Higher Certificate in Public Management: Choose your Path Wisely at Regenesys

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There are different ways to get a good education and build a successful career in today’s world. Two popular choices are Public Management and Business Administration. They each have their own focus and can lead to different types of jobs. We’ll discuss the differences between these fields and the Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) degree from Regenesys Business School.

Table of Contents

  • What Public Management and Business Administration Are About
  • How They Are Different
  • Choosing the Right Path: What to Think About
  • Regenesys Business School’s Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) Degree
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

What Public Management and Business Administration Are About

Public Management:

Public Management, or PM for short, is all about running organisations that work for the public good. This usually means government agencies, non-profit groups, or international organisations. People in Public Management help ensure public money is used wisely, policies are implemented, and public services are provided effectively.

The Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) is a unique programme for people who want to work in the public sector. It teaches students the skills they need for jobs in public administration, budgeting, making policies, and working with different groups of people.

Business Administration:

On the other hand, Business Administration, sometimes called BA or MBA (Master of Business Administration), is a broader field. It’s about managing businesses of all sizes in various industries. People in Business Administration work in the private sector, dealing with things like money, marketing, and how a business runs.

How They Are Different

Now, let’s look at the main differences between these two fields:

What They Focus On:

  • Public Management (PM): PM is all about helping the public. People in this field work to make society better through good policies, providing services, and using public money wisely.
  • Business Administration (BA/MBA): BA/MBA folks focus on making businesses successful by making money and reaching their goals.

Where They Work:

  • Public Management (PM): PM jobs are usually in the public sector, which includes government, non-profits, and international groups.
  • Business Administration (BA/MBA): People in BA/MBA mostly work in private businesses, ranging from small startups to big companies.

What Skills They Need:

  • Public Management (PM): PM folks need skills like understanding policies, managing money for public use, planning, and talking to different people.
  • Business Administration (BA/MBA): BA/MBA grads need skills in areas like marketing, handling money, human resources, and starting and running businesses.

Ethical Considerations:

  • Public Management (PM): Ethics are very important in PM because it’s about helping the public, so things like being honest and responsible matter a lot.
  • Business Administration (BA/MBA): In business, ethics are important too, but sometimes making a profit can lead to tough ethical decisions.

How Decisions Are Made:

  • Public Management (PM): In PM, decisions are often made in a political and official way, with many rules and people watching.
  • Business Administration (BA/MBA): BA/MBA decisions are usually focused on business and are influenced by competition and what’s happening in the market.

Choosing the Right Path: What to Think About

To pick the right path for you, here are some things to consider:

What You Care About:

Think about what you’re passionate about and what matters to you. If you want to help the public and make society better, PM might be a good choice.

Your Career Goals:

Look ahead to what kind of job you want in the future. If you want to lead in a business, BA/MBA could be a better fit. But if you want to make a difference in the public sector, PM might be the way to go.

Your Skills:

Consider what you’re good at and what you enjoy doing. If you like money matters, marketing, and starting your own business, BA/MBA could be right for you. If you’re into policy and helping people, PM could be your thing.

Ethics Matter:

Think about what you believe is right and wrong. If you care a lot about doing the right thing and serving the public, PM is a good match.

Education Options:

Look at schools like Regenesys Business School, which offers the Higher Certificate in Public Management. Getting a quality education is important for success in either field.

Regenesys Business School’s Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) Degree

If you’re interested in Public Management, Regenesys Business School has the Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM). This programme is designed to teach you what you need to know to work in the public sector. Here’s what you need to know about it:

  • Lots of Topics: The HCPM programme covers a wide range of subjects, like how public policies work, managing money in the public sector, doing the right thing, and leading public organisations.
  • Flexible Learning: Regenesys Business School offers different ways to learn, like online classes or in-person classes, so you can choose what works best for you.
  • Great Teachers: You’ll learn from teachers who have a lot of real-world experience and can share valuable insights.
  • Networking: The school helps you meet other students and people in the industry, which can be really helpful for your career.
  • Global Perspective: The HCPM programme looks at things from a worldwide point of view, so you’ll be ready to work with international organisations and solve global problems.

For more information about the Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) at Regenesys Business School, visit their website here.


When it comes to choosing the right path for your education and career, it’s important to think about what you’re passionate about and what aligns with your values. Public Management and Business Administration are different fields, each with its own unique focus. Take the time to consider your goals, skills, and what matters most to you, and you’ll be on the path to a fulfilling career. If you’re interested in Public Management, the Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) degree at Regenesys Business School could be your gateway to a rewarding career in the public sector. Make an informed choice and start your journey towards a brighter future.

Choose Wisely Between Public Management and Business Administration. Find Your Path Today!


1: What is Public Management (PM)?

Public Management, or PM, is all about managing organisations that work for the public good, like government agencies and non-profits.

2: What is Business Administration (BA/MBA)?

Business Administration, also known as BA or MBA, is about managing and making businesses successful, regardless of their size.

3: What are the main differences between PM and BA/MBA?

PM focuses on public service, while BA/MBA is about making profits. PM is in the public sector, and BA/MBA is in the private sector.

4: Which field is more ethical, PM or BA/MBA?

Both fields have ethics, but PM often emphasises doing what’s right for the public. BA/MBA sometimes faces ethical challenges in pursuit of profit.

5: How do I decide between PM and BA/MBA?

Consider your passion, career goals, skills, and what you believe is right. This will help you choose the path that suits you best.

6. Tell me more about the Higher Certificate in Public Management (HCPM) at Regenesys Business School.

The HCPM programme at Regenesys Business School teaches you about public policies, managing public money, and leadership in the public sector. It offers flexible learning options and a global perspective. You can learn more on their website here.

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Bachelor of Mass Media Vaibhav has been writing Social Media & SEO-based content on various platforms for niches.

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