Matric NQF Level - Insights for South African Students

As students in South Africa complete specific educational qualifications, they are awarded a National Qualification Framework (NQF) level. To achieve these levels, students must complete their programme of study. The NQF level helps bring uniformity to the education system and makes pursuing higher education, training, or a career easy. 

It provides an extensive structure that ensures consistency in the levels of qualifications across various educational institutions. For students who complete their Matric, understanding where it fits within the NQF can help clarify the significance of this qualification and its role in further education and career prospects.

This article will look at the matric NQF level in detail, understand the classifications, and cover the subjects required to achieve NQF level 4.

What is the Matric NQF Level in South Africa?

The South African education system is divided into various NQF levels corresponding to a student’s level of education. Students who complete secondary school reach NQF level 4. This means they have cleared their matric or grade 12 exams and earned the National Senior Certificate (NSC). This is referred to as the National Senior Certificate NQF

Students in the South African education system should aim to complete matriculation and achieve their NQF level 4. Unlike lower NQF levels, like NQF Level 2, a matric NQF level offers multiple avenues. Students can further their education and apply for certificate or degree programmes. Alternatively, they can apply for a prestigious learnership that allows them to gain theoretical and practical training. This also has a separate NQF scale. Finally, with an NQF level 4, individuals can apply for entry-level jobs in hospitality and administration.

What NQF Level is Matric?

Matric is assigned NQF level 4, which means that after a student completes grade 12, they have reached NQF level 4. With this level, they can gain admission for higher education. It demonstrates that an individual has acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to apply for higher education or an entry-level job. NQF level 4 is the minimum requirement for students who wish to further their education in South Africa. 

NQF is divided into 10 levels, each of which signifies completing a particular tier of academic qualification. The table below helps break down the levels and clearly explains how they compare to the matric NQF level.

NQF Level Qualification
Level 1Grade 9
Level 2Grade 10
Level 3Grade 11
Level 4Grade 12
Level 5Higher Certificate
Level 6Diploma
Level 7Degree
Level 8Honour’s Degree
Level 9Master’s Degree
Level 10Doctorate Degree

Matric NQF Level: Understanding the Classification

In South Africa, when someone says they have passed matric, it means they appeared for the NSC exams and passed them. Once they clear the exams, they will receive an NQF level 4 certificate. This certification allows them to apply for degree programmes, certifications, and training.

Students must pass NQF level 3 to gain entry for grade 12 or NQF level 4. The matric NQF level required students to register for 7 subjects, which carry 120 credit points in total. These subjects include:

  • 1 home language
  • Another language
  • Mathematics/Mathematics Literacy
  • Life Orientation
  • 3 elective subjects

To pass the level, students must gain:

  • 40% in 3 subjects, including the home language 
  • 30% in the remaining subjects. 

Why is Matric Certificate NQF Level Important?

The matric NQF level signifies that an individual has completed formal schooling and gained the necessary skills and knowledge to be employable or continue further education. Most universities in South Africa require students to have passed the NSC and earned NQF level 4 to be eligible for undergraduate programmes.

Furthermore, this matric certificate also allows students to gain entry into various learnership programmes in South Africa. Individuals who wish to enter the workforce will have more options than those who have only completed NQF L1 to L3.

Is there Another NQF Level 4 Equivalent to Matric?

While this article covers the NQF levels as per the National Senior Certification (NCS), NQF levels are also assigned to the National Certificate Vocational (NCV). NCV offers an alternative academic path for students in grades 10-12. It combines theory with practical training. To obtain an NQF level 4 vocational certificate, students must register for the following:

  • 1 official language
  • Life Orientation
  • Mathematics/Mathematics Literacy
  • 4 vocational subjects

To earn the certificate, students must pass all 7 subjects with the following percentages:

  • 40% in official language
  • 40% in Life Orientation
  • 30% in Mathematics/Mathematics Literacy
  • 50% in each vocational subject

Many institutes of higher learning, including Regenesys,allow students with an NQF level 4 equivalent qualification, such as the NCV, to apply for its higher certificate and undergraduate programmes.


NQF level 4 is an important milestone in a South African student’s educational journey. It qualifies the individual to attain a certain education level, intellect, and skills. With this matric NQF level students can continue their education and opt for certificate or degree programmes. Alternatively, they can enter the workforce with an entry-level job or opt for a learnership programme.

Students must research available options before choosing their future path and speak to a guidance counsellor. This will ensure they choose a path best aligned with their skills and future goals.

For more insights, students can explore the Reginsights page on Regenesys today!

FAQs on Understanding the Matric NQF Level in South Africa

Is NQF level 4 equivalent to matric?

The NQF levels are part of the National Senior Certificate (NSC), National Certificate (Vocational), and learnerships. The NSC NQF level 4 is equivalent to matric or grade 12.

How many credits do students need to study at matric NQF level 4?

Students need to study 7 subjects that total 120 credit points at this level.

How can I gain entry for the matric certificate NQF level?

To gain entry for this level, students must have completed NQF level 3.

What is matric NQF level in South Africa equivalent to in other countries?

The matric NQF level is equivalent to completing high school and earning a high school diploma.

Is matric NQF level 4?

Matric is NQF level 4 if the student has passed the matric exams. NQF level 4 can also be earned for vocational training and learnerships, which is not the same.

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Pallavi is a skilled writer with over five years of experience working with global companies. Her background in Communication and MBA in International Business help her create engaging and thoughtful content. When she is not writing, you will find her travelling around.

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