The last year has been very tough on all of us. The Covid-19 epidemic blasted itself into our lives and we have had to find new ways of coping. It has disrupted lives and livelihoods and changed the usual rules of social interaction, perhaps forever. Working from home changed from a helpful perk to a
It is an understatement to say that we live in a rapidly evolving society. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the advent of 5IR have changed all the accepted ways of understanding the world. And nowhere is this more so than in the art and practice of leadership. The rapid changes in technology have made the
Protect your skin. You are your best investment. A healthy mind and a healthy body are your best guarantee that you will live an impactful and fulfilling life. A healthy life enables you to perform optimally both physically and mentally with a balanced lifestyle that protects you from diseases. It essential to strive for good
Here are some thoughts on how to improve your leadership game. Lead by example. This is an obvious one, but so often we see examples of the opposite. You set the benchmark for behaviour in your organisation, regardless of your role or job title. Your colleagues are constantly looking at leaders and will adapt their
The matric class of 2020 faces difficult challenges as they evaluate options for further study in 2021. This comes on…
Hello, I invite you to take the following test. It will only take a moment, but it might have long and positive implications for you. Tick the statements that apply to you. I want a career in business  I want to be a leader  I want to make a difference  I
One course of study – many options. Your HCBM will get you into the world of business with a solid…
The Regenesys Higher Certificate in Business Management is your secret weapon to advance you into a high powered career. The Regenesys HCBM will provide you with an overall view of how a business works. You will gain insights that you can apply immediately. You will be more confident because your actions will be based on