Matric Design Past Papers with memos from 2018 to 2024

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The matric exams in South Africa allow students to pick from several creative and exciting elective subjects. Design is one of them. This course can benefit anyone considering pursuing a career in graphic design, architecture, or product design. 

The subject covers the history and process of design and teaches students how design can help shape the cultural landscape. Due to the nature of the subject, students are graded on theory and practical skills, which are spread across two papers.

We provide matric design past papers for students to practice and hone their skills for a high score during the matric exams. 

NSC Matric Design Past Papers and Memos 2018 – 2024

The design theory exam paper 1 will be three hours long and will take place on 27 November 2024. Paper 2 is the practical portion of the exam, and the questions are handed over to students a few months before the submission date.

The matric design past papers in PDF format, which we are providing can be used to prepare for the theory exam. It could also be a source of inspiration and ideas for practical product development.

For the practical portion, students must submit a sourcebook that will make up 50% of paper 2. It will display the ideas, thought processes, and design elements used in the final product. The final product or design students submit for paper 2 also makes up 50%. While the sourcebook can be worked on at home, the final product must be completed under controlled settings in school.

Students are graded on criteria such as detailed planning, research, presentation, etc for the sourcebook. The production is graded on creativity, technique and use of design elements. 

Matric Design Past Papers November with Memos

Students should use the design matric past papers from November to practice their theoretical knowledge of the subject. The theory paper covers the topics of design literacy, design history, and design in a sociocultural/environment and sustainable context. 

The table below consists of the matric design past papers’ November links.


Design Question Papers

Design Memos


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1

Design Paper 2

Memo Unavailable


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1


Design Paper 1

Memo Unavailable

Design Paper 2

Memo Unavailable


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1

Design Paper 2

Memo Unavailable


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1

Design Paper 2

Memo Unavailable


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1

Design Paper 2

Memo Unavailable

Matric Design Past Papers May/June with Memos

The design matric question papers from May/June only contain paper 1, since the practical portion of the exam is not included. This is because the May/June matric exams are reserved for matric rewrites. These exams are graded only on the exam portion and do not include any markings for assessments covered in school.

However, the written papers from May/June can be used by students as an additional practice source when preparing for the matric exams.

The table below contains the matric design past papers’ May/June links.


Design Question Papers

Design Memos


Design Paper 1

Memo Unavailable


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1


Design Paper 1

Design Memo 1

How to Effectively Use Design Matric Past Exam Papers for Preparation?

Once students have studied the theories and concepts of design, they should test themselves to check how much information they have retained. The matric design past papers and memos can help prepare students for the exams by helping them understand the types of questions that can be asked and the grading scheme. 

It will also expose them to the various design elements students must interpret based on photographs, posters, and packaging. When students test themselves across topics, they gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts and are better prepared. 

Let us examine in detail some of the benefits of solving matric design past papers. 

Grasping the Structure of the Paper

When students solve paper 1 of design they can better understand the format of the exam and the types of questions that the examiners could ask. Since students have already received paper 2, the past papers could be a source of inspiration in terms of colour or design styles used to create the final product. These are some additional benefits:

  • Students are prepared for multiple essay-type questions with up to 10 marks per question.
  • They know the exam has a significant focus on South African design elements and designers.
  • Students understand that the majority of the papers are formatted in essay format. Therefore, they have practised managing their time while solving the design matric past papers.

Develop a Study Schedule

Students who pick design as an elective subject can work on their sourcebooks at home. These students need to create a timetable to dedicate themselves to working on the sourcebook and formulating the design for their final product. Other ways creating a schedule helps students include:

  • Dedicated time allotted to solving matric design past papers.
  • Time for evaluating their answers based on the guidelines provided in the attached PDF memos.
  • Revise weak design concepts and learn how to structure better their answers for the high-scoring, 10-mark essay questions.

Understand Marking Guidelines

When students solve the design matric question papers from the November and May/June exams, they are better prepared for the scores allotted for different exam sections. Other benefits include:

  • Students study exam topics in depth and can relate them to various architectural and product designs for their high-scoring essay questions.
  • They realise that most of the weightage is allotted for the essay questions, so they practise those in a timed setting.
  • This helps them process their ideas and structure them into detailed essay format answers.

Prioritising Frequently Covered Topics

It is easy to notice patterns in the matric design past papers when students begin solving them. This can help them predict the questions and topics that could appear on the 27 November 2024 paper. Additional benefits include:

  • Students can dedicate time to recurring topics such as South African design elements.
  • They are also aware that most of the questions are essay-based. Therefore, they can join a study group to develop additional questions for practice.
  • Students also need to understand the relationship between design and sustainability and be able to interlink the two based on process and development.

The design papers featured here are part of the Department of Basic Education’s past matric papers.


Design is a creative subject, however, to create meaningful designs that have an impact, students need to understand the history and concepts of design. For the practical portion of the design exam, students can seek inspiration from various elements. However, they need to practise their understanding of the theoretical knowledge to achieve a high score. Students can solve the matric design past papers we provided and check their responses from the attached memos. Both are available in PDF format for easy access. 

Do check out Regenesys’ Reginsights page for more past matric papers you can download.

FAQs on Matric Design Past Papers

How are students assessed in design?

The final exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 focuses on theory, while Paper 2 is practical. Both components are graded equally, contributing to the final score.

What topics are covered in the design theory exam?

The theory paper covers design literacy, history, and the sociocultural/environmental context of design.

What is included in the practical exam?

The practical portion (Paper 2) requires students to submit a sourcebook and a final product, both of which are graded equally. The sourcebook showcases the design process and ideas and can be completed at home. The final product must be created in school.

Why are there no memos for paper 2 of the design exam?

Since paper 2 is a practical exam, there are no memos available for the same. However, the question papers include some product examples. Students need to create a design or product other than the examples provided.

How can past papers help in exam preparation?

Matric design past papers provide valuable practice, helping students familiarize themselves with the types of questions and the exam format, while also serving as inspiration for practical projects.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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