Regenesys Business School

Regenesys Business School

The issue of diet is constantly with us. We are bombarded by announcements about diets that promise miraculous weight loss, supplements that will make us superhuman, and superfoods that will transform us. This deluge of information is bewildering and often contradictory. As a consequence, we eat what is convenient rather than what will bring us
Financial services in South Africa are highly regulated and historically, banking services were dominated by the four big banks namely Absa, FNB, Nedbank, and Standard Bank.  More recently, we have seen several new entrants to the market in the form of virtual banks. The concept of digital banking is not new and has been around
Dealing with workplace conflict is an inevitable part of being a leader. Conflict can arise over a disagreement over the best way to do something (process), it can arise over access to funds or skills (scarce resources), or it can arise from deep, conflicting value systems (beliefs). The first two can be addressed by active
Online Share Trading and an Invitation to our Next Investment Club Meeting MyWealth Investment’s vision is to support Regenesys students by changing their perceptions about savings and investments; and learning more about the various financial solutions available to achieve financial freedom. As part of your journey to financial freedom, it's important to develop the correct
We all want a work environment that strengthens and complements our health and wellbeing. And this is to be expected because we spend at least one-third of our lives at work. We don’t just want an absence of harmful conditions; we want an environment where we can flourish. We want to work for an organisation
Trying to become a better manager is a lifelong task. Living in the time of Covid-19 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution has placed unprecedented stress on managers. Our work lives rush headlong at a frantic pace, and we mostly seem to be playing catchup. But there are some time-tested actions we can use to create