Eating on the Run - RegInsights

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A busy lifestyle is no excuse for letting your healthy eating patterns go. Refraining from eating healthy because ‘I am too busy’ is never a good enough reason. Of course, it is easier to grab fast food and junk food as these appear to be the easiest option, but the actual cost to your health can escalate and become a health risk quickly.

We can’t always prepare our meals beforehand, especially if we are on the road. When you drive a lot, you cannot always prepare a meal which you can consume using a knife and fork. Food that will not distract your driving but will keep you strong is the best option. This is not what you should be doing daily but sometimes you do not have a choice and when those days arrive – prepare for them.

In todays’ article, we will be looking at different ways in which we can keep healthy eating habits no matter how busy we get.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are portable. Weigh out vegetable portions and pack them beforehand. Even better, eat them raw. Cut up cucumber, carrots, gherkins, green beans and/or broccoli and cauliflower and keep them in a tub. Keep them on the seat next to you whilst driving and get your vitamins and minerals fix for the day! Try not to smother them in dressing (this will add to your fat intake) but rather try soy sauce if you need a little extra flavour.

Watch your portion sizes

Always make sure that you stick to portion sizes and stay away from ‘mindless eating’. If you know you are going to have a busy day, pack precise portions in separate containers and carry them in a food bag for the day. If you have no other option but to buy fast food, buy the smallest size and eat slowly.

Choose a side dish for your meal

If you are out of town and must buy food and cannot cook for yourself, buy side dishes (like a side salad) or choose the kiddie’s meal. This will stop you from eating too much.

Stop at the supermarket rather than the restaurant

Most supermarkets have healthy food choices for you on offer. If you cannot find a ready-made healthy meal, then choose fresh vegetables and fruit to compensate. You can also always opt to buy traditional ‘finger foods’ if you are on the road a lot – small bite-sized falafels or chicken balls will easily do the trick.

Keep water with you at all times

Always have water with you. Make sure that you carry extra water wherever you go. 

Nuts and seed

Get yourself some nuts or mixes that are not smothered in sugar. There are many to choose from but try and stay away from the ‘chocolate-dipped and honey induced’ flavours. You don’t need added sugar. Also, stick to about ¼ cup (which is about a handful).

Health and cereal bars

Rather than a chocolate bar, choose health and cereal bars. Be mindful of the sugar content of these health bars, carefully read the nutritional facts on these packages to make sure there is no added sugar or fat.

Fried vs baked

Choose snacks that are baked, not fried. Fried also assumes a higher fat percentage while baked may not. 

Lean options, rather than full-cream / full-fat

If you have a choice, choose lean or reduced-fat options. If you choose meat as a protein, choose lean protein. 

Protein shakes

Prepare protein shakes beforehand and have them in reach when driving or in meetings. This way you will get added nutrients and you feel less hungry or ‘peckish’. 

Keep your eye on the balance

Try to keep your meals balanced – do not, just because you are on the run, focus on starchy food only. Keep snacking on a variety of food – veggies, fruit, protein, dairy.

Pre-portion and stash

If you can, pre-portion food, vacuum pack your pre-portions and freeze them for later. This comes in very handy on those days that you just do not have time and did not prepare well.

Watch your beverage

Again, choose what refreshes you and not what tastes good only. If you drink tea and coffee, do not add sugar or milk – enjoy the richness of the blend you are drinking. 

Eat for sustenance

Eat what you need and not what you see. It is so easy to forget the amount of food you are eating when you eat in your car or in between meetings. Choose food that will sustain your blood sugar levels, not spike them and make them drop just as fast. Stick to wholegrain.

There is no excuse to let your good eating habits go when you are on the run or have a ‘crazy’  week or month. All it takes is better planning and more preparation. And you deserve to maintain your healthy eating habits, no matter what. Just stick to your good habits without fail and what might seem like a bother now might just become your ‘new normal’.

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