Regenesys Business School

Regenesys Business School

What is financial freedom? According to, ‘financial freedom’ means having enough savings, financial investments, and cash on hand to afford the kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families. Unfortunately, life happens and very few people achieve their financial goals. Besides the increasing cost of education, electricity and fuel, unforeseen financial expenses
We have made the case on the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle by confirming the positive effects an exercise programme will have on your overall wellbeing. In this article, we will be exploring reasons for exercising and setting fitness goals. We’ve highlighted before that your reason for exercising is unique – you may be
Leaders in organisations have an almost impossible task. They must deliver on the goals of the organisation. They must lead, develop, and encourage their teams. They must get their work done. And then they must honour family and other commitments outside the workplace. This is not easy, especially now in the time of Covid-19, with
You already know how important it is to start investing. What you don’t know, is what the cost of your investments may be. Two types of investments may have identical returns, but the real returns – after fees and taxes – may be significantly different. The information below will focus on the costs associated with
The argument for exercising and staying fit throughout life has been made for centuries. The choice to stay fit has a direct link to our mental and physical wellbeing. We argued in our previous piece that exercise could reduce the risk of physical illness (such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity) as
Have you thought about what sort of leader you are and what kind of leader you want to be? Being a leader is tough. Leaders direct and support the many activities and functions of an organisation so that it can achieve its goals. Leaders manage people by providing clarity of purpose, making decisions, having the
Life is unpredictable, so despite thinking you have planned for every medical eventuality and are financially covered, you can still end up financially ruined by expensive doctor’s bills which are not covered entirely by your medical aid scheme. Medical aid schemes use a price guideline (Reference Price List) issued by the Department of Health to
We have been taught that an average of 3-4 exercise sessions for 30-40 minutes weekly is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, recent studies show that a 1-minute exercise program is more effective, when practised within the framework that it was developed. How can that be, right? One-minute exercises are all I need? What