MBA Internship Interview Questions: Know How to Answer

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Undertaking an internship during your MBA gives you the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in real-world business challenges. It guides you to build professional networks and gain insights into specific industries, allowing you to secure a full-time position after your studies. Enroling in an MBA programme from an institute like Regenesys helps you gain effective skills to excel in these internships and guides you to be an exceptional working professional.

However, to get into an MBA internship, you need to crack the interview process. This interview procedure is an opportunity for you to showcase your strengths and demonstrate your fit for the role.

Now, you might wonder what MBA internship interview questions you will be asked. In this article, we will walk you through the key questions asked in an MBA interview. We will also discuss tips and ways for you to prepare for your interview procedures. So, keep reading for more insights!

How To Prepare For MBA Interview Questions With Answers?

When you pursue an MBA, you gain theoretical and practical training in various aspects of business and management. It covers core subjects like accounting, finance, marketing, and operations management, preparing you for leadership and managerial roles in a wide range of industries and sectors.

The Regenesys MBA programme helps you gain essential skills and knowledge to advance your career in today’s dynamic business environment. With its practical learning approach and global curriculum, Regenesys equips you with professional experiences that help you solve real-world business challenges. You will get networking opportunities and mentorship that guide you to build a career that suits your goals.

Hence, when you are on your educational journey towards business administration, the MBA interview preparation is essential in your career path. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your skills and showcase to the company how your goals align with its mission.

As a result, when you have an interview lined up, you must prepare by doing the following:

  • Understanding the company’s history, mission, and values
  • Assessing the company’s products and market position
  • Familiarising with recent news and developments in the company
  • Checking the job description and requirements
  • Identifying key skills and competencies needed for your job role

how to prepare for MBA interview questions with answers

Top MBA Internship Interview Questions with Answers

As you prepare for your interview for the MBA internship, you must be aware of the questions the interviewer might ask you. Here, we have listed some of the top interview questions with answers. If you practice answering these questions, you can approach your MBA internship interview questions with ease. Let’s see:

Tell me about yourself:

This question is often asked by the interviewer to learn more about your background and career aspirations. Hence, when you answer this question, take it as an opportunity to highlight your achievements and present yourself as a strong candidate for the internship.

Sample Answer: “My name is [Your Name]. I graduated with a [Your education] from [Your University]. I developed a strong foundation in [your fields]. Besides, I gained practical experience in [mention the domain you have gained experience in]. My decision to pursue an MBA came from my passion [talk about your career goals]to advance into senior leadership roles within the [state the industry you want to advance your career].”

Why did you choose an MBA?

Interviewers ask this question to understand your motivations for pursuing an MBA and how it aligns with your career aspirations. So, when you are answering this question, make them understand how an MBA will help you achieve your professional goals.

Sample Answer: “I chose to pursue an MBA because [describe how MBA helps achieve your career goals]. I have gained experience [state the field you have experience in]. However, to advance my career prospects, I believe I need a more comprehensive understanding of [mention the subject name you need more knowledge of]. An MBA degree allows me to deepen my knowledge and skills in [state the areas of specialisation], making me a well-rounded business leader capable of navigating today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape.”

What are your career goals?

This is one of the MBA internship interview questions asked by the interviewer to understand your long-term aspirations and how you fit into this business field. Besides, they want to know if your goals are aligned with the opportunities offered by the internship and the company.

Sample Answer: “My career goal is to build[mention your short-term and long-term career goals]. I aim to apply my expertise in [fields that you have experience in]. In the short term, I aspire to secure a role where I can gain hands-on experience in [field] and develop [skills]. Gradually, I want to [describe your long-term career goals].”

Give an example of a time when you showed leadership potential:

Answering this question will help the interviewer know your leadership potential and communication skills. Therefore, choose an example demonstrating your ambition, teamwork, and impact on achieving goals.

Sample Answer: “During my role as [mention your role], I experienced a situation where [describe the situation]. Based on the urgency, I took the initiative to [mention the steps you took to address the situation]. As a result, I have [explain the outcome of the situation]. This experience reinforced my belief [state what you have learned from the experience]”.

With this MBA interview guide, you can find the way through the interview process and demonstrate your achievements. So, prepare yourself with clear and concise responses for each question and easily crack the interview.

Different Types of Questions Asked in MBA Internship

To assess your skills and knowledge in business administration, interviewers ask different types of questions. These MBA interview questions will help you understand what an employer looks for in an intern. Here, we have organised the different types of questions into three categories. Let’s take a look at it:

Competency-Based Questions:

Competency-based questions are asked by interviewers to understand the specific skills and behaviors critical for your job role. Hence, when interviewers ask this question, they often expect you to answer by providing examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your competencies.

Commonly Asked Competency-based questions:

  • How do you prioritise tasks when faced with multiple deadlines?
  • Describe a time when you had to work under pressure to meet a deadline.
  • Give an example of a project where you successfully led a team.

Industry-Specific Questions:

Industry-specific questions asked in an MBA internship interview to assess your knowledge and understanding of business operations and administration. As a result, you can expect MBA internship interview questions about industry trends, challenges, and your ability to apply industry-specific knowledge.

Commonly Asked Industry-specific questions:

  • Discuss three recent developments in your field.
  • Identify the most urgent issue currently confronting your sector.
  • What do you think your industry will look like in ten years?

Situational and Scenario-Based Questions:

Situational and Scenario-based questions are designed to assess how you would approach and handle specific challenges that may arise in your job role. These questions often present hypothetical situations where you are being analysed for your problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Commonly Asked situational and scenario-based questions:

  • How would you handle a situation where a key team member is not meeting expectations?
  • Describe a scenario where you had to adapt quickly to changes in a project scope or timeline.
  • If you had to choose between two equally important projects to work on, how would you prioritise?

Key Questions You Can Ask the Interviewer

Since we have discussed the key MBA internship interview questions that the interviewer may ask, let us give you some essential questions that you can ask the interviewer. Asking questions to an employer will help you demonstrate your interest and guide you to understand the company better. So, let’s check out the smart questions you can ask the interviewer:

  • What does a typical day look like?
  • What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?
  • Is this a new role, or will I take over for an employee leaving?
  • How does this position contribute to the company overall?
  • Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?
  • Can you describe the organisation’s working culture?
  • What specific skills does the team lack that you hope to find in a new hire?

Essential Tips You Must Follow For Acing The Interview

Cracking an interview for an MBA internship can be challenging. However, once you get the knack to approach the interview, you can easily ace the interview. Therefore, here, we have pointed out some key strategies you can follow while answering the MBA internship interview questions:

Research the Company Thoroughly:

Before you attend the interview, make sure you learn as much about the company as you can. You should get a better understanding of the company’s culture, missions and values. As a result, you can craft answers that align with the company’s goals.

Understand the Job Position:

Examining the job description and requirements before attending the interview will help you understand what kind of person the company is looking for.

Practice The Responses:

You can’t know all the questions you will be asked in an interview, but you can practice the most commonly asked MBA internship interview questions. 

Highlight Your Skills and Achievements:

As you answer the interview questions, ensure that you showcase your accomplishments, skills and potential contributions.


While preparing for an MBA internship interview, you must understand the types of questions you will be asked in the interview. Besides, you must know how to answer these MBA internship interview questions effectively. By understanding the job role, researching the company culture and mission and practising your responses, you can demonstrate your candidacy for the internship. In this article, we have provided you with a guide to refine your preparation and approach your interview with confidence. Following the essential tips and practising interview questions, you can secure the internship opportunity.

Boost your career with the Regenesys MBA programme. Contact us today to learn from top instructors and gain skills from a well-structured curriculum!

FAQs on MBA Internship Interview Questions

1. What should I focus on when preparing for an MBA internship interview?

When preparing for an MBA internship interview, you should understand the company’s history, mission, and values. Besides, you must review the job description and requirements and identify key skills and competencies needed for the job.

2. What factors influence the MBA acceptance rate after interview?

The factors influencing the MBA acceptance rate are academic performance, work experience, leadership potential, and your performance during the interview.

3. How important is it to research the company before the interview?

Researching the company helps you tailor your answers according to the company’s goals and values. Besides, it demonstrates your genuine interest in the role.

4. Why is practising responses to common questions important?

As you practice the responses to common MBA internship interview questions, you can articulate your thoughts clearly and confidently during the interview. Moreover, doing this will ensures you can effectively highlight your skills and experiences.

5. What should I highlight when discussing my career goals?

When discussing your career goals, highlight both your short-term and long-term goals. During an internship interview, explain how the internship will help you develop the skills and experience needed to achieve them.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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