Habits That Can Change Your Life - RegInsights

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We know what is good for us. Yet, few follow the basic principles of good health and making healthy decisions. In an article published by a well-thought-after wellness expert, she posits that our behaviour is influenced by two factors: self-regulation and habits. Self-regulation has been discussed in a previous article. In this article, we will discuss habits and how they bind us.

Any behaviour that can be reduced to a routine is one less behaviour that we must spend time and energy consciously thinking about and deciding upon.”

According to the writer above, the brain can conserve self-regulatory strength to focus on the important decisions in life. Habits then become excessively powerful – if we can create healthy habits, we can live a life of ultimate well-being and enhanced quality. Therefore, if you change your habits, you can ultimately change your life.

Habits are behaviour that is recurrent, cued by context and it happens without much energy and intent. It’s like a formula – you see a cue, follow the routine and get the reward. Once formed, they are encoded in our brain and ‘stuck’. That is also why bad habits are so difficult to change. 

Changing habits does take time, but in the long run, changing these habits are for our ongoing betterment. Ultimately, you need to ask yourself – are you going to continue on the path you are on or are you going to consider a better future and work towards that?

So what are general healthy habits that you can practice or invest in that could change your overall well-being? 

Walk and talk

Try to have ‘walking’ meetings. Tell your colleagues that you are going to take walking meetings, put your headphones in your ears and walk whilst meeting virtually. If you are an office-bound employee, walk around the building with a colleague and have a walking meeting.

Practice restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is a yoga discipline focused on using props to assist the body in rest while holding light yoga poses. It assists the body to release tension and relax through controlled breathing.

Drink more water

Hydration is the key to good habits. Water can help you support your overall well-being. Keep a bottle of water on your desk and try to fill it at least twice a day. If you are not an adamant water drinker, start with a small bottle and in time, increase the size.

Create a morning ritual

Wake up ten minutes earlier and use that ten minutes to meditate or do something that you like. In a week, wake up fifteen minutes earlier and take more time for yourself. The idea is to do something in that time that you love, something that is just for you.

Set boundaries

Sometimes it takes that one time to say no to someone to empower you to start setting boundaries. Living a balanced lifestyle is essential to our overall wellness. Keep reasonable work hours and spend time with the people you love and who love you as well.

Create a power mantra 

Create a set of words that inspire you and repeat them to yourself over and over again. Remember the saying – if you can dream it, you can be it? Then dream it out loud and repeat it to yourself continuously.

Practice the art of meditation

Practising meditation does not mean you have to lock yourself up in a dark room for an hour and do nothing. You will need practice before you will be able to do that. Sometimes it means ‘switching off’ by pausing for 60 seconds, re-centring yourself and being still. If you practice this continuously, your mind will start getting used to it (and not race around) and you will start reaping the benefits of mediation.

Take one day a week and spend it with the people you love

One whole day – not half a day or an evening dinner – one whole day. They make us feel good and see us with different eyes than our colleagues. You can let your guard down and just relax.

Creating habits is not just about wishful thinking, it is a necessity. Necessity makes you commit and will get you moving in a direction that allows you to practice good health and not just talk about it. Take it one step at a time and create healthy habits. Work hard at living your best life – you deserve it.

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