Difference Between Public Administration and Public Management

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A government can only be as successful as the people who run it. Behind the scenes, public administrators and managers work to fulfil the leadership’s agendas and promises. Understanding the difference between the two is important because the range and significance of their work vary. Public administration and management in South Africa fall under the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA).

When we try to answer ‘what is public administration’ or ‘what is public management’, we need to understand that both operate under the government and work for the betterment of the public. However, while public managers help with the daily operations of public sector companies, public administrators function on a broader scope. Their work includes creating and implementing policy and building programmes that offer equal opportunities to South African citizens. We need to understand each profile in detail before identifying the difference between public administration and public management.

Continue reading to understand the difference between public administration and public management and how they operate for the overall benefit of South Africans.

What is Public Administration?

Public Administration is the effective management of public resources and services that positively impact society. It also helps regulate industries and ensures citizens have access to basic infrastructure, healthcare, and education. Public administrators help shape public policy and introduce programmes that help create equal opportunities and access to services. 

Public Administration encompasses a broader field in the public sector. Its employees are employed at the national, provincial, and local levels. National public administrators help manage matters at the national level. At the provincial level, these administrators help implement policies and programmes that affect an individual province. They are responsible for growing local economies, implementing projects and measuring their success.

What is Public Management?

Public management refers to managing and operating public sector enterprises to improve the efficiency of the services provided to the citizens. In South Africa, these are State-Owned Entities (SOEs), municipalities, national governments, provincial governments, universities, and agencies. Public managers help implement the efficacy and streamlined practices of the private sector into government enterprises. This helps optimise operations and better allocate essential resources such as electricity and water. 

Public managers are also responsible for enforcing policies and ensuring that services are delivered to the public efficiently and in a timely manner. They perform these tasks while operating transparently and designing swift organisational responses to mishaps and accidents.

Similarities Between Public Administration and Public Management

Public administrators and managers function within different tiers of the government. However, when we try to understand what is public administration and management we can see that both focus on improving the conditions of the South African public. They help to employ public policy that will lead to effective resource allocation for the public. This includes education, healthcare, infrastructure, parks, and energy. 

Both these divisions source knowledge and skills from multiple educational fields, such as finance, economics, and business management, to work effectively for the greater good of the public. While there is a difference between public administration and public management, let us observe some similarities between them.

  • Focus on governance: Public administration and management work to promote the government’s goals.
  • Resource management: They are interested in effectively managing public resources, which can be executed at the national, provincial, local, and organisational levels.
  • Policy implementation: Public administrators and managers help implement policies that benefit the public and improve government processes.
  • Leadership: Those employed within public administration and management must display strong leadership skills to help communicate goals and objectives.
  • Ethics and transparency: They emphasise the importance of being responsive to public needs and transparent in their work.
  • Service: Public administration and public management both work towards efficiently and effectively distributing services to the public.

Differences Between Public Administration and Public Management

After examining the similarities, it is time to break down the difference between public administration and public management. While public administrators and managers work in the government and for the great good of the people, their reach varies. Public management works on creating and updating policies and executing programmes. On the other hand, public administration focuses on implementing these policies, managing operations, and creating efficiency in their sector. Therefore, public managers are more likely to witness the effect of their decisions faster than public administrators. 

Let us examine the difference between public administration and public management.

Key DifferencesPublic ManagementPublic Administration
FocusManaging operations, directives, and public policy for the greater good of societyCreating, implementing and overseeing government policies
Scope of workInvolved in day-to-day operations, with a focus on resource allocation and efficiencyPolicy development and administrative tasks
Job ProfileRoles such as Finance Manager, Legal Advisor, Project ManagerRoles include Policy Analyst, Public Sector Consultant
End GoalTo improve the efficiency and smoother operations of public sector servicesManages public policy
Required SkillsLeadership, strategic management, conflict resolution, operational managementPubic policy development, policy analysis, strategic planning

Public Administration Careers

Individuals who pursue a career in public administration are proficient in politics, economics, and their effects on public welfare. Their career paths lead them to engage in high-level meetings with elected government officials to understand the people’s needs. Public administrators’ task is to design policies and programmes to bridge the gap.

Students interested in working in public administration can apply for advanced degrees in public administration after completing their matric. The programmes cover diverse topics such as economics, law, and ethics. It can lead them to work in positions that help to uplift large population sizes. The scope of work is also a key difference between public administration and public management.

Students armed with a degree in public administration work in roles that are designed to positively impact society. Let’s look at some public administration job roles.

  • Policy Analyst: Help study the efficiency of current policies and recommend changes or an overall update to better align with present needs.
  • International Development Specialists: Work with international organisations to implement national projects to respond to global challenges such as access to clean water or poverty.
  • Urban Planner: Design sustainable urban landscapes and provide maximum green coverage. They help cities expand while protecting the environment.

Public Management Careers

Public management graduates are trained in public policy, HR, finance, and budgeting. They learn how to manage and implement policy at the organisational level. Their profiles in public sector companies aim to help distribute services to the public. 

High school students interested in working in the public sector could apply for a higher certificate or undergraduate programme in Public Management. Once we understand what is public management, we can easily identify the difference in the job scope between public administration and public management job scope. Let us explore some public management roles available in South Africa.

  • General Manager for Supply Chain Management for South African National Parks: In this role the manager works with a government entity to help improve their supply chain management. They need to help develop and monitor staff and design a supply chain system. They also need to provide direction to the board and implement best practices. 
  • Client ServiceOfficer: They serve as the connection between the public and the enterprise. In this role, the client service officer provides information and addresses public grievances.
  • Programme managers:Helps execute and manage projects for government entities. They are in charge of finances, budgets, and risk management. They also need to evaluate and provide feedback. These programmes aim to meet the goals established in policies. 


Public administration and Public management offer rewarding careers where individuals can work for the greater good of society. Governments need more than politicians to help them operate efficiently and meet the needs of the people who elected them. 

While there is a difference between public administration and public management, there is no denying that both work within the government to provide better and efficient access to basic services. They design policies, execute programmes, and replace ineffective practices. They help to promote the goals of the government while practicing transparency and ethical practices. 

Individuals who are interested in a career in public management can view the higher certificate, undergraduate, and postgraduate programmes available under Regenesys’ School of Public Management for more information.

FAQs on Understanding The Difference Between Public Administration and Public Management

What are the similarities between public administration and public management?

Both public administration and public management work within the government for the benefit of the public.

Is a public administration career a good choice?

There is a great deal of scope for public administration jobs in South Africa. Students with an advanced degree can help do meaningful work that can uplift the lives of many.

Is a public management career a good choice?

Public managers can work in several government entities in roles such as general manager, supply chain manager, and quality assurance. They help to streamline public sector enterprises so that they run efficiently.

Can I study public management if I have a diploma pass?

If you have a diploma pass, you can enrol in a higher certificate programme to study public management. This qualification can be used to enter the job market or apply for an undergraduate programme.

What are some jobs for a public manager?

Public managers can work in supply chain management, customer service, finance, and HR.

What are some jobs for a public administrator?

Public administrators can work as urban planners, compliance managers, and community liaison officers, to name a few.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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