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A – Z Topics

We are all struggling to be better leaders. We worry about whether we are smart enough, whether we are wise enough; can we do the right thing, do people respect us? The empowering news is that all these fears are natural, all leaders have had to overcome these and other fears, and we can learn
Blockchain Explained – Part 3
In the first part of this series, you were introduced to databases and the blockchain.  We introduced Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency and defined money. In the second part of this series, we illustrated the drivers behind the value of cryptocurrencies and brought you the experts’ opinions on whether you should buy Bitcoin. In this third
We tend to look at health from our perspective, and how our health is affected, or how we can improve our health. But it is also useful to look at the bigger health picture around the world. It helps to understand the systemic structure of global health and how it affects us, and our communities.
5 Secrets of Succession Planning
Succession planning is an important part of managing people in an organisation. Resignations, deaths in service and retirements, especially at senior levels, can leave awkward gaps which take time to fill. Critical skills are lost, and important institutional knowledge disappears. This can put an unprepared organisation in a difficult position.  Even if a top candidate
Blockchain explained - Part 2
In the first part of this series, we introduced you to databases and specifically the blockchain. Bitcoin was introduced as a cryptocurrency in the illustration of the application of blockchain technology. We gave you some clear insights into the definitions of money, in all its different forms. Please read here in case you missed the
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Annie Dillard These words from Annie Dillard ring true for all of us.  Look back over the past week, and review what you have been doing. We are caught up in the net of familiar habits and comfortable routines. And if we
The same principles that underlie our human health, can also be applied to the organisations in which we work. Healthy organisations attract the best people, deliver superior results and are great places to work. Organisations that actively manage their organisational health – they do not leave it to chance – report superior financial performance. Organisational