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Leadership Insights

Balancing 7 Tensions
The craft of leadership cannot be divorced from the context in which leadership is exercised. The ability to lead effectively relies on a number of key skills and leaders have very different characteristics and styles. And because of or in spite of these very different characteristics, some leaders produce extraordinary achievements over their lifetime. There is no
9 ways to motivate your team to greatness
Whatever style of leadership you use, it is your team that will get the work done. And no matter how well we set inspiring goals, or how well we coach and guide, we also have to motivate our teams; to reconfirm the connection between who they are and the organisation they work for. In essence,
3 Important Skillsets
All organisations aspire to be great and to achieve great things. And to achieve greatness, these organisations require great people who embody, practice, and deliver that greatness. It is the united and concerted actions of many individuals and teams at every level of the organisation, that make the accomplishment of great achievement possible. All persons
Leadership Insights: 12 Ways to promote Employee Engagement
We have been doing the ‘Covid Thing’ for over a year now. Working from home and digital meeting platforms have become a way of life for all of us. And by and large, we have been successful, our organisations continue to function and the work still gets done. But there is something missing. We miss
Leadership Insights: The 11 Cs of Soft Leadership
It is an understatement to say that we live in a rapidly evolving society. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advent of 5IR have changed all the accepted ways of understanding the world. And nowhere is this more so than in the art and practice of leadership. The rapid changes in technology have made the
Leadership Insights: Eight proven ways to be a better leader.
Here are some thoughts on how to improve your leadership game. Lead by example. This is an obvious one, but so often we see examples of the opposite. You set the benchmark for behaviour in your organisation, regardless of your role or job title. Your colleagues are constantly looking at leaders and will adapt their
Strategic Planning – 4 Key Success Factors By Dr Marko Saravanja
Strategic Planning Research indicates that over 80% of strategic plans fail. Organisations spend millions on consultants and strategic planning retreats, and fancy strategic planning documents are produced, only to get forgotten soon afterwards and ending up collecting dust if filing cabinets. Strategic planning is about understanding where the organisation is now, where does it want