Top Bursary Interview Questions and Answers |Ace Your Interview

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Bursary interviews are an opportunity for learners to convince their selection committee that they are the best candidates for financial support. These interviews allow them to communicate their need for financial assistance, dedication to their field of study, and capability to make a positive impact, increasing their chance of securing a bursary along with their qualifications. 

Therefore, if you are someone applying for bursaries, you will be invited to interviews that open the door to a wide range of opportunities. How do you start preparing for these bursary interviews? Well, our article is here to help you out. We have included some of the most commonly asked bursary interview questions and have also included their answers to guide you in preparing your responses. With these examples, you can learn how to come up with your own unique answers for the interview questions. We have also added some tips that you can follow to crack your bursary interview. So, let’s begin!

Table of Contents:

  • Top Commonly Asked Questions in Bursary Interview With Answers 
  • How to Prepare For A Bursary Interview?
  • Conclusion 
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Top Commonly Asked Questions in Bursary Interview With Answers

Most bursary interview questions that the selection committee asks are open-ended. These questions help the committee learn more about you as a potential candidate. 

In this article, we have categorised the interview questions based on one’s personal background, career goals, leadership and more. So, take a look at some of the common bursary interview questions and answers that will help you prepare for your following interview:

  • Personal Background and Motivation:

In a bursary interview, the interviewers will ask you questions that give them a comprehensive view of who you are and what drives you to shape your aspirations. This personal background and motivation section of the bursary interview will allow you to make a personal connection with the interviewers. Here are the top bursary interview questions and answers you can expect from this category:

  • Tell Us About Yourself:

This is the first and most commonly asked question in an interview, allowing you to lead the conversation. Here, the interviewer wants to know what makes you different from others. Therefore, you can do the following:

  • Highlight academic achievements
  • Mention extracurricular activities
  • Emphasise personal qualities
  • Showcase skill sets
  • Ensure you keep your answer brief and relevant to bursary requirements

Example: “My name is [Your Name]. I graduated with a degree in [Your Degree] from [Your University] and have spent the past [number] years working in [Your Industry]. I have developed a deep understanding of [specific skill or field].  I have led [extracurricular activity] and volunteered in [community service]. My strong work ethic and commitment to [bursary-related goal] make me a deserving candidate for this bursary.”

  • Who is Your Role Model?

This question is basically asked by the interviewer to know which qualities you admire, what inspires you, and what type of person you hope to become one day. Hence, when you are answering this question:

  • Mention the role model, you can include professors, public figures, activists, or even family members
  •  Explain why you admire this individual and what qualities you would like to emulate from them.

Example: “I admire [Name of Your Role Model] because [Mention your Role Model’s qualities]. They have [Describe what your Role Model has accomplished]. I also admire [ Explain other qualities of your Role Model]. They inspired me to pursue [Your Passion].”

Other Commonly Asked Questions:

  • What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What motivates you?
  • Academic and Career Goals

The academic and career goals section of the bursary interview aims to understand your career motivation and ambition. This will also help the bursary provider determine what you will do after getting your bursary and whether you have a clear vision of your future. Let’s see the top questions asked by the interviewer in this section of the bursary interview:

  • What are your career goals?

The key objective of asking this question in a bursary interview is:

  • To know if you have a plan for your future career
  • To assess your understanding of your life goals

Therefore, while answering, ensure your response is structured, relevant and aligns with your career goals

Example: “My career goal is to [Your Career Goal]. I envision [Explain what you want to do]. I believe the bursary will help me achieve my goals by [Describe how the bursary will help you attain your goals].”

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The interviewer asks this question to learn about your future aspirations and objectives. Hence, you must draft an answer:

  • Demonstrate the plans and goals you have envisioned for the future.
  • Mention how the bursary fits into your future goals. 

Example: “In five years, I plan to [Mention your future goals and how you will achieve them]. I am [passionate about [State your passion and skills and how it will help you fulfil your aspirations and goals].”

Other Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How did you decide on a major?
  • How do you plan to achieve your academic goals?
  • How do you manage your time and stay organised with your studies?
  • Leadership and Extracurricular Activities:

The bursary interview’s leadership and extracurricular activities section will include questions about your leadership roles and involvement in extracurricular activities. Therefore, you must draft responses demonstrating your ability to lead and collaborate beyond academic achievements. Here are some commonly asked bursary interview questions and answers under the leadership and extracurricular activities category.

  • When have you demonstrated your leadership skills?

This question is basically asked by the interviewer to know how you handle a challenging situation or how you help others when leading a team. For this question, you can think of a situation where you demonstrated your leadership skills clearly. 

Example: “During [Meniton a specific challenging situation], I faced [State the challenge]. I overcame the situation [Describe the steps and actions you have taken to overcome the challenge]. As a result, I have [Explain the positive outcome of overcoming the challenging situation].”

  • What activities are you involved in?

This question is an opportunity for you to showcase:

  • Readiness to work with others
  • Participation in multiple volunteer works or groups
  • Involvement beyond academic accomplishments

Therefore, you must draft your answer in such a way that shows that you have a good work ethic at your job. 

Example: “I have participated in [Your extracurricular activity] since [Years you have been participating for]. I have also been involved in [ Name of the community work or group] doing [Describe your role and work]. From these activities, I have learnt [ Mention what  you have learnt].”

Other Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How do you handle conflicts within a team?
  • Can you describe a project or event you organised as part of an extracurricular activity?
  • How do you balance your academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities?
  • Bursary-Specific Questions

Bursary-specific questions are asked in an interview to evaluate how your goals align with the provider’s values and mission. Besides, through this question, the interviewers assess if you have a deep understanding of the bursary programme and how receiving the bursary will benefit you and your career. Let’s take a close look at the bursary interview questions and answers:

  • Why Did You Choose to Apply for This Bursary?

The interviewer asked this question to determine if you have in-depth knowledge of the bursary provider and its value. As a result, you can prepare an answer that showcases:

  • Your idea of the bursary provider 
  • Your reasons for choosing the bursary programme. 

Example: “I choose to apply for [Bursary Name] because of its strong alignment with my academic and career goals as well as its commitment to [Mention the values and mission of the bursary provider]. Through my research, I was impressed by how the [Bursary name] succeeded in supporting students from diverse backgrounds to thrive in their chosen fields. I am eager to contribute to the bursary provider’s mission and make a positive impact  in my community with the help of this bursary.”

  • Why Do You Deserve This Bursary?

Most interviewers ask this question to know about one’s personal interest in the bursary. Therefore, while answering this question, 

  • You must be honest and open about your reasons for applying for this particular bursary.
  • Describe your financial needs, academic achievements and skills to make yourself stand out from others. 

Example: “I believe I deserve this bursary since it aligns with my academic pursuits and financial needs. Besides, I have consistently demonstrated academic excellence in [Mention your field of study]. However, due to financial constraints, pursuing higher education has been challenging for me. Therefore, this bursary will not only reduce my financial burden but also provide me with resources to achieve my goals.”

Other Commonly Asked Questions:

  • How will this bursary help you in achieving your short-term and long-term academic goals?
  • In what ways do you intend to use the financial support from this bursary?
  • How would receiving this bursary change your educational experience and opportunities?

How to Prepare For A Bursary Interview?

Preparing for a bursary interview increases your chances of securing financial support for your education. In other words, it is an opportunity set for you to showcase your suitability for the bursary programme. However, to excel in the interview, you will need to apply some strategies to prepare your responses for the bursary interview. Hence, in this section, we will discuss the key tips you can follow to ace the bursary interview:

  • Do Research About the Bursary Provider:

The first step is understanding your bursary provider’s values, requirements, and goals. If you know the person conducting your interview, you can research their professional networking background, profile, and even interests so that you can prepare your answer accordingly. This shows how genuinely you are interested and informed of the bursary programme.  

  • Employ the STAR Method:

The STAR method, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, is an effective technique for answering an interview question in a concrete and qualitative way. Using this method, you can prepare your answers based on real-life examples. Precisely, this method helps you craft in the following format:

  • Situation: Mention a  specific challenge or occurrence 
  • Task: Explain your role in the situation
  • Action: State the steps you took to resolve the situation 
  • Result: Describe the impact of your action
  • Review Your Application:

Before attending the bursary interview, you must familiarise yourself with the bursary application to understand what you have included. You must also prepare to discuss your academic achievements, financial needs, community involvement, and other extracurricular activities. 

  • Prepare and Practice Your Responses:

Most interviewers ask standard questions like ‘Tell us about yourself’ or ‘Why do you deserve this bursary?’ or ‘What are your career goals?’. Therefore, prepare yourself to answer these questions and practice your responses clearly by conducting mock interviews with the help of others. You can also ask for feedback from others to draft effective responses. 

top bursary interview questions and answers


Attending a bursary interview can improve your chances of getting financial assistance from the right bursary provider. Besides, it is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your academic excellence, dedication, capability and potential to contribute to society.  Therefore, it is essential for you to know the commonly asked questions and strategies to prepare your responses to ace the bursary interview. In this article, we have made a curated list of bursary interview questions and answers to help you prepare effectively for the interview. We hope that you have gained insights to shine in your bursary interview. 

Also, are you stepping towards the bursary application process? Regenesys is here to help you take your first step. We offer quick quotations for the course of your choice. Get in touch with our career counsellor now to explore your options and receive a tailored quotation for your desired course at Regenesys. 

Frequently Asked Questions: Common Bursary Interview Questions and Answers: Crack Your Interview with Ease

Q1) What should I bring to a bursary interview?

The essential items to bring to a bursary interview can depend on the requirements of the bursary programme. However,  the key documents you should have for a bursary interview include a copy of your bursary application, academic records, ID Document, motivation letter and proof of university acceptance or application 

Q2)What types of questions will be asked in a bursary interview?

You can expect questions regarding your personal background, career goals, academic achievements, leadership situations, and reasons for applying to the bursary programme. In this article, we have provided specific questions that fall into each category so you can prepare your answers in advance. 

Q3) How do you answer interview questions for a bursary?

While answering your interview questions, remember the interviewer wants to know about your academic achievements, personal qualities, leadership roles and extracurricular activities. Therefore, make sure you highlight your strengths and accomplishments. However, ensure your answer is concise and relevant to the questions. 

Q4) What are the most common bursary interview questions and answers in South Africa?

Some of the most common questions asked in bursary interviews in South Africa are: ‘Tell us about yourself, What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? What personal/ professional achievement are you proud of? Why do you deserve this bursary?’ and What activities are you involved in?’. 

Q5) What role do extracurricular activities play in the interview?

When you talk about your involvement in extracurricular activities, it shows that you are well-rounded and engaged in your community. Therefore, discuss how these activities helped you develop your skills and leadership qualities. Doing this can make you a better candidate for the bursary. 


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Rena has been writing SEO-based content for Edtech platforms, IT sector and other niches. MA in Journalism and Mass Communication, B.A in Journalism, Mass Communication and Video Production. Work Experience: Before joining Regenesys Business School, Ms Rena wrote articles and blogs for the IT and marketing platform websites and did freelancing content work.

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