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Leadership Insights

Workplace conflict
Dealing with workplace conflict is an inevitable part of being a leader. Conflict can arise over a disagreement over the best way to do something (process), it can arise over access to funds or skills (scarce resources), or it can arise from deep, conflicting value systems (beliefs). The first two can be addressed by active
Fifth Industrial Revolution
We often talk about the 4IR and 5IR as if they are "something out there". But the reality is that these revolutions are happening right now. And as with any revolution, our society and workplace are changing – different world views, different concepts of work, and a different concept of self. The world cannot afford
Trying to become a better manager is a lifelong task. Living in the time of Covid-19 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution has placed unprecedented stress on managers. Our work lives rush headlong at a frantic pace, and we mostly seem to be playing catchup. But there are some time-tested actions we can use to create
We are all struggling to be better leaders. We worry about whether we are smart enough, whether we are wise enough; can we do the right thing, do people respect us? The empowering news is that all these fears are natural, all leaders have had to overcome these and other fears, and we can learn
5 Secrets of Succession Planning
Succession planning is an important part of managing people in an organisation. Resignations, deaths in service and retirements, especially at senior levels, can leave awkward gaps which take time to fill. Critical skills are lost, and important institutional knowledge disappears. This can put an unprepared organisation in a difficult position.  Even if a top candidate
The same principles that underlie our human health, can also be applied to the organisations in which we work. Healthy organisations attract the best people, deliver superior results and are great places to work. Organisations that actively manage their organisational health – they do not leave it to chance – report superior financial performance. Organisational
Leadership is a critical part of the success of any organisation. However, we cannot divorce the approach to leadership within the organisation from the country and the culture within which it operates. Running an office in Lagos, Mumbai or Johannesburg is significantly different from operating in London, Berlin or New York. Let us expand on
The Importance of the licence to operate has never been more critical for organisational reputation and sustainability than it is now in the time of the Covid pandemic. A credible licence to operate is the outcome of sensitive stakeholder engagement. An organisation with a strong licence to operate is in an enviable strategic position. The