Bachelor of Laws: Exploring Career Opportunities with Regenesys

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Law touches every aspect of our daily lives. A career in law can be a fulfilling one, with many options to branch into various roles, both practising and nonpractising. 

Interested in becoming a legal practitioner? You need a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree. And to be accepted into this qualification you need to meet certain requirements. This article will provide insight into what high school subjects you should study to qualify for legal studies in South Africa.


  • The Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of law entry requirements
  • Recommended subjects and skills
  • Aligning your path with your purpose

The Bachelor of Laws

The Bachelor of Laws is a four-year, 480-credit, NQF level 8 qualification, equivalent to an honours degree. 

It is one of the most crucial stepping stones to prepare for a career in law. It is also a requirement, in accordance with the provisions of the Legal Practice Act, 28 of 2014, for becoming a legal practitioner in South Africa.

The LLB degree allows graduates to pursue various law paths including, but not limited to, working for the state (as a prosecutor), becoming an attorney or advocate in private practice, or working in the corporate space in an advisory or compliance role.

Your LLB courses will hone your critical thinking and analytical skills, comprehension, public speaking and writing, and the ability to interpret, understand and apply the law in real-world scenarios. 

Bachelor of law entry requirements

To qualify for admission to the bachelor of law at Regenesys Law School you need:

  • An admission points score (APS) of 26 on your National Senior Certificate; or
  • Matric with bachelor degree pass; or
  • If from another African country, A levels with a higher-level pass;


  • English – 50% as a first language, or 60% as a second language

Alternatively, if you are older than 23, have a school-leaving certificate, three years’ relevant work experience, and a pass in Grade 12 or O-level English, you can apply once you have passed an additional short course in English. If you don’t have a school-leaving certificate, you can apply to have a school-leaving certificate Universities South Africa for one. And if you are 45 or older, you can apply without any of these things as long as your English is good.

Proficiency in English is crucial to gaining entry to the LLB degree, as the study and practice of law requires linguistic mastery. The ability to describe, distil and apply legal principles throughout your studies – and thus your command of English, as the language of teaching and learning – is at the heart of the skills required as a future legal practitioner able to interpret, critique and develop the law in a forward-thinking and transformative manner. 

Honing your expertise in English over time will provide a crucial instrument in your arsenal for any court room.

You should also thoroughly enjoy reading. This law degree is a reading-intensive qualification that demands a vast amount of research and analysis of legal resources ranging from legislation, case law, and journal articles to academic writing. Good lawyers know how to find the answers and demonstrate excellent research skills.

LLB degree

Recommended subjects and skills

Recommended subjects include history, business studies and accounting. These subjects provide skills you need both while studying law and when pursuing a career as a legal practitioner. 

These skills include: 

  • Writing essays that are detailed and properly structured;
  • Critical thinking;
  • The ability to analyse case studies and apply your knowledge when problem-solving;
  • Entrepreneurship skills related to running a business, any of the types of juristic entities in South Africa, and the ability to create a business plan; and
  • Numeracy, which you need for legal bookkeeping.

Aligning your path with your purpose

Law is a noble calling. As a lawyer, you will be tasked with protecting the rights of your clients while upholding and promoting the rule of law and justice. You will be held to a high ethical standard in society to serve a purpose greater than yourself and ultimately, to serve the greater good. 

When deciding which career path to follow, make sure it’s aligned with your purpose and calling. Law is a career that will consistently challenge you and provide opportunities for growth. Follow your dreams, and stay the course!

Interested? Find out more about Regenesys’ Bachelor of Laws here.

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LLB CEO | Regenesys Law School Ms Laxton is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa. Besides managing Regenesys’ Law School, she is Regenesys Group’s legal officer. She specialises in National Credit Act litigation, commercial law and labour law.

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