Embracing the Pink Elephant: A Metaphor for Effective Leadership  - RegInsights

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Leadership is an art that demands a profound understanding of the complex dynamics within an organisation. When it comes to leading a team or an entire company, it’s not just about setting goals and providing direction; it’s also about addressing the unspoken, the uncomfortable, and the ignored. One powerful metaphor that can shed light on this aspect of leadership is “The Pink Elephant.” 

The Pink Elephant Metaphor 

“The Pink Elephant” is an image that represents the presence of an obvious issue or problem within an organisation, but one that everyone seems to avoid discussing or acknowledging. It’s a situation that’s too uncomfortable, too awkward, or too sensitive to confront directly. Just as it’s hard to ignore a pink elephant in the room, leaders must not overlook these challenging situations within their teams or organisations. 

Embracing the Pink Elephant 

Effective leaders recognise the importance of addressing the Pink Elephants in their organisations. They understand that ignoring these issues can lead to detrimental consequences, such as decreased morale, declining performance, and even the loss of valuable team members. Here are some key principles of embracing the Pink Elephant in leadership: 

pink elephant

  • Open Communication: A leader’s first responsibility is to create an environment where open and honest communication is encouraged. Team members should feel safe expressing their concerns and raising difficult issues without fear of retribution. 
  • Active Listening: Leaders must actively listen to what their team members are saying. This means not only hearing the words but also understanding the emotions, fears, and anxieties that may be hidden behind them. 
  • Acknowledgment: A situation can’t be resolved until it’s acknowledged. Leaders must be willing to confront the issue head-on, even if it’s uncomfortable. 
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Once the Pink Elephant is in the open, leaders should work with their teams to find solutions. Involving team members in problem-solving not only yields better results but also fosters a sense of ownership and commitment. 
  • Timely Action: Procrastination can make a Pink Elephant situation worse. Leaders should address issues as soon as they become apparent to prevent them from growing into larger, more complicated problems. 

Examples in Pink Elephant Leadership 

To illustrate the concept of embracing the Pink Elephants in leadership, let’s look at a few examples from various industries: 

Pink Elephant

  1. Volkswagen’s Emissions Scandal:
  • The Pink Elephant: Volkswagen, one of the world’s leading automobile manufacturers, had been discreetly manipulating emission test results to meet regulatory standards. 
  • Embracing the Pink Elephant: After the scandal was exposed, Volkswagen’s new CEO, Matthias Müller, acknowledged the issue publicly, offered a sincere apology, and initiated a comprehensive internal investigation. 
  • Resolution: Volkswagen committed to fixing affected vehicles, changed leadership, and implemented a new corporate culture focused on transparency and ethical conduct. 

racial bias

  1. Starbucks’ Racial Bias Incident:
  • The Pink Elephant: Starbucks faced public backlash after a store manager called the police on two African-American customers who were waiting for a friend but had not yet made a purchase. 
  • Embracing the Pink Elephant: Starbucks’ CEO, Kevin Johnson, immediately addressed the issue by apologising and promising to take action to prevent such incidents in the future. 
  • Resolution: Starbucks closed its stores nationwide for a day of racial bias training for all employees and began a broader initiative to promote inclusion and diversity within the company. 

pink elephant

  1. Wells Fargo’s Unauthorised Accounts Scandal:
  • The Pink Elephant: Wells Fargo faced a major scandal when it was revealed that employees had opened millions of unauthorised accounts to meet aggressive sales targets. 
  • Embracing the Pink Elephant: The bank’s CEO, John Stumpf, initially downplayed the issue but later resigned. His successor, Timothy Sloan, openly acknowledged the problem and began efforts to rebuild the bank’s reputation. 
  • Resolution: Wells Fargo took significant steps to address the issue, including firing employees involved in unethical practices, reimbursing affected customers, and implementing stricter ethical guidelines. 

These real-life examples illustrate how leaders in various industries confronted significant Pink Elephant situations, acknowledged them, and took steps to resolve the underlying issues. However, Pink Elephants are not confined to corporate scandals or ethical dilemmas; they can manifest in diverse aspects of our lives, including race, politics, and religion. In acknowledging and addressing these Pink Elephants, leaders light the path toward a more inclusive and compassionate world. 


The wisdom from the ‘Secrets of Success’ book encapsulates the essence of our journey in embracing the Pink Elephant. In the words of Dr Marko Saravanja, ‘The courage to confront our deepest fears is required to discover our greatest inner power.’ In the context of leadership, this sentiment reverberates with profound significance. It reminds us that to solve a problem, we must confront it and take action. This courage to address uncomfortable truths and collaborate defines effective leadership. Leaders who embody this courage not only surmount challenges but also unveil opportunities for growth and improvement. These transformative moments stand as beacons, guiding their teams towards a brighter future. By embracing the Pink Elephant, leaders pave the way toward thriving organisations, setting powerful examples in an ever-evolving world.

“To solve a problem, confront it and take action. To make the problem bigger, keep thinking while doing nothing about it, and let it feed off worry and anxiety. The sooner you confront the problem, the better.” – Dr Marko Saravanja


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Dip Media Practices Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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