Black Friday Offers: Get a 30% Discount on All Programmes

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Black Friday, once a day of retail sales, has now evolved into an extensive period of discounts across various industries. Regenesys, a forward-thinking educational institution, has embraced this trend, offering exclusive discounts to students seeking quality education.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding Black Friday
  • Regenesys Black Friday Offers:
  • Exploring Career Opportunities
  • Conclusion
  • FAQS 

Understanding Black Friday

Initially known for retail sales following Thanksgiving, Black Friday has expanded to encompass diverse sectors, including education. Regenesys acknowledges this shift, providing an opportunity for students to access premium education at discounted rates during this period. In recent years, Black Friday has evolved into a multifaceted occasion, embracing various sectors beyond retail. Education, in particular, has emerged as a significant participant in this event. Educational institutions like Regenesys recognise this shift and have actively adapted to this changing landscape. Regenesys, renowned for its commitment to delivering quality education, has responded to this transformation by offering exclusive discounts during the Black Friday period. This strategic move aligns with the institution’s vision of making high-quality education accessible to aspiring learners, acknowledging the expanded significance of Black Friday in the educational domain.

Regenesys Black Friday Offers:

Regenesys is excited to announce an unparalleled 30% discount across its wide spectrum of programmes, allowing students to enrol in programmes spanning business administration, public management, finance, and law. This exceptional offer spans the entirety of November, ensuring students have ample time to explore and select their preferred programmes.

Exploring Career Opportunities:

Graduating from Regenesys opens doors to multifaceted career paths. The institution’s well-rounded programmes enable graduates to venture into diverse industries, from business and finance to public management and law. Regenesys’ commitment to holistic education equips graduates with the skills needed for thriving careers.

Business School

Regenesys’ Business School offers a spectrum of programmes spanning from undergraduate to postgraduate levels. The Master of Business Administration (MBA) provides a deep understanding of business strategy, management, and leadership. Meanwhile, the Doctor of Business Management focuses on strategic decision-making and innovation, catering to individuals aspiring for top-tier leadership roles. The Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management covers essential facets of modern business, offering a holistic view of business operations.

At the undergraduate level, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) introduces foundational business concepts, while the BBA in Retail Management delves into the intricacies of managing retail operations. The Higher Certificate programmes, both in Business Management and Retail Management, serve as entry points, laying a solid foundation for further academic pursuits.

School of Public Management:

The School of Public Management offers postgraduate programmes like the Master of Public Management and the Postgraduate Diploma in Public Management, emphasising effective leadership and governance in the public sector. Undergraduate offerings include the Bachelor of Public Management and the Higher Certificate in Public Management, providing insights into public sector management and administration.

School of Finance:

Regenesys’ School of Finance presents programmes like the Bachelor of Business Administration in Banking, focusing on banking principles and financial services. The Higher Certificate in Credit Banking serves as an entryway into the banking industry. Additionally, the Bachelor of Accounting Science (BCOMPT) offers a robust foundation in accounting principles, while the Climate and Sustainability Reporting programme addresses sustainability practices in accounting and reporting.

Law School:

The Law School at Regenesys offers the Bachelor of Laws (LLB), imparting comprehensive knowledge of legal principles and practices, preparing graduates for a career in law.

Each of these programmes at Regenesys prepares students for multifaceted career paths, providing them with not just academic knowledge but also practical skills essential for success in their chosen fields.

Black Friday Offers - Regenesys Business School


Regenesys’ participation in Black Friday isn’t just about discounts; it’s about empowering students with educational tools that pave the way for promising careers. The exclusive Black Friday discounts are a testament to Regenesys’ dedication to fostering learning and professional development.

Regenesys Information:

Regenesys embodies a commitment to excellence in education, providing a diverse array of programmes meticulously crafted to foster the growth of future leaders. The institution’s website serves as a gateway to comprehensive details about programmes, esteemed faculty, and the abundance of career opportunities awaiting aspirants.

Unlock this gateway to an educational odyssey where quality meets innovation. With Black Friday on the horizon, Regenesys invites prospective students to explore their website. Avail yourself of the exclusive 30% discount offered across all programmes during this special event. Seize this opportunity to embark on an educational journey that will shape your future.


Q1.What are the Black Friday offers available at Regenesys?

A.Regenesys is offering an exclusive 30% discount on all programmes during Black Friday. This discount is applicable to both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across various disciplines.

Q2. How long will the Black Friday offer be valid?

A.The Black Friday offer at Regenesys lasts for the entire month of November. It provides ample time for prospective students to explore programmes and enrol to avail of the discount.

Q3. Are all programmes included in the Black Friday discount?

A.Yes, the 30% discount is applicable to all undergraduate and postgraduate programmes offered by Regenesys. Students have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of programme across different fields.

Q4. Can international students avail of the Black Friday discounts?

A.Absolutely! The Black Friday discounts at Regenesys are open to both local and international students interested in pursuing quality education at reduced rates.

Q5. Is financial aid available in addition to the Black Friday discount?

A.Regenesys provides various financial aid options to assist students. While the Black Friday discount is an exclusive offer, students can explore available scholarships and financial aid separately.

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MSc, BSc Content Writer | Regenesys Business School

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