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Leadership Insights

5 Organisational Areas You Should Review Regularly
As a leader and manager in your organisation, you constantly have to give attention to many moving parts to make sure they work together to produce the results required.Often it’s so easy to become immersed in the task that we forget to stand back from time to time to review what’s happening in our area
Effective Meeting
We regularly attend meetings where no one has a clear idea of what is to be undertaken, everybody talks at once, and no one is sure of what has to be done after the meeting. In a world where time has become something of a scarce commodity, executing a well-run meeting is an artform. A
Business Risk Management
It is all too easy to forget about the things that can go wrong in the course of running a business, until we need risk management. All of a sudden, a crisis hits us, and we are knocked off our feet. The Covid-19 pandemic is a good example, but there are other smaller, but no
Company Directors and Fiduciary Responsibility
Many business students and managers aspire to become company directors. They usually do so because of the perceived status or monetary rewards of being a director. The duties of a company director are vast and onerous. Directors have a special role to play in providing oversight of the management of the company they serve. The
Workplace conflict
Dealing with workplace conflict is an inevitable part of being a leader. Conflict can arise over a disagreement over the best way to do something (process), it can arise over access to funds or skills (scarce resources), or it can arise from deep, conflicting value systems (beliefs). The first two can be addressed by active
Fifth Industrial Revolution
We often talk about the 4IR and 5IR as if they are "something out there". But the reality is that these revolutions are happening right now. And as with any revolution, our society and workplace are changing – different world views, different concepts of work, and a different concept of self. The world cannot afford
Trying to become a better manager is a lifelong task. Living in the time of Covid-19 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution has placed unprecedented stress on managers. Our work lives rush headlong at a frantic pace, and we mostly seem to be playing catchup. But there are some time-tested actions we can use to create