NSF Bursary 2024: Discover the Essential Information

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Are you looking for financial assistance to continue your higher studies? Worrying about the rising cost of education, particularly undergraduate and post graduation degrees, and other considerable challenges? No need to worry; many organisations are providing funding assistance to help financially challenged students bear their education expenses.

National Skills Fund Bursaries is an organisation that provides financial support to students pursuing higher education. South Africa as a country has a significant skills shortage, and the NSF provides yearly bursaries to help fill these gaps.

This article will explore the National Skills Fund Bursaries, Eligibility Requirements, Online Application process, and more in detail.

What is the National Skills Fund?

National Skills Fund Bursaries is a funding entity that reports to the Department of Higher Education and Training. Its primary function is to fund post-school education and training institutions, mainly to fund high-demand occupations.

The National Skills Fund (NSF) was established in 1999 under Section 27 of the Skills Development Act 1998.

In this aspect, this declaration demands the NSF’s funding towards:

  • Education and training,
  • Skills infrastructure development,
  • Skills development research, innovation and advocacy,
  • Post-school education and training (PSET) system support and capacity building.

The National Research Foundation, in partnership with the National Skills Fund (NSF), introduced the Scarce Skills Development Fund (SSDF) programme. This programme aims to train post-school education and students in scarce skills areas identified by the Department of Labour (DoL). The NSF operates under the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

The NSF funds the production of scarce and essential skills by rewarding undergraduate and postgraduate bursaries and scholarships administered through the NSFAS, NRF, and DHET International Scholarships.

This programme aims to support South African higher education institutions (HEIs) and Science Council students to:

  • Continuing working towards increased race and gender representation,
  • Increasing the number of skilled workers to stabilise the economy and meet demands internally,
  • Continuing to increase the number and quality of South African post-school education and training students in specified scarce skill areas,
  • Supporting the development of post-school education and training programmes to meet the country’s specific needs in conjunction with the higher education sector and industry.

This bursary will be awarded to students who are planning to study one of the following directions or any of the other known scarce skills within the categories of

  • Geology,
  • Physics,
  • Chemistry,
  • Accounting,
  • Agriculture,
  • Engineering,
  • Computer Science,
  • Business Management,
  • Economics, or any other related areas of expertise.

national skills fund bursary

What does the National Skills Fund Bursary cover?

The NSF bursary will cover the initial expenditure, including:

  • Tuition Fees,
  • Textbooks cost,
  • Study materials costs,
  • Travelling allowances,
  • Food and accommodation allowances,
  • Other allowances depending on the requirements.

The approval of this bursary will depend on the student’s financial demands. Applicants who receive these monthly allowances must agree to an obligatory work contract. After completing their studies, they must be prepared to work in South Africa. Students must successfully pass or complete their studies towards their first degree each year.

If they do so, funding will be continued, and they must then re-do the year they fail at their own cost before funding is reinstated the following year.

NSF Bursary Eligibility Requirements

Candidates willing to apply for the NSF bursary 2024 must fulfil the bursary’s eligibility criteria. The National Skills Fund Bursary is awarded to students who gain their first degree, students pursuing postgraduate studies are not allowed to apply for this bursary.

Some of the general requirements for getting a bursary in South Africa and NSF bursary requirements are:

  • Applicant must be proficient in English
  • Applicant must be a South African citizen,
  • Applicant must possess a valid South Africa ID,
  • Applicant must have a permanent residence status,
  • Applicant must have passed their class 12 level of education.

Step-by-Step Guide for National Skills Fund Bursary Online Application

Applying for an NSF bursary 2024 is manageable. Applicants can either apply online by visiting the provider’s website or download the application, fill it out, and submit it manually.

Applicants applying for the NSF bursary must submit their application forms online by visiting the official website of the National Research Foundation (NRF).

Here is the complete step-by-step procedure for the NSF bursary online application:

  • Visit the NSF official website,
  • Register/ Login using your email credentials,
  • Select the option “create new application” from the list of existing options.
  • Select the option to which you are applying.
  • Click on the Apply now option.
  • Complete all information as per the instructions provided in the application form,
  • Submit all the scanned supporting documents,
  • Once completed, click on the check completeness and submit form tab to check if all sections are complete.
  • Click on the submit application tab.

Now, the application form and supporting documents will be directed to the NSF for further assessment and selection through a panel review process. A list of successful applicants can be found on the NSF website under the student link.

These are step-by-step procedures for obtaining an NSF Bursary in South Africa. Obtaining the bursary requires thorough research, preparation, and submission of a fully completed application before the due date.

Understanding the bursary providers’ instructions and other eligibility criteria can enhance individuals’ chances of securing financial assistance for their studies.

What is the NSF Bursary’s Closing date for applications?

NSF bursary closing dates differ according to the field of study and the registration deadline of the institute of higher learning. Please complete the application forms fully, attach the scanned and certified copies of all documentation, and sign the application forms.

NSF Bursary Conclusion

National Skills Fund Bursaries are awarded on an annual basis. Bursary funding targets learners with disabilities to meet the total cost of study, including assistive devices, to provide an enabling environment for the affected learners.

About to take your first step towards bursary application? Regenesys is here to provide you with the programme quotation to assist you in the beginning of your journey for the bursary. Besides, our career counsellors will offer you guidance to help you navigate the bursary application process.Connect With us Now!

NSF Bursary 2024 – Frequently Asked Questions

What does the NSF bursary cover?

This bursary provides complete financial assistance covering tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, transport, food and other living allowances.

Are there any age restrictions for applying for this bursary?

No, there are no age restrictions for applying for this bursary.

Does the NSF bursary provide for undergraduate studies?

Yes. These bursaries are for candidates to gain their first degree or undergraduate studies.

Are there any education requirements for this NSF bursary?

Yes. Applicants for this bursary should have completed their class 12 education.

Are Bursaries Similar to Scholarships?

No. A bursary is financial assistance provided to students who cannot bear their education expenses, while a Scholarship is offered to students based on academic merit.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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