Regenesys' BPM: Empowering Future Public Leaders

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The Bachelor of Public Management (BPM) at Regenesys School of Public Management is a pillar in academic pursuits in public management and governance. This comprehensive programme is tailored to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to navigate the complexities of the public sector.

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Bachelor of Public Management (BPM)
  • Core Curriculum Structure
  • Focus on Electives
  • Emphasis on Practical Learning
  • Career Prospects with a BPM Degree
  • Job Opportunities
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

Overview of Bachelor of Public Management (BPM)

Regenesys’ BPM programme covers many subjects, including public policy analysis, administrative law, financial management, and strategic leadership. Through a blend of theoretical teachings and practical applications, students delve deep into understanding the intricacies of public management.

Core Curriculum Structure

The curriculum is meticulously designed, aligning with industry standards and contemporary challenges public sector professionals face. Modules such as Public Management, Public Finance, and Labour Relations strategies form the bedrock of this programme. Structured for three years, this programme equips individuals with a 360’s understanding of the public sector. 

Public Management

Public Management introduces students to the fundamental concepts of managing public organisations. It covers aspects like organisational behaviour, decision-making processes, and leadership in the public sector context. Students gain insights into effective management strategies tailored to governmental and non-profit entities.

Public Human Resource Management

This module focuses on the unique challenges and strategies for managing human resources within the public sector. It delves into recruitment, performance management, and workforce development in governmental and public service organisations. Students learn how to navigate the complexities of HR management within a public administration framework.

Public Finance Management

Public Finance Management examines the principles and practices of financial management within governmental institutions. It covers budgeting, revenue generation, expenditure control, and financial accountability specific to the public sector. Students gain an understanding of fiscal policies and their implications on public service delivery.

Public Policy Management

This module revolves around formulating, implementing, and evaluating public policies. It involves analysing societal issues, understanding policy frameworks, and assessing the impact of policies on communities. Students learn to craft effective policies considering political, economic, and social factors in the public interest.

Public Strategic Management

Public Strategic Management focuses on developing strategic plans and initiatives in public sector organisations. It involves setting objectives, analysing environments, and aligning organisational goals with societal needs. Students explore methods to enhance organisational effectiveness and responsiveness within the public domain.\


Economics provides a foundational understanding of economic theories, principles, and their application in public policy and management. It covers topics like market structures, macroeconomic policies, and economic decision-making. Students grasp the economic dynamics influencing public policy formulation and implementation.

These core modules offer a comprehensive understanding of various facets essential for effective management and governance within the public sector, catering to the complexities and nuances inherent in public service administration.

Focus on Electives

Students can choose electives based on their interests and career aspirations. Specialised areas such as Health Policy, Environmental Management, and Public-Private Partnerships offer students a nuanced understanding of diverse sectors within public management.

Public Procurement

Public Procurement delves into the intricacies of acquiring goods and services by governmental bodies. It covers procurement policies, bidding processes, contract management, and ethical considerations. Students learn effective procurement strategies aligned with public sector regulations and best practices.

Local Government Management

This module focuses on managing local government entities’ unique challenges and functions. It includes topics like decentralisation, community engagement, service delivery, and governance structures at the local level. Students explore strategies to address local governance issues and enhance community development.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation involves assessing the performance and impact of public policies and programmes. It covers methodologies for data collection, performance measurement, and impact assessment in the public sector. Students learn to employ evaluation techniques to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of public initiatives.

Public Ethics

Public Ethics examines ethical principles and values in the context of public service. It addresses ethical dilemmas, transparency, accountability, and integrity in governance. Students explore ethical frameworks and decision-making models relevant to public sector roles.

Quality and Customer Management

This module focuses on implementing quality management principles and strategies in public service delivery. It includes customer satisfaction, service quality improvement, and process optimisation in the public sector. Students learn to enhance service delivery and customer experience within governmental organisations.

Labour Relations

Labour Relations explores the dynamics between employers, employees, and labour unions in the public sector. It covers labour laws, negotiations, dispute resolution mechanisms, and employee rights. Students gain insights into managing labour relations effectively within public organisations.

Mentoring and Coaching

Mentoring and Coaching delve into developing leadership and mentoring skills crucial for effective management. It involves coaching techniques, mentorship programmes, and leadership development strategies tailored to the public sector. Students learn to foster talent and leadership potential within governmental contexts.

Health Management

Health Management focuses on managing and administrating healthcare services within the public sector. It covers healthcare policies, healthcare delivery systems, health economics, and public health challenges. Students gain insights into managing healthcare organisations and addressing public health concerns.

Project and Programme Management

Project and Programme Management involves planning, executing, and overseeing projects and programmes within the public sector. It covers project lifecycles, risk management, stakeholder engagement, and resource allocation. Students learn to manage complex public projects efficiently and achieve desired outcomes.

These elective modules allow students to delve deeper into specialised areas within public management, enabling them to tailor their learning to specific interests and career aspirations.

Emphasis on Practical Learning

One of the key highlights of the BPM programme is its emphasis on practical learning. Case studies, simulations, and real-world projects allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Career Prospects with a BPM Degree

Graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Management are equipped with a versatile skill set sought after in various sectors. Employment opportunities span government agencies, non-profit organisations, international bodies, and consultancy firms. Roles such as Public Policy Analysts, Programme Managers, and Government Relations Specialists are typical career paths pursued by BPM graduates.

Job Opportunities

The demand for BPM graduates continues to soar, with avenues opening up in areas like  Community Service Officer, Community Development Manager, Finance Manager, Human Resource Manager, Public Policy Analyst, Project Manager, and Public Policy Analyst. The acquired expertise in managing public resources and implementing policies positions graduates as valuable assets in today’s dynamic job market.

Industry-Relevant Skills

Regenesys’ BPM programme nurtures skills crucial for success in the public management landscape. These skills include strategic thinking, decision-making, policy analysis, and effective communication – essential competencies sought after by employers across sectors.

Transform Public Leadership with Regenesys' BPM!


The Bachelor of Public Management (BPM) programme at Regenesys School of Public Management is a testament to the institution’s commitment to academic excellence. Its comprehensive curriculum, focus on practical learning, and career-oriented approach make it a solid choice for aspiring public management professionals. By imparting industry-relevant skills and knowledge, this programme empowers graduates to thrive in the dynamic landscape of public management and governance.

For more information on the BPM Programme at Regenesys School of Public Management, visit their website: Bachelor of Public Management at Regenesys.


1: What career opportunities are available for graduates with a BPM degree?

Answer: Graduates with a BPM degree have diverse career paths in public administration, policy analysis, urban planning, healthcare management, and more. Typical job roles include Public Policy Analysts, Programme Managers, Government Relations Specialists, and Policy Advisors.

2: How does the BPM programme at Regenesys differ from other public management degrees?

Answer: Regenesys’ BPM programme stands out due to its comprehensive curriculum aligned with industry standards, emphasis on practical learning through case studies and simulations, and flexibility in choosing specialised electives. The programme’s focus on developing industry-relevant skills sets it apart in grooming future public management leaders.

3: Can I tailor my studies within the BPM programme to suit my interests?

Answer: Yes, the BPM programme offers a range of electives covering areas like public procurement, health management, project management, and more. Students can select electives based on their interests, allowing them to customise their learning experience within the public management domain.

4: What skills will I develop during the BPM programme?

Answer: The BPM curriculum hones essential skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, policy analysis, effective communication, and financial management specific to the public sector. Employers across various industries and governmental bodies highly value these skills.

5: How does the BPM programme prepare students for real-world challenges in public management?

Answer: The programme incorporates practical learning methodologies like case studies and real-world projects. This approach allows students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios, preparing them to tackle the complexities and challenges in public management.

6: What support does Regenesys offer to BPM students during their studies?

Answer: Regenesys provides comprehensive support to BPM students, including access to experienced faculty, academic resources, career guidance, and networking opportunities. The institution is committed to fostering a conducive learning environment to ensure student’s success throughout their academic journey.

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