National Senior Certificate, a minimum of 30% is required in three additional subjects. Failing one subject is acceptable if you achieve 30% or higher in all other subjects.

The NSC helps measure learners’ readiness for life beyond school, whether that involves university, college, or entering the working world.

Types of NSC Passes

The NSC offers three types of passes, each allowing learners to explore various educational or career paths. The options comprise the NSC Bachelor Pass, the NSC Diploma Pass, and the NSC Higher Certificate Pass. Every category has distinct NSC pass requirements, and it is crucial to satisfy the specific conditions to be eligible for additional education. Let us look at the requirements for these passes below. 

NSC Bachelor’s Pass Requirements

The NSC Bachelor Pass is the highest level of pass in the National Senior Certificate. It enables learners to apply for a bachelor’s degree at a university. The NSC bachelor pass requirements are stringent and ensure that learners are well-prepared for tertiary education.

The minimum requirements to get a Bachelor’s Degree Pass is as follows:

  • Obtain a 40% score in your Native Language.
  • Get 50% for four other Higher Credit subjects.
  • Achieve a 30% pass mark in one additional subject for the Senior Certificate (Amended) / Attain a 30% pass mark in two additional subjects for the National Senior Certificate.

These requirements for a bachelor’s pass are crucial for ensuring a solid academic foundation.

NSC Diploma Pass Requirements

A diploma pass enables students to pursue a diploma at a university of technology or a college. The NSC Diploma pass requirements include:

  • A minimum of 40% in the home language.
  • At least 40% in four other High Credit subjects
  • A score of 30% in two other subjects for the National Senior Certificate. For the Senior Certificate (Amended) obtain 30% for one other subject.

This pass allows entry to higher education but focuses more on practical skills and vocational training than the NSC bachelor pass.

NSC Higher Certificate Pass Requirements

The NSC Higher Certificate Pass is the minimum requirement to obtain the NSC. Learners can register for higher certificate programmes at technical or vocational training institutions. The criteria for a higher certificate NSC pass requirement are the following:

  • 40% in the home language. (One of the Home Languages must be English or Afrikaans to qualify for this certificate)
  • 40% in two subjects.
  • At least 30% in three other subjects for the NSC.

While this pass may not lead directly to a university degree, it opens doors to many vocational options, allowing students to build a career through practical skills training.

Life Orientation and Its Role

Life Orientation (LO) is crucial in the National Senior Certificate curriculum. It is created to provide students with personal, social, and vocational skills that will be advantageous to them in the long run. Language Other than English (LO) is mandatory, and a minimum of 40% is needed to fulfil the NSC pass requirements.

What If You Don’t Meet the NSC Requirements?

For learners who do not meet the NSC pass requirements, several options are available:

  • Rewrite the exam: Students are allowed to retake the NSC exam in order to enhance their grades.
  • Bridging programmes: Bridging programmes are brief courses aimed at assisting students in fulfilling the bachelor pass requirements or enhancing their grades for other pass categories.
  • Vocational Training: Students have the opportunity to pursue vocational training at TVET colleges, even if they do not meet the bachelor pass or diploma pass requirements.


The National Senior Certificate is an important qualification for South African students, providing various options for continuing education and career advancement. Understanding the NSC pass requirements for achieving a bachelor’s pass, diploma pass, or higher certificate pass is key to setting yourself up for a successful future. Every completed stage acts as a building block towards achieving educational and career goals, guaranteeing that all students have an opportunity to thrive.

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NSC Pass Requirements in South Africa – FAQs

Can I go to university with a NSC Diploma Pass?

A diploma pass allows you to apply for diploma courses at universities of technology or colleges, but not for bachelor’s degrees at traditional universities.

What happens if I fail a subject in the NSC?

Failing a subject does not necessarily mean you fail the NSC. You can still pass if you meet the nsc pass requirements in other subjects.

What are the alternatives if I don’t meet the Bachelor’s Pass requirements?

If you don’t meet the NSC pass requirements for a bachelor pass, you can rewrite your exams, take bridging programmes, or pursue vocational training at a TVET college.

Can I rewrite the NSC if I didn’t get a Bachelor’s Pass?

You can rewrite the NSC to improve your marks and meet the NSC pass requirements for a bachelor’s.

Can I apply for higher education with a Higher Certificate Pass?

Yes, with a Higher Certificate Pass, you can apply for certificate courses at TVET colleges or other vocational institutions.

What is the significance of the designated subject list in the NSC?

The designated subject list includes subjects that are essential for meeting the NSC bachelor pass requirements.

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MA in English Literature, B.A (Hons) in English Literature Alankrati has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms and other niches. Before joining Regenesys, Ms Verma wrote articles and blogs for various Edtech websites.

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