Our days are busy. We seem to be constantly at the beck and call of others. There is never enough time. We live in anxious anticipation of what might go wrong. We spend too little time making sure that our day goes right for us that we attend to our personal needs. Here are fifteen ideas to put more YOU into today.
- Prepare the night before
Before going to bed or after supper, go through your diary for the next day. Get a feel for how the day will unfold. Scan the day so you know when you will have to deal with difficult and complex issues and when you can freewheel for a bit. Then close your diary and put the next day out of your head. Don’t replay possible scenarios over and over in your mind. Get a good night’s sleep.
- Give yourself enough time in the morning.Â
Don’t have your morning be a constant crisis. Get up early so you can have a cup of coffee, enjoy time with your family members. Have a healthy, wholesome breakfast and ease into your day. Take time to leisurely sip another cup of coffee and just enjoy the morning.
- Be cheerful.
Guard the mind talk. Don’t dwell on the negative. Make up your mind that you are going to have a good day. Don’t allow other people’s anger and aggression to poison your mind. Their feelings and crises belong to them. You don’t have to let them live rent-free in your head.
- Read something positive.
Online news and social media can lead us into a spiral of despair. We constantly see reports of problems in the wider world, and we adopt them as our own. Be informed, but make sure to read something positive and encouraging every day.
- Set daily goals.
While you are enjoying your leisurely morning time, list your daily goals and plan how to accomplish them. You can lay out an action plan which pays attention to what is important to you and your life. Build special me-time into your diary.
- Check your mind talk.
You are in control of what goes on in your head. When a negative thought intrudes, acknowledge it, challenge it, and replace it with positivity.
- Eat well.
Follow healthy diet practices by eating three daily meals and a few snacks. Remember that everything is okay in moderation. Eat veggies in abundance. Don’t starve yourself, and don’t be so rigid you never enjoy a meal.
- Take a break.
You scheduled me-time. So, take it. We can’t spend every day in a leisurely state of bliss. We work. We work hard. Whether you feel drained or energised, take a moment to unplug and breathe. Step out into nature or take a power nap. Whatever resets your equilibrium.
- Get physical.
You knew we would get to this! Move your body, especially when you’re feeling tired. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you happy. Happiness helps make the most of your day. You don’t have to get vigorous; try a brisk walk or meditative yoga if you’re not into heavy sweating.
- Show your love.
Let those closest to you know how much you care. Either in person or a call or via a communication platform. You need them and they need you.
- Do something that you enjoy.
Build an enjoyable activity into your day. Reading a book, tending to plants, or coffee with a friend. Apart from the joy of these activities that is also the pleasant anticipation of looking forward to them,Â
- Express yourself.
Speak up in the meeting. Make your insights known. Support others. Share the burden.
- Unwind.
At the end of the day, when you’ve made the most of the sunlight, kick back and make the most of the evening. Create a routine to take care of yourself so that you can make the most of the next day.
- Do what’s right.
Be aware of your moral compass. The right thing isn’t always the easy thing, but it will help you make the most of every day. If something doesn’t feel right then you need to choose to fix it.
- Be kind.
Spread joy wherever you go. Smile at strangers. Make a meal for someone. Donate your time. Call your mom. Pick up trash. Be nice to customer service. The little things make the biggest difference.
Go out there and get the most out of your day!