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A – Z Topics

Power Boosters
Being a leader can be tough. You have to lead the team as well as attend to your own needs. Challenges and crises mount up and you are left bedraggled and burnt out. Most of the time, these trials are external to you. And your focus is on how to deal with them and get
23 New Habits to Make You Feel Better Every Day
Our lives are punctuated with many little habits which we indulge in, sometimes without even being aware of them. Over a lifetime, these same habits can be a source of health and wellness, or they can affect us negatively. That’s the power of habit. Here are some simple, new ideas to help you develop good
5 Organisational Areas You Should Review Regularly
As a leader and manager in your organisation, you constantly have to give attention to many moving parts to make sure they work together to produce the results required.Often it’s so easy to become immersed in the task that we forget to stand back from time to time to review what’s happening in our area
Is Your Short-Term Insurer "Assisting" You?
As part of our insurance policies, many of us are paying for customer loyalty benefits which we do not use, simply because we do not take the time to familiarise ourselves with the benefits we are entitled to. On your journey to achieving financial freedom, you need to make sensible investments and save up enough
Strategies to Make New Friends
Making new friends is a critical aspect of our lives. The ‘no new friends’ bandwagon is flawed. Our identity as human beings is bound up in the social relationships of which we are a part. These relationships provide a sense of community and belonging, and they are vital to our mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Effective Meeting
We regularly attend meetings where no one has a clear idea of what is to be undertaken, everybody talks at once, and no one is sure of what has to be done after the meeting. In a world where time has become something of a scarce commodity, executing a well-run meeting is an artform. A
Supply Chain Management
Covid-19 has resulted in an unprecedented number of deaths globally. Uncertainty regarding the virus and measures implemented by governments to contain the spread of the virus has resulted in shortages of raw materials, products and labour, giving a major challenge to logistics and supply chain management. What is inflation and how is it related to