JB Marks Bursary 2024: Submit Your Application Soon!

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In association with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), JB Marks Education Trust Fund is offering financial assistance through its bursary programme, JB Marks Bursary 2024. It aims to empower and nurture NUM members and their dependents (children or spouses) who are undertaking undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications in the construction, mining, and energy sectors.

Generally, the JB Marks Education Trust Fund offers financial assistance to tertiary and higher education. However, it also provides financial support for grade 10 to 12 students. So, if you are at this educational level and looking for financial aid, this bursary programme is the right option for you. In this article, we will discuss the eligibility criteria, documentation, online application process and the deadline for the bursary programme. So, keep reading for more!

About JB Marks Education Trust Fund

Established in 1997 by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), the JB Marks Education Trust Fund awards bursaries to NUM members and their dependents to help them study for undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. The fund is named after John Beaver Marks, a South African activist who strongly believed in empowering workers through education. As a result, this trust’s mission has always been to finance the educational costs of its members.

JB Marks Education Trust Fund gets most of its funding from the Mineworkers Investment Trust (MIT) through dividends from the Mineworkers Investment Company (MIC). Through its bursary programme, known as the JB Marks Bursary 2024, it helps members of the NUM with financial difficulties achieve their career goals.

jb marks bursary 2024

What Does JB Marks Bursary Cover?

Candidates getting selected for the bursary programme from JB Marks Education Trust Fund will get financial assistance so that they can continue their education and achieve their career goals. Let’s check the key allowance the bursary offers to the learners:

  • Registration
  • Tuition
  • Examination fees
  • Textbooks
  • Meals
  • Accommodation
  • Capacity-Building programmes expenses

The JB Marks bursary 2024 also offers support to the recipients to ensure they get quality education in the form of the following:

  • Extra lessons in the form of tutors
  • Academic mentoring
  • Added expenses relevant to the student’s course that are not covered by the tuition fees
  • Exit workshop for graduating beneficiaries

Eligibility Requirements For JB Marks Bursary 2024

Before applying for the bursary programme from JB Marks, learners must meet specific requirements to be eligible. If they fail to satisfy these requirements, their candidacy will be rejected. Here, we have listed the key JB Marks bursary requirements:

  • You or your parent must be a member of NUM (National Union of Mineworkers).
  • You must be pursuing an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification.
  • You must be in the following education level:
  • Tertiary student studying towards a Degree/Diploma/Postgraduate qualification or
  • Must be in the last year of your undergraduate degree or,
  • High school student who is in Grade 10 to Matriculation
  • You must attend a recognised public university or university of technology in South Africa.
  • You should not be receiving any other financial aid.

Along with the eligibility requirements, the learners must also know the terms and conditions before applying for the JB Marks bursary 2024:

  • You can’t use the bursary to pay off any loans or debts you already have.
  • If you drop out of your studies within the first six months, you will need to repay the bursary.
  •  If you change your course or the institution you are studying at after getting the bursary, the bursary will be immediately withdrawn.

What is the JB Marks Bursary Online Application Process?

JB Marks Education Trust Fund provides an easy online application process. This allows applicants to complete their application seamlessly. Below is the step-by-step guide to the application process for JB Marks bursary 2024:

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of JB Marks Education Trust Fund
  • Step 2: Read the Guidelines carefully
  • Step 3: Click the ‘Apply Now’ at the bottom of the Guidelines page
  • Step 4: Fill in the information on the Application Details page
  • Step 5: Attach the necessary documents
  • Step 6: Submit the application before the deadline

Key Documents Required for JB Marks Bursary Application

As you are applying for the JB Marks bursary 2024, you have to submit the necessary documents together with the application form. These documents verify one’s eligibility for the bursary programme. So, let’s find the essential documents you need to attach for the bursary:

  • Certified copy of your ID document.
  • Certified copy of your most recent results from Matric or tertiary studies.
  • A certified copy of the NUM member’s ID document (if applicable)
  • The latest payslip of the NUM member (if applicable).
  • Proof of acceptance from your institution on their official letterhead.
  • If you are a postgraduate applicant, you should include a motivation letter with the following:
    • Acceptance letter
    • Quotation of fees
    • Latest academic records.

Know how to write a motivational letter for a bursary.

When is the JB Marks Bursary Closing Date?

The deadline to apply for the JB Marks Education Trust Fund Bursary is July 1, 2024. The application window typically closes on July 1st every year. Therefore, learners must ensure to submit all required documents with the application form before this date, as late applications will not be accepted.

Individuals wishing to apply for this bursary programme must check the official website and other communication channels of the JB Marks Education Trust Fund. This will help you get confirmed information about the closing dates and other relevant details.

Number of Bursaries Given By JB Marks Education Trust Fund

JB Marks Education Trust Fund assisted 53 beneficiaries during its early years. Over the years, it expanded its reach significantly, becoming fully self-administered in 2017. As a result, the trust has funded more than 1,000 students and given out over R280 million to more than 2,000 beneficiaries.

With its bursary programmes, the JB Marks Education Trust Fund gives financial help to NUM members or former members (retired, retrenched, disabled, or deceased) and their dependents every year. It supports undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The trust grants approximately 200 bursaries for undergraduate studies and about 50 for postgraduate studies each year.

JB Marks Bursary Contact Details

When applying for the JB Marks Bursary 2024, you should contact the JB Marks directly to clear any doubts you may have. They will answer all your queries regarding the bursary programme, eligibility criteria, application process, and more. If you have any doubts now, you can reach out to them through the following contact channels:

  • Address: 3rd Floor, Alris Building No. 3 Rissik Street Johannesburg CBD 2001
  • Post: PO Box 2424 Johannesburg 2001
  • Phone: +27 11 492 0601
  • Fax: +27 11 492 0953
  • Email: info@jbmarksedutrust.co.za


The JB Marks Education Trust Fund is a beacon of hope for NUM members and their dependants to further their higher education in South Africa. Not only does it offer financial assistance, but it also supports academic excellence and career development through initiatives. So, whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate student or even in grades 10 to 12 and looking for educational funding, the JB Marks Bursary 2024 is the right choice for you to make your academic dreams come true. However, you must adhere to the eligibility criteria and submit your application before the deadline.

About to take your first step towards bursary application? Regenesys is here to provide you with the course quotation to assist you in beginning your journey for the bursary. Besides, our career counsellor will offer you guidance to help you navigate the bursary application process. Connect With Us Now!

Frequently Asked Questions: JB Marks Bursary 2024

1. Who is eligible to apply for the bursary from JB Marks?

To qualify for the Bursary from JB Marks, applicants or their parents must be members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). Besides, applicants should be pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies at a recognised South African public university or university of technology.

2. What documents are required for the bursary from the JB Marks application?

Essential documents include a certified copy of your ID, recent academic results, NUM member’s ID (if applicable), latest payslip, proof of acceptance from your institution, and additional documents for postgraduate applicants, such as a motivation letter and fee statement.

3. What expenses does the bursary from JB Marks cover?

The bursary covers registration fees, tuition, examination fees, textbooks, meals, accommodation, and additional educational expenses relevant to the student’s course.

4. When is the deadline to apply for the JB Marks Bursary 2024?

The closing date for applications is July 1, 2024. It’s crucial to submit all required documents before this date, as late applications will not be considered.

5. What happens if I change my course or institution after receiving the Bursary from JB Marks?

If there are changes in your course or institution after receiving the bursary, it may lead to withdrawal of the bursary.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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