MBA Recommendation Letter Guide: All You Need to Know

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An MBA or Master of Business Administration degree is considered to be one of the most prestigious degrees in the world. To enrol in an MBA programme, most institutions require two to three recommendation letters commenting on your qualifications for business school. It is required by institutions to check the level of education, demonstrate your ability to contribute to classroom discussions, commitment to the programme and your interest in the specified field of study. The purpose of a recommendation letter is to add others’ perspectives to your candidature and set your application forth. It also provides insights into an applicant’s professional abilities, character, and potential for success in a rigorous academic environment. For this phase of the process, it will be helpful to know what makes a solid recommendation letter and who to ask for your personal reference letter.

To understand MBA recommendation letters and their process better, let’s read this article till the end.

What is an MBA Recommendation Letter?

A letter of recommendation typically is a one or two-page letter written by an individual who knows you professionally. The recommender can be someone you have studied or worked with, such as your professors or faculty, work supervisor, or colleagues. The letter should describe the aspects of your character pertaining to the job or opportunity you’re seeking. It should be written in such a way that helps your candidature for the MBA programme proceed further and highlights you as the top choice for the selectors.

Purpose of an MBA Recommendation Letter

The purpose of a letter of recommendation is to show an admissions officer that you are a highly competent and well-respected person who is prepared for the rigorous training of a business school programme.

To know how to include a recommendation letter in the MBA programme application procedure, it is important to first understand its purpose. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Validation of Qualifications: A recommendation letter from a credible and reliable source verifies the applicant’s professional and academic achievements.
  • Personal Insight: It offers a glimpse into the applicant’s character, work ethic, and interpersonal skills from someone who knows them well.
  • Differentiation: It helps differentiate the applicant from others by highlighting unique strengths and experiences.
  • Assesses the Potential: It assesses the applicant’s potential for success in the MBA programme and future career.

How to Choose the Right Recommender?

Choosing the right recommender is crucial for a strong recommendation letter. Here are some tips to guide this selection:

  • To highlight your work ethic and professional experience, it is recommended to select someone who has seen your work closely, such as a current or former supervisor, rather than a personal friend or family member.
  • If you are a student pursuing higher education, getting recommendations from your professors or department heads can greatly impact your application.
  • Working professionals should try to get the letter from any of their supervisors. A recommender with a respected position can add weight to your application, provided they give detailed insights into your capabilities.
  • It might not be easy, but try to convince the recommender to write a detailed and enthusiastic letter rather than a generic endorsement.
  • Find someone who has known you for a considerable period of time so that they can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your achievements and growth. Someone who has known for a long time will have a little more impact on the letter as it will seem genuine with proper information.
  • A recommender familiar with the expectations and demands of an MBA programme can more effectively tailor their letter to meet these criteria, so try to select someone like that.

Note: Remember, you shouldn’t write the letter of recommendation yourself. Additionally, you shouldn’t pick someone based solely on their significant title—such as CEO—especially if they don’t know you well or can’t give you important insights about your performance and position.

Essential Components of an MBA Recommendation Letter

A strong MBA recommendation letter should start with an introduction that defines the recommender’s background, their association, and relation with the applicant.

This introduction provides the reader with an understanding of how the recommender knows the applicant and why they have such a perspective.

The next stage is the professional assessment. It is essential since it offers a review of the candidate’s accomplishments, abilities, and contributions at work, demonstrating their potential and work ethic. Emphasising the applicant’s personal attributes—such as resilience, leadership, teamwork, and integrity—provides a window into their personality and interpersonal interactions.

To add value and weightage to the points made, the recommender can include specific examples or instances from real-life scenarios where the applicant must have shown such qualities. They can also compare them with their colleagues or students (in the case of a non-working candidate) to highlight a certain level of competence shown by the applicant.

Finally, the recommendation letter should conclude that the applicant is the most suitable candidate for the MBA programme at their institution and that, with their existing knowledge and skills, they will only add more value to the classrooms. If needed, you can help out your recommender by showing them an MBA recommendation letter example.

Tips to Get a Recommendation Letter

When making a request for an MBA recommendation letter from your professors, colleagues or supervisors, make sure to follow proper etiquette and sound polite. Don’t let this process hamper your reputation in your workplace or current institution. To ensure a smooth and cooperative process, you should keep in mind some do’s and don’ts when getting a recommendation letter. Some of them are as follows:


  • Take out the time to explain calmly and properly all your requirements for the letter to the potential recommender.
  • Thank them for all their help and time in advance
  • Give them an appropriate amount of information so they understand your candidature.
  • Make the request for the letter three to four months in advance.


  • Don’t rush anyone to write you a letter of recommendation without considering their prior requirements.
  • Don’t give vague information on when and where to submit the letter.
  • Don’t write the letter yourself and go to the recommender whose name you have given only to obtain their signature.
  • Don’t make the request to receive the letter less than three weeks before the deadline.

MBA Recommendation Letter Sample

If you are getting a recommendation letter for your MBA programme application for the first time, looking at some sample MBA recommendation letter PDFs can help you understand the demographics of the document.

Below is an example for you to go through and get an idea of what you need from your recommender.

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is intended to recommend [Applicant Name] for admission to your MBA programme. I am most confident that (he/she) will thrive as a graduate student and as a business professional.

I am [Your Name], a [your position] at [Institution or Company]. I have [number] years of experience working in [your industry or academic focus], and while I’ve worked with many people over the course of my career, [Applicant Name] is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.

During our time together, [Applicant Name] displayed great talents in [skill, trait, experience, class, etc.]. When we first met, I was immediately impressed with [Applicant’s Name], and when we worked together, her/his understanding of [key topic] grew far more than that of her/his peers.

[Insert personal story elaborating on key skills, traits or experiences].

It’s not just [Applicant’s Name] technical skills that impress me, however. [Name] was a joy to work with because of [his/her] amazingly positive attitude and [positive trait].

[He/she] [positive trait] and [positive trait] were also necessary and valued not just by myself but by [Pronoun] peers, who often relied on [Pronoun] to get the job done.

I am confident that [Applicant Name] would be a great fit for your [Institution]. Not only will [Pronoun] bring the kind of skills and experiences you’re looking for in an applicant, but [Pronoun] will also quickly become an asset and help your [Institution/Company] grow in any way [Pronoun] can.

If you need more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at [contact information].


[Your Name, Company, and Title]

This was an MBA recommendation letter example. You can add information and reframe it according to your details.


In conclusion, the MBA recommendation letter is an important component of the application process, providing a detailed and personal perspective on an applicant’s qualifications and potential. By understanding its purpose, choosing the right recommender, including essential components, and following writing tips, applicants can ensure their recommendation letters make a compelling case for their admission.

Not all institutions ask for a recommendation letter, so make sure you carefully check all the requirements and criteria while applying.

If you want to pursue your Master of Business Administration and are looking for the right institution, consider Regenesys. We are Africa’s leading business schools, providing holistic business education to our students through internationally recognised programmes. If you want to experience excellence, consider enrolling at Regenesys today!

MBA Recommendation Letter FAQs

Why does a student’s application require an MBA Recommendation Letter?

The purpose of a recommendation letter is to show an admissions officer that you are a highly competent and well-respected person prepared for a business school’s demanding curriculum and determined to excel in it.

How do MBA applicants choose recommendation letter writers?

It is entirely up to the applicant to decide from whom to request a letter of recommendation, taking into account the impact those contacts have had on their academic and professional careers.

How to ask a supervisor or professor for a recommendation?

Be proactive. Take the time to make each of your references understand how important a strong recommendation letter is to your MBA admission chances. Remember to emphasise the most important qualities the recommender should strive to address.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a recommendation letter for an MBA application?

Common mistakes to avoid include -vagueness, over-emphasis on positivity, lack of personal connection, ignoring programme requirements, and exceeding length guidelines.

How long should an MBA recommendation letter be?

Follow any guidelines of any length provided by the MBA programme. Generally, a recommendation letter should be concise yet comprehensive, usually around one to two pages.

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MA in English Literature, B.A (Hons) in English Literature Alankrati has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms and other niches. Before joining Regenesys, Ms Verma wrote articles and blogs for various Edtech websites.

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