NQF Levels in South Africa: Descriptors & Qualification

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South Africa is dedicated to lifelong learning, which is why it needs a national education and training system. The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) was created to address these needs by establishing a unified framework for the country’s qualifications system. By standardising qualifications, it plays a significant role in both the education and employment sectors.

As a result, the NQF levels in South Africa make it easier to compare and understand different qualifications, ensuring they are recognised both in South Africa and around the world. In this article, we will walk you through the various aspects of NQF levels, their importance, and their application in South Africa.

What is NQF Level?

The NQF is a system for classifying, registering, and publishing quality-assured national qualifications. It consists of different NQF levels, from levels 1 to 10, which shows a progression from basic education to the highest level of academic and professional expertise. In other words, each level outlines the learning achievements and outcomes. Based on their NQF levels, employers determine if candidates are suitable for a job. 

In short, the key purposes of NQF levels in South Africa are as follows:

  • Creating a unified system for recognising learning achievements
  • Ensuring qualifications are relevant
  • Maintaining high-quality qualifications
  • Aligning qualifications with national standards

What are the NQF Levels in South Africa?

In October 1995, the South African Qualifications Authority Act was enacted to oversee the NQF and ensure its implementation. Since then, the NQF has developed into a strong system that not only sets standards for qualifications but also encourages lifelong learning throughout South Africa. 

It ensures that qualifications meet national standards and are acknowledged both nationally and globally, boosting the country’s education and economy. SAQA remains crucial in upholding the NQF’s credibility and importance, adjusting it to meet evolving educational and societal needs.

As mentioned earlier, the NQF has ten levels grouped into three categories, giving you an answer to the question What are the different NQF levels in South Africa?’:

  •  Levels 1 to 4 are equivalent to grades 9 to 12 in high school or vocational training,
  •  levels 5 to 7 include college diplomas and technical qualifications, and 
  • levels 7 to 10 include university degrees.

These levels help individuals and employers understand the depth of skills attained, verifying that qualifications are applicable and trustworthy globally and domestically. 

NQF Levels: A Detailed Overview

Now that we have grasped the NQF concept, let us take a look at its 10 levels. Each level encompasses specific qualifications outlined within the framework. Below, we will explore each level and the qualifications it includes through this NQF levels table:

NQF Levels

Qualification Type 


NQF Level 1 

General Certificate (Grade 9)

Basic education level

NQF Level 2

Grade 10 or National (vocational) Certificates level 2

Foundation level for further education and training

NQF Level 3

Grade 11 or National (vocational) Certificates level 3

Intermediate level of education

NQF Level 4

Grade 12 or (National Senior Certificate) or National (vocational) Certificate level 4

Matriculation or senior certificate

NQF Level 5

Higher Certificate

Introductory tertiary education

NQF Level 6

National Diploma and Advanced certificates

Intermediate tertiary education

NQF Level 7

Bachelor’s Degree, Advanced Diplomas, Postgraduate Certificate

Undergraduate degree

NQF Level 8

Honours Degree and Post Graduate Diploma

Advanced undergraduate education and initial postgraduate

NQF Level 9

Master’s Degree

Advanced postgraduate education

NQF Level 10


Highest level of academic qualification

This NQF level charts the progression from basic education to doctoral studies, outlining a clear path for achieving higher education and advancing in careers. 

NQF Levels and Credits

Understanding NQF levels in South Africa and its credits is essential for navigating South Africa’s education system. First, it clarifies the skills acquired at each education level, aiding accurate assessment by individuals and employers. Second, it ensures qualifications meet national and international standards, boosting career opportunities. Third, it provides a clear pathway from basic to advanced education, measuring learning efforts consistently across fields and institutions.

As a result, it promotes lifelong learning and keeps qualifications relevant in a changing global context. So, what exactly are these credits? 

In the context of NQF levels in South Africa, credits are numbers given to show how much learning is needed for a qualification. Every qualification gets a set number of credits, which tells you how much work is required to meet its goals. 

NQF Levels and Qualifications: Pathways of Progression

As we discussed throughout the article, the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa categorises qualifications into different levels, covering everything from school certificates to doctoral degrees. Each level marks a distinct stage of learning, ensuring clear educational pathways and international alignment. Moreover, NQF supports smooth transitions and career advancements as given below:

  • Exemption: The NQF allows learners to be exempt from certain parts of a qualification based on prior learning or experience. This helps them avoid repeating content they already know well.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): The NQF promotes recognising skills and knowledge acquired through informal learning. RPL assesses these competencies, granting learners credits toward a qualification based on their knowledge, not just formal education.
  • Credit Accumulation and Transfer (CAT): The CAT allows learners to accumulate credits for completed NQF-level courses or modules, which can be transferred to other qualifications or institutions.
  • Fast-Tracking: The NQF supports fast-tracking, letting learners move through qualifications faster. This is ideal for experienced or high-achieving learners who demonstrate the required skills quickly.

Which is the Highest NQF Level?

NQF Level 10 is the highest academic achievement in South Africa’s National Qualifications Framework (NQF). It’s mainly for doctoral degrees, where the learners must deeply understand the subject they study. Moreover, NQF level 10 aims individuals who have reached the utmost levels of expertise in their field. It sets a standard for academic excellence and professional skills. The key qualifications and achievements required for this level are as follows:

  • Conducting original doctoral research that advances knowledge in a specific area.
  • Publishing research in respected journals or presenting findings at international conferences.
  • Recognition as an expert within academic and professional circles.
  • Holding leadership positions in academia, research institutions, or relevant industries.
  • Developing innovative solutions or methods that influence the field.

NQF Level Descriptors South Africa

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa defines specific expectations for each level, outlining what learners should achieve in terms of skills and knowledge. Below is the table that highlights the level descriptors for each NQF level: 



NQF level 1

  • Understanding knowledge through collective effort and synthesis.
  • Solves issues in familiar contexts effectively.

NQF level 2

  • Applying personal values and ethics in specific contexts.
  • Collecting, organising, and accurately reporting information clearly in speech and writing.

NQF level 3

  • Demonstrating effective learning in managed environments.
  • Actively contributing to team effectiveness and responsibilities.

NQF level 4

  • Able to work independently with broad knowledge in a specific field.
  • Effective use of advanced tools and technology.

NQF level 5

  • Specialised knowledge and innovation in a specific area.
  • Strategic planning and decision-making in complex environments.

NQF level 6

  • Understanding systemic impacts in diverse contexts.
  • Effective teamwork and responsibility in defined contexts, including resource management.

NQF level7

  • Integrating key concepts across fields, including specialisations.
  • Applying suitable research methods for specific investigations or changes.

NQF level 8

  • Leading in a field, understanding theories, methodologies, and applications.
  • Analysing sources and evaluating knowledge production processes.

NQF level 9

  • Using specialist knowledge to critique current research or practices
  • Creating strategies for thorough information review and generating valuable insights.

NQF level 10

  • Contributing to knowledge theory debates.
  • Managing emerging ethical issues, advancing decision-making ethics.

How to Check Your NQF Level?

Knowing NQF levels in South Africa is important because it helps you understand how your education is recognised and compared to others. The NQF levels categorise qualifications from basic education to doctoral degrees, creating a standardised system across different fields and institutions.

Check Your Qualification

To ensure your qualification is valid, check with the institution that awarded it. Confirm that the institution is accredited and registered with SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority).

Determine Your NQF Level

Understanding your NQF level is essential for planning your education and career. NQF levels range from 1 to 10, with level 1 being the lowest and level 10 the highest. High school education falls under NQF Levels 1-4, technical qualifications under Levels 5-7, and university degrees under Levels 7-10. .

Search the NQF Qualifications Register

SAQA has a searchable register of all recognised qualifications and part-qualifications. You can search by qualification title, ID, NQF level, SAQA provider, or other criteria to find your qualification’s NQF level.

Consult Your Qualification Certificate

Look at your qualification certificate, which should state the NQF level awarded. This makes it easy to determine and verify your qualification level.

Following these steps will help you easily determine your NQF level. Checking with SAQA and your awarding institution ensures that your qualifications are correctly recognised in South Africa.

How Does NQF Levels Work?

The NQF system operates through a set of guidelines and criteria established by SAQA, ensuring that qualifications meet national standards. The process involves several key steps:

  • Development of Qualifications: Schools and professional bodies create qualifications based on NQF guidelines. These qualifications aim to achieve specific learning outcomes required at each NQF level.
  • Submission for Accreditation: The developed qualifications are sent to SAQA for approval. This involves a review process to make sure they meet the necessary standards.
  • Registration on the NQF: Once approved, the qualification is registered on the NQF. This registration gives the qualification an NQF level, showing its complexity and depth.
  • Quality Assurance: SAQA and other quality assurance bodies check and evaluate qualifications to ensure they meet the standards. This includes regular checks and assessments.
  • Recognition and Equivalence: The NQF system also helps recognise foreign qualifications and compare them to South African standards. This ensures that qualifications from other countries can be assessed and matched locally.


The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa establishes a unified system for high-quality and standardised qualifications. It promotes lifelong learning and helps boost the economy. By categorising qualifications into distinct levels, it aids in recognising and comparing learning achievements for employers and individuals. Overseen by SAQA, the NQF levels in South Africa ensure national and international standards through accreditation, registration, and quality assurance. As a result, understanding NQF levels and credits is essential for navigating education and career pathways, supporting continuous improvement and alignment with evolving societal needs.

FAQs: Understanding the Importance of NQF Levels in South Africa

What is the NQF level meaning?

The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa categorises and assures the quality of national qualifications across ten levels, spanning from basic education to advanced professional qualifications.

How do NQF levels benefit individuals?

NQF levels help individuals plan their education and career paths, ensuring that their qualifications are recognised and valued both nationally and internationally.

How do NQF levels in South Africa benefit employers?

NQF levels help employers understand the qualifications and skills of job candidates, facilitating better hiring decisions and ensuring that employees have the necessary competencies for their roles.

What are NQF level descriptors?

NQF level descriptors outline the expected skills and knowledge for each level. These descriptors help define the learning outcomes and competencies associated with each qualification.

How are learning outcomes related to NQF level descriptors?

Learning outcomes are directly aligned with NQF level descriptors, as they specify the knowledge, skills, and competencies that learners are expected to demonstrate at each level of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) in South Africa.

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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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